Monday, July 12, 2021

"It Takes A Hero To Produce A Zero"

“It Takes A Hero To Produce A Zero” I have kept my word so far this week. I attended the Senior Citizen's luncheon today, and enjoyed it thoroughly. I already feel back at home, after missing the luncheons for over a year. I think more people are starting to feel the same, because the crowds are about the same now as before the Corona virus. The membership in this place is beyond destroying. I am proud to be one of the many members. Today we had Mexican pile-on, and a large dinner plate is not big enough to hold all the good stuff so they just call it Mexican pile-on. Everything that the cooks could possibly think of is on the serving table. The best in the west I promise. That goes for the members also. The best that God ever created. Anyone 50 or over can become a member by only paying a small membership due. We had to shut down for about three months at the first of the virus, except for carry-outs, but finally people began to start coming back. What a great bunch of hero's we have. I'm not one of the hero's because it took me too long to make a come-back, but I am treated as one just the same. I think I got woke up to who might be first to enter the Pearly Gates of Heaven. I need to improve my Spiritual exercise. Tomorrow is another work day for me, and then Wednesday, the following day, I plan to be present at The Center again. The luncheons are served three times a week. I have attended three times since my come-back, and they say after the fifth time a habit is formed. I like two more times, then I will be in the habit of never missing, except for necessary reasons. I'm sorry to boast, but I am so proud of myself. I am now an over-comer of a very powerful, demonized, disease that destroyed millions of people around the world. I'm not saying it's all over, but I am saying I am stronger now than before. I believe my friends at the Center are well prepared for whatever is coming next. I know who they are now much more than before this epidemic. The American flag was never, or will never, be taken down for any demon power that visits us again. We are proud of it's constant presence in our midst. I may stand to be proved of what I'm saying, but I feeling very strong at this present time. A feeling I did not have a few weeks ago. I feel sure that every member in our Center is aware of the dark future, but they are also aware of the Saving Grace of our Lord. Their eyes are upon that Savior. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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