Saturday, June 5, 2021

"Time To Fess Up"

“Time To Fess Up” I am beginning to see God's great big hand reaching down to punish the evil humans who have gone over their limits of mocking God. I had never lost faith, but I just thought He should have started sooner. Doesn't that say I am human also. I have to apologize to God daily for my human-like mistakes. I have know for years that God does all things well, and has never failed His faithful followers. Neither has He failed to punish those who are against Him. His own words, “vengeance is mine, I will repay.” I truly believe there are many who think they are in God's will even when they are showing to be enemies of some of God's chosen ones. It is very sad for me to say this, but I am aware of it happening in my past. I did not intend to let politics be a part of my blog today, but how can I say I believe God has started to punish those who are against Him without it becoming partly political? We are ruled in this world by Governments. The people make up the government. How can we have differences of opinions without having disagreements? Differences of opinions often brings about hate that leads into more hate, and finally a killing of both bad, and good people. I believe that evil demons of hungry power is what we are experiencing in our governments today. It has gotten out of hand, now God has to take over. At one time I used to speak against what I believed the bible declared sin. I did that for years until I heard the Lord say to me, no one is without sin. Those who think they are is sinning already. It is up to me to do unto others what I would want them to do unto me. Think about this. Would I want others to always be using me for trouble maker? Do I want others to deliberately take part of my comments, and use them to portray me as a trouble maker? God help us all to never be guilty of such. I have always believed since my “born again experience,” that only God can say who is going to heaven, and who is going to hell. In fact I believe only God knows what will happen to us after death. I did not say there is no heaven, and there is no hell. Please don't quote me as saying that. I just said only God knows our destiny. I feel much pity for those who have declared possessing Christians hypocrites. I have made the remark that some don't live up to their teaching like they declare others have to do. I still can say that with all due respect. That is not saying they are going to hell, God forbid. The bible teaches that Love is the greatest of all commandants. I firmly believe that, and without it I would be worried about my eternal life. In this day and time we all better be seeking God for guidance, and stop accusing others of trivial sin. I believe we can, and I will, preach against hate. Never let it become part of you. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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