Saturday, July 31, 2021

"It's Never Too Late To Repent"

“It's Never Too Late To Repent” Now let me tell you it's the last day of another busy week for me. I have done everything on my to do list. Just finished painting three hours on my Amsterdam oil painting. When I finish writing this blog I will be ready to give myself a touch of needed attention. Bubble bath, hair treatment, manicure, and off to bed for a good nights rest. I will start all over again in the morning by attending church, and preparing lunch for Chuck, and I. The first day of the week is always the best day for me. It is when I meet with my church family, and my special friend, Jesus, to be fed my spiritual food for another week. How blessed we are to be privileged to enter the House of God, and worship His Holy Name. None of us know how much longer we will be allowed to do that, but until such time it might happen, let us show God how thankful we are to still be praising His Name. If, and when our church home gets burned down we may be like the Israelite's of old, be carried away to a Babylonian type of capture. I get criticized for speaking negatively like this, but I still believe the Holy Word of God, and this is what I take from it .”God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. “ Believe it or not, I definitely believe it. I am praying like never before for those who still don't believe in the bible, and never open it up. Miracles are still happening, and I believe I will see several happen yet before I die. At my age I may not see the wrath of God at it's worse, but I am positive it will happen. God is a just God, and He will Judge His people accordingly. I can't remember ever standing before a judge except in minor cases, but even that can be scary. The bible tells us God has no favorites, and that He is just, but everyone will be judged. I truly believe if you have no fear of God, then you have no wisdom. Proverbs 9:10. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God.” I cannot apologize for making some people miserable, because I feel sure it takes the fear of God to fully understand His Word. His Love is greater than our sins, but we must confess them to Him. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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