Tuesday, June 29, 2021

"I Walk By Faith And Not By Sight"

“I Walk By Faith And Not By Sight” I just returned from a nice vacation with two of my sisters. We did nothing exciting, but just being together was such a wonderful, relaxing time. So thankful that I can still enjoy being with them. My youngest sister is seventeen years younger than I, but I can still keep up with her. She is a lot of help to me in many ways, but so is the other sister who is twelve years younger than I. I am the oldest of the four of us. It's good to be home, but I am still missing being with them. My oldest sister lives in Albuquerque, and we don't get to see her very often. Today was her birthday so I called her to wish her a happy birthday. She was getting ready to make a wedding cake for some friends. She enjoys doing things for others more than gabbing about with the three of us. Every time my vacations ends it gets harder for me to settle down, and get back into the old grind. Yet I'm so thankful that I can still do all of my own work, and manage all of my complicated business. These changing times are very hard to follow, but so far I have been able to waltz on through them. I will never believe anything else but that the covid 19 virus has turned the world upside down. I can see the evidence of it more, and more every day. I won't say that God didn't have a hand in it, because the world had gotten so sinful till it is quite possible that God had had enough. He works in mysterious ways, but that does not excuse the evil inventors or the distributors, involved in this world wide destructive virus. I also believe that many who say they got the shots for the virus, actually did not. Just because we saw the needle being poked into the arm does not make it genuine. But I strongly believe that everyone who took the positive shot will be affected in some manner for the rest of their life. And I might add those who have refused to take the shot will be forced to before it's over. We are at the very beginning of a hell on earth struggle. God is still a Just God, and He will not forsake his people who have believed, and respected Him. But woe to those who have refused to worship Him, and turned to idols to worship. By the grace of God I will stay true to my God. He is the One and Only hope for the world. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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