Sunday, July 4, 2021

"Who Cares About The Church"

“Who Cares About The Church” Our Pastor delivered a good 4th of July sermon this morning. He didn't fail to mention all the men, and women who have fought down through the years to keep our Christian Nation strong, and safe. Also even this day they are still defending our County. God, our Commander, and Chief, is still winning this bloody, sinful battle. Our Pastor preaches regularly that we will never give up. I stand firmly behind him on this statement. We as Christians, must put forth every effort possible to help fight this ragging war. It's always been a tradition every 4th of July to celebrate the freedom The United States won, and became Independent. It was a time for families to get together, and pop firecrackers, and feast on wonderful food. As far back as I can remember we as children, could hardly wait for that big day to arrive. Our parents made sure we always had firecrackers, and the girls had sparklers. Now two hundred, and some odd years later we are on the verge of losing that freedom we have enjoyed so much. Some places in America have already lost it, and cannot even fly their flags peacefully. I believe every place in America has lost much of their freedom. I wonder just how many luke-warm Christians are riding the fence. We must take a stand before it's too late. There is no excuse for saying, “I can't do anything. I'm staying home, and praying.” Do these people not know that the more match sticks in a pile is harder to break than a few? There are a few times in the bible when a small number of warriors won victory over a multitude of fighters, but only because God took things into his own hands. Can God do the same thing again today? Of course He can, but will He forgive those who would not even offer a hand to physically support the main fighters? I do not want to risk that possibility. As long as I can possibly be in church, I will be there. That is if the church has not lost their purpose in being there in the first place. There has to be a reason other than habit. If I cannot feel God's Spirit in a church, then it's time to move on. God did not give us a mind of confusion, but is the author of peace as in all churches of the Saints. 1 Corinthians 14:33. Just be at church to be counted as those who faithfully honored God, and no other reason. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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