Friday, July 30, 2021

"Fear Not I Am With You"

“Fear Not I Am With You” The two runaways from our table at the Center were still not back today. They will have a lot of explaining to do. It doesn't take that long to drive to Waco, Texas where the Gene Watson concert was held last night, These gals are strutting their stuff, and may forget to come back. At least we who are left behind hope they are having fun because they truly do deserve it. We just miss them too much. We had a good catfish dinner with all the trimmings today. No one can cook catfish as good as our cook. We were proud to have some first time visitors today. Hope they will be coming back. Our main concern at the Center now is the quick spreading of a new delta variant virus which is predicted to be even worse than the Corona 19. We must lift up our voices to the Almighty God to protect us from all evil. Most of us at the Center believe He will keep us safe, and all together. We never want to be locked out of our friendship, and fellowship hall again. We must all stay positive, and be present at our gatherings as much as possible. This battle can be won no other way. Let us continue to be faithful to our Blessed Senior Center, As this week is coming to an end, I wonder if I have done enough to please my Lord. No one knows if they will have another week to labor or not. I do believe for sure things are not going to get better. When I speak of being positive, I'm mostly saying don't give in another inch to the wicked evil. Hold tight to what we have left, and of course pray for more strength to endure. If that sounds like weak faith, remember to read your bibles daily. It does not promise us a life of no pain nor struggle, but a healer to those who trust God, and make Him their lifeguard. I feel like we fail most when we look around and see that someone is missing from our presence who used to be a regular. Maybe some know why they are not present anymore, but do I? Do we act as if it doesn't matter? Guilty. But where do I get the wisdom to inquire without sounding nosey? Of course this is a seldom case, but it does happen sometimes. Maybe we need to seek God's wisdom more sometimes. Or maybe we just need to take that person before God, and ask Him to bring that person back to us. I've waited long enough. I will do one or the other soon. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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