Tuesday, June 22, 2021


“Home Is Where God Carries Us To Bed” I just hung up the phone from talking to my son, Kent, in Hawaii. They will be back home at 6:30 in the morning. He said they had had a wonderful time, but was ready to get back home. Outside of being fascinated with the sea turtles the next interesting thing he learned about Hawaii was how liberal the people are there. He was quite surprised that people could be so liberal. I already knew that about Hawaii and have no desire to go there. The good ole United States is fighting daily to keep our nation a more conservative place. By faith most of us believe we can win this war against evil. We still believe in God therefore, the battle belongs to Him. He will never lose. He even gives us more physical,. and spiritual strength to fight with Him. Every time we fall He picks us up. He wipes our tears away, and carries us in His arms till we can walk again. As long as my Heavenly Father needs me, that's how long I will keep declaring victory in His Holy Name. Someday we will understand everything that we do not understand now. It will be worth it all. You might have already guessed I have had a hard day. Nothing that really mattered, but one that everything seemed to be beating me up. One that if everything does not fall in place at the blink of the eye, then you think the sky is falling down on you. Most of the time everything was alright in the first place, it just seemed to be wrong. A little rest, and a call from your son moves the sky back in place. Thank You Jesus. Even Jesus had these kind of days. His Heavenly Father carried Him through those had times just like He carries us. We are blind as to why this happens, but no doubt it is for a reason. Let us Trust, and never doubt. Victory is not far from us, then we can shout for joy. I just now received a picture of pickled okra, and cucumbers from my grandson's garden. I have eaten those before, and they are delicious. At least he is still doing things right. I can't say that I canned anything. But I used to can a lot every year. I might can some green beans, and tomatoes a little later on. Arron just gave me a boost, and that is just what I needed. How he is telling me he used my recipe. Now I know they are as good as they look. I love my grandchildren God blessed me with. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp.

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