Friday, July 16, 2021

"I Won Again Today"

“I Won Again Today” Today was my fifth time in a row to attend the Senior luncheon. I have now made it a habit. I have a few more things I need to make a habit of before I will be back to norm. Some I'm still waiting for the first time to start again. I have everything ready to start painting art again, but so far it hasn't happened. I love to paint. So why can't I get back to doing it again? The hang up I encountered on one of the last portraits has still got me hung up. Until I find a way to fix it, I probably will never start another piece. I just can't forget it, and put it back in storage. Any day now I will be back to working on that beautiful ex-First Lady, Melania Trump in her lovely formal, blue dress. At one time I had it almost satisfactory but decided to touch it up, then it turned into a total disaster. I refuse to be a loser on this one. Watch for a finished image of what I call beautiful. Due to my set-back in so many things in my life I am now happy to report that I am feeling like I have won the battle over laziness. I kept hearing these words, “If you don't use it you lose it.” I did not want to lose my happy life style, so I took to the rescue. I had decided to just sit back and let the evil enemy destroy our freedom. It looked like to me there was nothing else to do. The man-created virus was the final weapon the enemy needed to destroy America, in my opinion. I still am having trouble fighting with the lasting effects of it, as the threat keeps going on. But I have been made a stronger fighter, and I will not give into those terrifying threats again. Every day I feel more strength to fight than the day before. Yes I know that a great number of the worlds population has been destroyed in almost the blink of an eye, but as long as we keep our faith in God, we will not die prematurely. I may have a whole new display of art before that time comes. I may even be eating lunch at the Center years from now. If these things don't happen it won't be because I wasn't fighting. God can still divide the sea, and take us through on dry ground. Choose this day whom you will serve. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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