Saturday, July 3, 2021

"Amazing Grace Indeed"

“Amazing Grace Indeed” I have enjoyed having company for the past three days, but after they left this morning I am now feeling lost. I always know I will be found, because it happens so often these days of living alone. In the mean time I won't pretend to be something I am not. If I'm lonely I will say so, if I'm sad I will say so. If I am happy I will say so. Only if I'm angry then it's up to you to decide, except in extreme cases. There is a difference in angry, and different opinions. At the end of the day I am always normal, whatever that means. I am more than thankful for this one Friend who is by my side daily, and ready to comfort, and lets me know He is never far away. Every day of my life now is proof that I have been watched over, and blessed since the day I was born. I have to give my parents most of the credit for that. I have to say I have weathered many hard storms, and at times was ready to give up, but have always found my way back to the One whom had never left me in the first place. I trust I will complete my journey here on earth without rushing it up. My God knows when He is ready for me. I pray for patience, and staying capable to do my job. I want people to know they are welcome to come visit me anytime even without calling to let me know. I have been told that some have tried to visit me, even rang the door bell, but I did not answer. I am very hard of hearing, and even with hearing aids it doesn't help. I have told them to open my door and yell at me. If my door opens then I am at home. I am either in a back room at the computer, or painting art. The television is always on, and it is hard for me to hear my door bell. I would advise would be robbers that I do have ways to call for quick help if I need to. I have nothing in particular that a robber would want, but now a days so many have lost their minds. By my saying this you may have already guessed I live in a small town with very little crime. How much longer I can say this is unknown. Crime is rising everywhere everyday, This world has become a very wicked, dangerous place to live in. I truly believe we all need each other to share our burdens with. Some of my husband's famous words were, “when I am down she is up when she is down I am up.” How much more do we need to hear these words after one of the couple have passed on. We still have that invisible One, but even still we need each other. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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