Wednesday, June 30, 2021

"It's Not Funny But Laugh Anyway"

“It's Not Funny But Laugh Anyway” I think my patience is being tried. Today has been almost unbearable. I have been forgetting things since yesterday that is almost impossible for me. If it continues then I'm going to say there is no hope for me. That brain of mine is not going to give into that thief for a long time yet. I have someone who will never let it happen. All they ask is that I trust Him. I will because I am a strong believer in this all powerful Spirit that gave me life in the first place. I have several friends and loved ones who have given up on their ability to overcome the downfalls of life, but I am not about to give up. If I can't find my medicine then I will just go and get another prescription like I did today. If I forget to put the apartment number on the envelope, but I'm not sure, I will just call my sister and tell her to meet the mailman like I did yesterday. It worked because my prompt nephew was there today to get the mail which I had forgotten to put the apartment number on. When you live in an apartment complex with over one hundred apartments, without the number the mailman has no way of knowing which box to put it in. This delivery had to be made today, because it was very important. So far I have managed to come up with a solution without much effort. But how long my brain is going to fight for me is the big question. Nothing more than aggravation has happened to me yet. I have an appointment with my cardiologist tomorrow. I'm going to make sure I don't tell him everything I know about myself. I can handle my problem with the help of God better than the doctor can handle it. But I will always keep my appointments. God bless our doctors, and nurses. God bless our sweet children, and grandchildren, God bless those sweet friends who are always ready to share their help. Someday the rewards will be passed out, and I am sure a celebration of appreciation will be in place. Hallelujah to our King. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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