Monday, July 5, 2021

"Is It Old Age Or True Love"

“Is It Old Age Or True Love” It looks like this 4th of July has turned out to be a four day holiday. I called two places today that I needed to talk with, and both were closed due to the holiday. The mail was also closed down. The United States is becoming farther, and farther in debt partly because of allowing too much pleasure time to most employees. Many are refusing to work because they get paid more to stay at home. The tax payers, and shoppers are feeling the effects every time they pay to own a house, or buy food to eat. In my opinion it is helping China to gain more ownership of America. The old saying is true, “robbing Peter to pay Paul.” It doesn't exactly make for a happier life as we grow older. I can still say God has been good to me, and helped me with all my uncontrollable finances. I could say I'm in debt to Him, but I might be insulting Him if I did. The world, and all it's content is already His. The more we thank Him, and honor His Word the more He blesses us. He does not hold us accountable for those who make bad decisions in life, and make debts they cannot pay. He will always see the faithful, wise, and choose to back off when they see their mistakes, He will always help them to gain. I also believe this means more then finances, it means health, and joy, peace, and happiness. I stay at home alone most of the time, because I believe I am sheltered there, and can stay in touch with my Lord on a daily basis. Like a little child if I wonder too far I might become so contented that I forget my way back. For many years I have never done that yet. I need God more, and more every day. He is my comforter, my provider, my healer, and my soon-coming King. As long as I stay true to Him He will stay true to me. I heard John Denver sing his famous song today, “Take me home where I belong,” meaning he was tired of being famous living in the mountains, and was ready to cone home to his modest country life where he belonged. I believe everyone who is truly honest would prefer their simple, modest life instead of money, and fame. Far too many can never find their way back, and end up committing suicide. Depression is not like a common cold. It is a disease that requires more than medication. I believe it requires a new walk with God, without holding anything back from Him. I have experienced several depressed, and finally dementia friends who have not been able to return to normal minds, and it is a very sad thing to have to see. It is only my opinion, but I feel like the disease could have been prevented had the person recognized the symptoms and changed their way of thinking. Because I loved them I still suffer part of their misery. Let us be thankful for what we have, and never forget to tell it to God daily. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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