Wednesday, June 16, 2021

"Flying The Friendly Skies"

“Flying The Friendly Skies” My son, Kent, just called me from Hawaii. He said they were having a great time in a Paradise. He, and his wife, and some others left yesterday to spent a week on that beautiful Island. I have never been there, but really have no desire to go. I have never been one to like traveling abroad. Kent, and his wife love traveling and have been in several different countries. I guess I am just prejudice of my own country, The United States. To me non other can compare. However, I do believe in exchanging friendship with all other countries. It is all God's creation, and He has no favorites. Hawaii is part of the United States, but I see a little less than proud of it from most Hawaiians. This world would not turn if it was one-sided. Let's keep the wheels balanced. I have felt so energetic today since getting the good news yesterday about my health issues. Sometimes nothing but worry is our greatest sickness. My doctor told me I was in good shape, so today I am celebrating. I just took a big pecan pie out of the oven. I spent more time, making this pie look perfect, than ever before. I hope it tastes as good as it looks. This new oven I got is the best for baking everything smooth, with no humps. It cooks to perfection. I use it every day I am home. I even use the broiler to make my toast. I will be oven frying some chicken thighs for Chuck's dinner tomorrow. I have to fix most everything the night before I go to his house because I leave early in the mornings. I just have to reheat before I leave. This week-end is Father's Day. I hope every father has a great day. My father is in heaven, but I still wish him a Happy Father's Day. I have a great nephew who became a father today for the first time. What a special gift that little daughter gave him. Happy Father's Day Zack. To every child who does not have their father with them for any reason, know that you have a Heavenly Father who loves you very much. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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