Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Making The Best Of A Trying Time

We are having a terrible blizzard in Perryton, Texas today. It is 32 degrees, and we've had a lot of blowing snow. This all happened after I went to bed last night. Yesterday was a nice day, and I thought snow was impossible when I saw the weather forcast being announced. But they did get it right except they didn't say it would be blizzard conditions. I am enjoying staying inside today. I painted on a portriot. for two hours this morning then ate lunch. Everything in Perryton has been canceled today. I'm not sure about tomorrow, but I think it will still be too bad to open up. Chuck and I are stocked with food, and other supplies. As long as our Dish reception stays good we are perfectly satisfied. Of course the storm that hit parts of Texas two weeks ago put people out of heat, water, and electricy for two weeks. We were not in that affected area, and I hope it doesn't happen again to anybody. Sometimes I think God is testing people to see how much they put their faith in Him or man. "Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but My Word will never pass away," sayeth the Lord. Had to stop a minute and listen to a ninety-six year old mother play a piano special of" How Great Thou Art." It was sent to me by text, and I had to shout a little. I tried to share it with others, but couldn't figure out how. Sorry you missed a great blessing. Thanks Beatriz Ofelia Reyes Fleming for sending it. As some of you probably have noticed I have put politics aside for awhile, and am contributing more of my time, and energy to the Word of God. I believe we are going through a, "wait upon the Lord time" and I am following that feeling. How wonderful it is to know that I am in God's waiting room, and He will get to me as soon as possible. I can't tell you how great it is to be personally loved, and blessed by God. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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