Sunday, July 25, 2021

"Me Myself And God"

“Me Myself And God” Today is a beautiful Sunday. After church I had a good lunch then couldn't resist the invitation from my bed to lie down awhile. It was a short rest and now I am good to go again. My yard man will be coming any minute to mow. Since he works all week he has to mow on week-ends. I have to stay home to pay him when he finishes since I didn't make other plans to be gone. This is the first day of my new week, and I am well on my schedule. Last week was a great success. Just had one day of any interference. It makes me anxious to start the new week off. Sunday is suppose to be rest day, so I'm not fretting about nothing to do. I have been thinking that I need to mention a scripture I read in my bible last night just before I went to bed. It struck me then as it strikes me now that I should share it for some reason. This is a scripture from the Psalmist David. Psalms 146: 1-5. Praise ye the Lord. Praise the Lord, O my soul. While I live will I praise the Lord: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being. PUT NOT YOUR TRUST IN PRINCES, NOR IN THE SON OF MAN, IN WHOM THERE IS NO HELP. HIS BREATH GOETH FORTH, HE RETURNETH TO HIS EARTH ; IN THAT VERY DAY HIS THOUGHTS PERISH, HAPPY IS HE THAT HATH THE GOD OF JACOB FOR HIS HELP, WHOSE HOPE IS IN THE LORD HIS GOD. Why is King David warning people not to put their trust in Princes, nor the son of man? It was King David's own father-in-law who tried for years to find him so he could kill him. This is after King David's father-in-law had highly praised him for killing the giant, and killing thousands of Palestinian enemies who would continue to try and kill his people. Samuel, David's father-in-law, was a prophet and anointed the first two kings of Israel. He was considered by many as the greatest judge. Acts 13-20. Samuel became jealous of David, his son-in-law, and wanted him killed. David fled for his life, leaving his wife, daughter of Samuel, behind. This should give us a little insight on why the Psalmist David spoke those words in the 146th chapter of Psalms. Samuel died before David became king of Israel. When Samuel died David asked for his wife back. She had married again, and I cried when I read that her husband followed the mule that was taking her back to David. He was crying every step of the why. There is much more to this story, but I think I've said enough, God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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