Tuesday, July 13, 2021

"Signed Sealed And Delivered"

“Signed Sealed And Delivered” As I sit down to write this blog today I'm very tired. I have had a big day at work, and it followed a night of some devastating news. Nothing that I hadn't been expecting, but even so it is hard to accept. I had promised myself that when the time came for me to accept I would not be troubled about important decisions, and fear of caving. That final time had not happened yet, but something connected with the last days of preparing did. I was strong, and with Gods help, made a quick decision, although it still could change. I though I could sleep in peace, and asked God to help me do so, but my frequent trips to the bathroom, and little sleep must have had an effect on me today. I have felt tired all day. 'Somehow I still feel peace, and wonder if I didn't prematurely think the last few hours of life for my loving middle son had come. It was his daughter who called me to tell me she could do no more for her dad. She was beyond making sense, and I could hardly understand her. To me this little grand daughter is an angel who has for years been bound by an ugly spirit who seemingly she can't free herself from. I could write for hours about the successful, hard fight she has lived for since a young child. Because I know the very depth of her determination to never give up, I will never give up on her. I call her my baby because I love her so much. She has overwhelmed me time, and time again with the strides she has taken to beat the odds with her endeavors. I have to believe that she is the younger generation of a Job. She is desperately trying to help her dad to heal, but that old evil spirit has just about gotten the best of her. I have to be the stronger of them both. I am now feeling like my son is not giving up, like my grand daughter made me to think. I believe he is far from it, although I know he is in a critical condition. This is the fifth year since my son was sent home from the hospital in hospice care to die. He was living with me at that time. I was calm, but started working with him to try and get some food down. He was easy, and eager to open his mouth for a spoonful of ensure. It only took a few hours for him to improve. The hospice nurse had not called yet, and two days later she did call to see when we wanted her to come. I told her she didn't need to come because my son was out working on his car. Now we have a liver problem, but was not told that at the first. We were never told exactly what his problem was although the doctors hinted at several different things. I never intended to put this personal story on the blog, but it just started coming out the minute I sat down to write. I will take the anger some might have for me about doing so, but I have obeyed my feelings to tell others about the Great, Loving Power, of an Almighty God. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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