Friday, July 9, 2021

“Put On Your Happy Hat” I enjoyed another lunch at The Senior Citizens Center today. I am slowly winning this stay-at-home attitude I developed when everything had to shut down so long because of the covid. At least I can force myself to get out and fight like heck to become normal again. It takes a strong will powered person to deal with the consequences that terrible man-made disease made on everyone. Especially on those who stay read up on their bibles. I truly believe we are entering the phase of world-wide deaths when the bible speaks about one third of the people will be killed at once. However, we can be victorious over that thought if we truly trust God. I will not continue to live with a defeated attitude any longer. My friends at The Center are a great inspiration to be with. We lost a few from the disease, and we miss them greatly, but their memories are still very present. Our attendance is back to normal, and this member can say the same. We will fight as long as we have breath against the terrible, evil that has gained so much control over our country. Thank You Lord for giving us courage to press on. I am expecting a full recovery to many who are shuffling with their walk because of awful grief they are having to deal with brought on because of the virus. We are winners already. I cannot be more proud of some of our government leaders who have never given into defeat one ounce. Some of you may not know this, but I am sure God has chosen them to be little David's who was the one who slew the Giant. I truly believe we have enough to kill the worlds Giant. Let us be patient, and keep the faith. “All things work together for good to them that love The Lord.” I put on my happy hat today, took my picture and posted it on face book. Let us all wear our happy hats, and smile for God. I have several more to wear as time goes by. And let us not forget to ask God for forgiveness every day for our sins. We sin in spite of our effort not to. We are all humans, and the bible says “he who says he has no sin is sinning already.” I have had a great week for the first time in over a year. I am still not without trials, but I have the strength to bear them. This world is not my home, I'm just a passing through. My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the moon. Amen. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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