Thursday, June 10, 2021

"A Dirt Digger I Am"

“A Dirt Digger I Am” I helped Chuck plant some garden today. We set out eight tomato plants, and planted a row of green beans. The cantaloupe plants are in full bloom already, and some of the tomato plants were blooming before we got them put out. Chuck has a passion for raising garden, but he, and I both are almost beyond garden work anymore. Those garden tools just won't let us put them away. The spake, rake, and hoe are always nearby. Now that I'm home, I am doing what I enjoy most, typing whatever comes to my mind, so I can see what the Lord has for me to do next. I believe my messages are more for me than anyone else; but what would life be like if we couldn't share? I also enjoy reading others messages. Wish more people would write more. I visited with Chuck's next door neighbor today. We both were in our back yards at the same time so it was a good time to stand under the shade of some trees, and talk our heads off. I do love this precious little lady. She is so talented, and we both have so many things in common. It was lunch time, and she offered to share some chicken salad sandwiches with Chuck, and I, but I had made a large meatloaf earlier, and made scalloped potatoes, and collard greens. This special lady cannot be beat so far as making you feel important. She was in her late fifties when she married the first time, but that guy could not have found a more loving, and caring wife. He realizes that too. They have been married now just over eight years. A lovely couple totally in love. The best thing this friend and I have going together is we both love our Lord, and talk about Him a lot. I haven't had time to rest since I've been home so I will hurry and finish this little gabby story, and find my recliner. How thankful I am to be blessed so much with both material, and spiritual things. God knows exactly what I need, and He always supplies it. Sometimes I tell Him what I need, and He also gives that. I wasn't raised to be a spoiled child, so I know not to ask for more than I really need. However, He tells us in His Word to ask, and we shall receive. I believe He wants us to tell him what we need. Usually I ask for peace, and guidance. I do often ask Him for strength to endure grief, which I have experienced a lot. He is my comforter. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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