Friday, June 4, 2021

"A Thanksgiving Message"

“A Thanksgiving Message” After buying groceries today, then making a quick trip to Liberal, Kansas to get a few items, I am very tired. I rested about an hour before coming to the computer to write my blog. Nothing interesting has happened the past few days, but I did meet up with an old friend at the grocery store. She had moved away from Perryton about thirteen years ago. I didn't know she and her husband had moved back. It was so nice to see her, and hopefully will be seeing her a lot more. I invited her to the Senior Citizens Center for lunch, and fellowship three times a week. She seemed interested, and maybe she will be the boost I needed to get started back after the long absence because of the Corina Virus. There is nothing any of us need more than each other to share our joys, and concerns with. The Center is where you will find those kind of friends, always. We can never thank the few who labored long, and faithfully to keep that place open, and coming back to full capacity. Then there were those behind the scene who gave more than their share to meet the expenses, while the tables were almost empty. God bless these loving people who have already been blessed, and was able to pay the Center's bills. I think I was one of those who got lost during the shuffle, but have slowly found my way back. It was a scary time, but with God's help we are feeling safe again. Our red, white, and blue flag is still standing, and it will take a lot more than the Corona Virus to take it down. We have lost a few of our special members since this virus broke out, but only God knows why they were taken. They were true, and loyal servants to our Center, and they will always be missed, and never forgotten. If we will just keep talking positive, I believe the doubts will soon completely disappear. It still looks like the odds are against us, but little, by little the evil is coming to light. Our prayer is that God will punish every person who took part in this evil, destructive, deadly crisis, and shine His glory on us all. I think I made an effort today to stay positive, although it is going to take an effort every day, I am sure. I am on my way. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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