Sunday, July 11, 2021

"Choose Now To Read Or Not To Read"

“Choose Now To Read Or Not To Read” I am very supportive of our Minister at the Harvest Assembly of God Church in Perryton, Texas when he delivers a sermon on a subject that many do not want to hear. As late as this morning he was preaching his heart out on warning people to be prepared in the near future to making a choice that will determine their sincerity in The Lord, Jesus Christ. That is the message I believe he was implying. I have been reading many such thoughts coming from bible scholars of all different faiths. They declare that the Covid Virus is the 666 described in Revelations chapter 13, verse 17. I personally have believed from the early beginning of this Virus break out that it was the beginning of the fulfillment of the 666 prophesy. “No man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast,or the number of his name.” If this is not a freighting choice to make, then what is it? If one believes the bible they cannot deny this prophesy. The Minister was positive that everyone will be making that choice before long, At least that is what I got from his message. There is a whole new detail about if you do take the final mark that will make anyone want to tremble. Everyone knows that already many are refusing to take the Covid vaccine, which is causing mega lawsuits, and worse than that suicides. It is my believe that millions of what we call “good people” will not even give it a second thought before following through with every suggestion the evil left makes. I have heard since early childhood that even devout Christians will be too weak to refuse the mark, just as Peter told Christ that he, Peter, would never deny Jesus. Peter denied Jesus before the cock crowed thrice. Yes, my friends I believe that the time has come to separate the sheep from the goats. That is the reason so many of the churches today are almost empty. There are still many churches that will never reach that point, because they would not have any members left if they did. I am not one to believe that everyone who makes mistakes are going to hell. But I do believe that like Peter, they will not reap the full benefits of staying faithful to their promise. I am far from being perfect, but I know that so I pray every day for wisdom, and strength to live the best life I possible can. I truly believe that when God told me early in my Christian life that, He would never leave me nor forsake, I believed Him, and I still believe. I fear God with everything I do, because I know He will not fail to punish me when I do wrong. He is a just God, and will not allow anyone to escape their punishment including me. That's why I love Him so much. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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