Thursday, July 22, 2021

"Save The Best For Last"

“Save The Best For Last” I have my work days for the week over with now. I can start my fun time tomorrow. My body says I must rest the rest of the day. I fully agree with it. I did a lot of pulling up, and cutting weeds out of Chuck's garden today. We've had our first ripe tomatoes, and will be having some fresh green beans next week. Also a big nice cantaloupe. Due to all the rain we've had we have had to fight weeds every day. But this good fresh garden stuff is worth it. Chuck sprays weed killer, and I pull in places where he can't spray. I left Chuck's house with an aching back,.but I can recline without feeling guilty the rest of the evening. However, tomorrow I must hasten to make a big attraction on my Amsterdam painting. I've been letting the paint dry for three days, but it's time to wet it up again. I can't start on it until after the Senior luncheon. Then it's hard to change the fun attitude to a serious image of a place I've never seen before except by picture. It requires a lot of imagination to say the least. Some images are hard for me to identify, because of the distant view in the photograph. Parked cars looks like small dots forming a long row. Then in a closer view large bicycles parked on a bridge looks like normal size wheels. A lot of the rest will have to be my guess as to what they are. Trees,.shrubbery, flowers, buildings, or possible a lot of other different things. But it's fun trying to make it all come alive. I was told today by a dear loved one that there were not any invisible demons. I would like to direct them to a scripture in the bible that differs with their belief. St, Luke chapter 22, verse 1-3. Describing how Jesus could be betrayed, and the chief priests and scribes of the Jews could find Jesus and kill him. Verse3 Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve. (Jesus' own disciples.) Judas then went to the priest, and captains, and told them how he could let them know who Jesus was. They were pleased, and offered Judas money. My friend it wasn't Judas speaking to betray Jesus, it was Satan who had entered into Judas. Yes, one of Jesus own disciples betrayed Him because Satan had entered into him. I pray that this scripture will somehow cause my loved one to wake up to the power of Satan. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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