Monday, March 1, 2021

Lost Opportunities

Millions of Americans are saying we are losing our Christian values this nation was founded upon. I couldn't agree more. But I believe we are living in prophesy times, and the evil that has gripped our nation was revealed to us thousands of years ago. All the happenings since then, and now, had to happen as planned by God. The sad thing about it is God gave everyone a chance to identify evil and not follow it, but many chose to ignore God's teaching, and go with the flow. Of course we all enjoy the many modern conveniences, and can't imagine going back to the days of roughness. A few religionus groups still are holding onto their first beginnings to a degree, but have been forced to forfiet some in order to survive at all. Today a lot of people look upon these religionus groups as weird. I somewhat fit into that class of people, but never thought of those as being left behind in God's favorites. I was always one to be thankful for any, and all riches the Lord let me have. I stood on the scripture, "I would that you prosper even as your soul prospers." This scripture and many others declare God's blessings upon those who live according to his Word. But where do we draw the line? It seems as though after a time the line gets dimmer, and dimmer til finally there is no line. It's all by faith now, and not by sight. As we stand in our churches today listening to a recorded bang, bang of background music, while one person leads a praise time of telling God how great He is, I wonder if God ever gets tired of His people not showing Him how Great He is. I grew up in a church where everyone sang inspiring songs from a hymnal, and the Holy Spirit moved upon people in a mighty way. I have been in many church services where the entire harmoniously audience, with raised arms sang the beautiful song, "Speak my Lord, speak my Lord, speak and I'll be quick to answer thee." The Lord did speak, and very few doubters were among the crowd. I'm sure there are a few churches yet that practise this type of worship, but I haven't been in one for years. I am still a firm believer that God knows His people better than I so I won't critize their worship style. God's plan has to be carried out, and I will humbly take my place in these changing times. I will not stay home like some I know who decided it was best for them to do. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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