Saturday, July 24, 2021

"Walking By Faith Not By Sight"

“Walking By Faith Not By Sight” So far my day has been very satisfactory. I painted almost two hours on the Amsterdam beauty, and it is beginning to look natural. I made myself biscuits with sausage gravy for breakfast this morning. I took the left-over roast added carrots, potatoes, celery, onions, and gravy covered it with a thick crust then baked it for an hour. I had that for lunch with a dish of banana pudding I made yesterday. After I finish this blog I have to start my own beauty shop treatments. Such as naturalizing my hair, manicuring my nails, deciding on something to wear to church tomorrow, and washing dishes since I've left them till last. I think I'm well on my way to a successful day. That partly means I will be fighting with faith haters tomorrow. It never fails that they don't try and destroy what I've accomplished. I stay prepared for it because it has been happening to me since the day, many years ago, when I was told by the Holy Spirit that it would be sure to happen. I thank God for every battle He has helped me win. I have never lost one yet because I still have joy at 88 years old. However, that is after I have cried enough tears to float a battleship, but joy always comes in the night. Our loving Savior, Jesus, wept the bible tells us, so I am thankful that I can have the same compassion as He, and weep. He finished His fight, now He is helping me finish mine. You may not hear me, nor see me praising Jesus, but it never ceases. If you don't see me at church it does not mean I've given up. It probably means I'm spending time with Jesus alone. “There are days I'd like to be all alone with Christ my Lord, I can tell Him all my troubles all alone,” What has happened to the precious old church hymns? I'm glad I have a million of them stored in my heart. While you may be singing the modern type of praises, I am silently singing the old fashion praises. Can we agree we have that right? I can agree. I worship the way I feel, and I expect you to do the same. That is called being led by the Spirit. I would love to see more emotional type worship, but not the already planned type, or what is ordinarily done. My plea is Lord show us where we are failing, because I do believe we are failing as a church in this day and time. The church is God's Temple, we should be more attentive of it. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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