Wednesday, July 14, 2021

"Hurrah for The Joy Of Hugging"

“Hurrah For The Joy Of Hugging” What a nice lunch I had today at the Center. Brisket, potato salad, baked beans cold slaw, hot rolls, and cold bread pudding. I have attended the last four lunches, so I just like one more then I will be in the habit again. I already am beginning to feel like a bird let out of a cage. I have a ways to go yet before I will be back to normal, but I'm working on it every day. The harm that the covid has caused people can never be completely erased, however I'm amazed at the progress so many have made in making a come back. Only those of us who keep letting this virus have the credit for all of our problems are the ones who will lag in their normalcy. There has never been such a thing as a perfect world. Adam and Eve destroyed what would have been perfect when they let the serpent deceive them. We are all victims of sinful lust. The bottom line is we came into this world to live, and to die. Those of us who are still living should make the best of the rest of our lives. If I understand the book of Psalms it means to have a praise on our lips at all times, for the things God has already done for us all. Never ever let us blame others for our own mistakes. Also let us never fail to tell people when they have been a blessing to us. I need to make a great improvement on the last bit of advise I spoke of. It's easy to give thanks to a crowd if we have the floor, so to speak, but sometimes it needs be to thank the individual, with a big hug. That's another gesture I am giving a lot of credit to the virus for “not happening much anymore.” “Keep six feet apart.” But before the virus what kept us from hugging? I can never tell you how much I enjoy a tight hug from people I know. But the old saying goes,”to have a friend one must show themselves friendly.” Then there's the old saying that goes like this, “actions speaks louder than words.” Both quotes are an absolute fact. So if we ever had the hug habit lets start it up again. If we never had it, lets start making a habit to do it. I'm putting the “hug request” at the top of my daily prayer request. I believe this is our greatest weapon to use against Satan. He hates the word LOVE, and will do anything to keep it out of his hearing. When he hears the word Jesus, he has to leave immediately. Let's keep him on the run from now on. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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