Monday, June 21, 2021

"Some Of The Necessary Things In Life"

“Some Of The Necessary Things In Life” A nice cool day after a little rain this morning. I took advantage of it, and cleaned out my car. All the floor mats are now drying after I soaked them in a tub of hot, sudsy water. I'm getting ready for a trip to Oklahoma City this coming Friday. This is an important trip I have had planned for some time or I would reschedule it. I would liked to have attended something here at home this week-end, but felt like I needed to keep the already planned schedule. While I had my car out of the garage I swept, and cleaned the badly needed cleaning job I had been putting off for quite awhile. I took my blood pressure when I finished all of that hard work, and it was normal. So far I think I have not over done it today. I'm slowly learning that I'm getting older every day. My rest alarm goes off more often now. I head toward the bed to honor that warning signal. When I get up I usually can handle one more little job, then I'm through for the day. That's when the clock stops for me, and I have to struggle the rest of the day with anxiety. But how wonderful I feel when I wake up in the morning. I can relax for hours without doing anything but drinking coffee, and reading my I Phone. Thank God for built-in pleasure. If only I could go one day without hearing some gruesome news how wonderful that day would be. Without the love of God to comfort me I could not keep my sanity with so much wickedness happening every day. Especially when little children are used like snakes to be killed. Never does a day go by that this is not happening. I cannot watch any news or read on my I Phone but for a few minutes without hearing this horrible, unbelievable kind of news. It never gets easier for me to hear. By bedtime I am usually jerking all over from hearing these awful things. I refuse to take nerve pills, or any kind of anxiety medicine because I feel like God wants us to know how wicked the world really is. If more people would pay attention to the evil things that happen every day, I believe they would stop being happy-go-lucky, and plead for forgiveness. A day of awakening is coming, no matter how much people try to ignore the reality of innocent blood being shed every day. Of course I believe God wants us to fight off these kinds of depression, and helps us to relieve ourselves from them. But we must never forget the pain, and suffering that innocent, and Godly soldiers endure each day. Teach me Lord to be strong, and without selfish gain. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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