Wednesday, June 23, 2021

"My Joy Remains Full Speed"

“My Joy Remains Full Speed” We all dread the possibility of becoming dementia before we die. I personally know many who have fallen to this awful disease. Being a caregiver I have cared for several who were victims to this awful change of life. It's very heartbreaking, but sometimes I think it must be somewhat nice not to remember so many bad times in one's life when we were crushed by someone we loved. Not to mention the many times someone we loved were taken from us by death. Recalling all these heartbreaking times has got to be almost unbearable at times. In fact I wonder if some ever remember the many times they have crushed a persons heart. If they don't recall now, they definitely will some day. I plead with God not to punish anyone who has beaten me up, because like Stephen in the bible when he was being stoned for loving Jesus, looking up to heaven crying. “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” I wonder what the world would be like if we had more Stephen's. I'm sorry to have to say this, but I believe the bible to declare in the last days there will be more murders to people like Stephen than ever before. It's not a good thing to think about, but I am trying hard to become a “Christ Lover” as much as Stephen was. Then there was Jesus Himself who died a terrible death for loving sinners like you, and me. I personally think it is disrespectful to watch movies of Jesus pain, and death. I will never watch such shameful images of my Savior no matter how much publicity they get. It's bad enough to read the bible, and know what happened without watching some money seekers try and show me. So life goes on, and by God's mercy I believe I can withstand any criticism that is thrown at me. Those who suffer for Christ's sake will someday wear a Golden Crown. Those who wrongfully accuse others will wear a crown of thrones just like the one they help put upon Christ's head. I know I am of my own opinion, but it sounds pretty certain to me when I read my bible. However, I would say to my Heavenly Father, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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