Saturday, July 10, 2021

"Sleepless Dreaming Is Wonderful"

“Sleepless Dreaming Is Wonderful” I love these 10 minute naps, and mile long dreams. Sometimes I think my life has turned into a dream. Good dreams, bad dreams, but never anything I can remember. I guess that is the good part about them. I doubt if I ever sleep a minute without a dream. In fact my sleep is very sporadic anymore. I might sleep an hour, then stay awake an hour. Some nights are better than others, but I hear from others that I am just a typical older person. A life of retirement is not all that great. However, I'm not complaining. I look back now and wonder how I worked a full time job, raised four children, and never missed church. I never had any trouble sleeping like a log all night long. I don't remember having very many, if any dreams. I enjoyed my life then, but I don't want to live it over. I am thankful, and blessed to have a good life still today, except for the sleeping part. Today is Saturday, and tomorrow I will be going to church. I have had a full week of activities. I did my two short day job, went to the Senior Center Center for lunch two days, and pulled weeds out of the garden part of two days. I took care of business, and cooked for Chuck, and I every day. That is a big plus for me. I had become so lazy I had to make myself do everything I did. Now I look forward to those things that I used to dislike. I plan to do the same routine again next week. Life is what we make it to be. My greatest desire is to help people be happy. I can't do that entirely from my recliner. I will share my blessings always. I have so many wonderful friends whom I'm so thankful for. All of my extended family are special to me. I do not see how anyone can hold anger or jealousy in their hearts. I may not approve of everything some do, but I will never insult them purposely My hope is only to help someone overcome what I feel like is doing harm to them. If they choose to hate me that is their problem, but I will never hate them. I realize there is a thin line between condemning, and condoning, but we must remember God is still the judge. The bible tells us to love our enemies, and pray for them. How do I define my enemies? I won't even try. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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