Monday, July 19, 2021

"Another Comment From Me"

“Another Comment From Me” At this time I'm very tired, but I have a good reason to be. I cleaned my kitchen this morning before I got ready and went to the Senior Luncheon. Then I came home and have been painting on the large canvas I bought just for the beautiful Amsterdam. I painted for almost three hours without stopping. It is extremely tiring for me because I have to reach so far to paint the top. 36 by 36 is much taller than my head after I place it on the easel. This will be the largest painting I have ever done. I'm sure I will have many hours, maybe months in it before it's finished. But the therapy it gives me is worth every hour. I put a roast on before I started painting so I won't have to cook for a couple of days. It will last Chuck, and I till the next luncheon, Wednesday. I'm sure I will be putting some in the freezer also. It is a huge roast. I do have a call or two to make when I finish this blog. I am so thankful for the help God has given me in getting my life back to normal. The past couple of years have been hard, but now I am enjoying every minute of my life. I'm not saying I won't have more struggles to deal with, but it's sure nice to have some happy days again. Perfect peace is my constant companion these days. I ASKED FOR IT, AND I GOT IT. I will forever more praise my Lord. For those who get their teaching from some humankind, let me tell you the bible tells us man will fail. It also tells us that THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL TEACH US ALL THINGS, AND HE WILL NEVER FAIL.I have been taking advise from the Holy Spirit since my first invitation from Him, shortly after my conversion. When someone quotes something to me that a well known religious leader has spoken, I will not pay any attention to it. Man was made to fail, and it's a proven fact, so tell it to someone else. We are taught to be respectful to authority, and I will be, but there is a difference between respectful, and giving up our God given rights. When one does this they are ignoring the Holy Spirit's teaching. I truly believe we are close to the time when all will bow down to Satan or loose their life. Who will be able to stand the test? I stand on the Word of God that promises us God will not allow His True Believer's to suffer corruption. Are you still trusting in man, or The Holy Spirit? God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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