Tuesday, July 20, 2021

"Moving Forward With Faith"

“Moving Forward With Faith” Day three finished on my new re-invented week. Right on schedule with all the things I had planned to do. My recliner looks lonesome these days. And my news briefings have all but vanished. I actually had to have Chuck fill me in today on the latest. He told me about the 11 minute space trip that Jeff Bezos made, and returned disappointing many liberal politicians. Of course it was a joke that was made about hoping he didn't come back. Jeff is said to be the richest man in the world, and liberal politicians were mad because they said he made that billion dollar trip with tax money that should have been theirs. That made me laugh for the first time today. Even my physical strength is improving since I've left the recliner empty so much more. Tomorrow will be Senior Citizen's luncheon day again. I am actually looking forward to that now that I'm back in the habit again. There is one large bunch of smiling seniors attending that place regularly. And those smiles are contagious. No place in Perryton can you find a more happier group. Unity is so important in these times of bitterness, and hate throughout the world. I truly believe our Senior group is the most fitting of any other group in Perryton in keeping with the demand of Bible verse, Galatians chapter 6, verse 2. Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Nothing less than a miracle is the reason for this prosperous little city. I pray I will stay satisfied with what I have here. The rest of the world looks scary. The rest of the evening will be spent resting only. It takes rest to keep a sound mind. Those evenings can be long, and dreary when you live alone, but the clock does keep ticking because I watch the hands slowly move. Sleep is never in a hurry to overtake me, but when I forget to quit rushing it, it slips up on me. By morning time I am so relaxed till I have to make myself get up. I've heart some people say, I take a pill to go to sleep, and a pill to wake me up. I have never done that, but I'll admit it is tempting sometimes. I have a lot to be thankful for, and I never fail to tell God so. I immediately go into my daily routine after I get up. A cup of coffee before a breakfast of bacon, egg, toast and orange juice. Sometimes I have biscuit, and sausage gravy, then a second cup of coffee. I am a firm believer that a good, balanced breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After breakfast I am ready to start a new day. I make sure I have all my business taken care of before I start the fun things. That is my daily routine. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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