Friday, June 18, 2021

"Don't Lose Your Vision Of Jesus"

“Don't Lose Your Vision Of Jesus” While reading my bible last night, Psalms 84: 9 and 10 shook me up. The verse that said one day in God's Temple is better than a thousand anywhere else. I thought about the many, (once upon a time,) faithful attendants of God's house, but now are staying home. Lots of them are saying, but we watch the sermons on television. I'm sorry to say, but I believe the bible means what it says when it reads, “forsake not the assembling of yourselves together.” God's Temple as we know it is called the church, or the House of God. I have seen so many people these past few years who are going from one church to another trying to find one that pleases them. I can truly say I am not guilty of that although, I was a member of a church other than the one I called my church home, for several years. I feel no remorse for that, because I was in God's Temple. Recently God has called me back to my home church, and I feel like if I'm the last person attending, I will stay there. It makes no difference if I am not one of the main leaders, I thank God that He didn't call me for that purpose. I am in The Temple of The Lord, and that is all that matters. My feeling now is no other place would I feel like I was in God's Temple. Of course God has many Temples, and He is pleased with most of them. But I believe He does require us to be faithful to the one He chose for us, not the one we chose for ourselves. And staying home when there is no excuse except we can't find a church that suits us is totally unacceptable. If we as new attendants and do not fit the laws, and rules of the church's doctrine, unless we are told we are not welcome we should stay where God put us. We do not have to be members to be in the House of God in most instances. I don't find anywhere in the bible where we have to conform to any church rules. We have ministers who preach God's Word, but they cannot change a person's personal belief. That is The Holy Spirit's job. I may draw a difference of opinion here, but I don't believe any church representative has the right to judge the people who only want to be in The House of God. I would like to see some more interest shown by church members to those who are looking to find a friendly, Christ-like attitude, when they come to visit. I will admit that sometimes I am tempted to join the stay-at-home rejectors, so to speak, but I have been warned of the consequences if I do. It pays to be in The House of God. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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