Sunday, March 7, 2021

Wonder Of All Wonders

All things are possible with God. This verse tells me that no human being could ever explain this question to me. How, with millions upon millions of human beings could no two faces be exactly the same? Even identical twins have some differences in their faces, although we may not see them ourselves, but a mother, and father can always tell them apart. How big is God? Think about it a minute. The bible tells us that God even knows the number of hairs we each have on our head. Should we feel less important than the most genus person on earth, in God's mind? I don't think so. Of course we are not suppose to let people know how important we think we are, because the bible teaches humbleness all through it's pages. It also teaches us that when we go to an important gathering always take a back seat because someone more important than you may come in and need a front seat. Does this seem like a controdiction? My earthly parents taught me that I was as important as anyone else, but they always taught me to be respectable of others. In other words use common sense in making my choices. I personally choose to sit close to the front of our church because I have a hearing problem, and most of the front pews are always empty. I would perfer to sit near the back. But the point I'm trying to make is never feel less important than anyone else because I believe God made that clear to me when I first met Him. We are serving God, and not man. No matter how many times we read the bible, we will never know exactly who God is. Many people have lost their minds trying to figure that one out. We all know He is alive, He knows us personally, and He hears, and answers our prayers. Every Christian should be proud to be a child of God. We should likewise act like it. God won't allow His children to be rude to others. He does punish those who think they are better than others. The bible teaches that we are as good, but not better than anyone else. Until we learn this lesson we have not grown up yet. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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