Wednesday, June 2, 2021

"My Own Recipe"

“My Own Recipe” Yesterday I made jalapeno cornbread. It was so good I ate a large piece with real butter. After I finished eating it I remembered my healthy diet. It's not a low calorie diet, it's a cholesterol diet. This morning I put the rest of the pan of jalapeno cornbread in the freezer. If I don't eat it before, I will take the rest of it to my sisters in Oklahoma City at the end of this month. As if that wasn't bad enough this morning I chose to have a big home-made biscuit with two strips of bacon, an egg and orange juice. This won't happen long because I still do have disciplinary rule. Thank God for that. This week I have lost two friends who were regular attenders to our Widows Dinner Club, before the Corona Virus shut us down. The enemy of darkness just won't let us have joyful hearts for long. We have to be fighters every day to keep that enemy away. The Holy Spirit has been so good to comfort me. He never leaves me in doubt. Some may try to change my direction, but I know when I am trusting God, I have to follow His advice. “Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus.” My future depends upon God's guidance. I know I am a mystery to some, but I am only one of God's many mysteries. “Some glad morning when this life is ore, I'll fly away to that beautiful shore.” The Apostle Paul said, “I have learned to be content whatever state I am in.” He did not mean whether he was in Texas or Oklahoma, ( which is what I have been trying to decide on,} Paul meant whatever state of mind he was in. Whether in jail, in a shipwreck, or blind. Paul always came out on top of all his tragedies. I was born, and raised in Oklahoma. I have lived in Perryton, Texas for sixty-five years, but it has never seemed like home. Two of my sisters live in Oklahoma City, and I would love to be closer to them. But for some reason God has not let it happen. I have a hard time being content since Oklahoma City is the closest city I live to of blood kin. Except one son who is disabled and lives here close to me. Two hundred and seventy-five miles is a long way to drive to spend a few hours with my sisters. All the other of my family members live farther away than Oklahoma City. I believe growing older is a natural feeling of missing the loving family one has been blessed with. But moving back home would not make me miss them any less. I must learn to be more content until, and if, God wants me to say till I leave for my eternal home. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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