Thursday, March 4, 2021

Everything Happens For A Reason

Chuck and I got our first covid shot today. We can't tell anything ever happened. The second shot is scheduled for April 1/st. We had an appointment at 1 o'clock, and we got our shot at 1 o'clock. What a blessing it was. This small city is good for a lot of things besides little traffic. Most people here are nice, and courterous. Friendly above all else. It's been home to us for many years, and we expect it to be home until we leave this old world behind. We are still having mostly cool, windy days, and we are getting anxious for nice weather to come, and stay with us. Today is March 4 th, later than when I usually start putting weed, and feed on my yard. I'm hoping the weeds don't get too tall before I can kill them. I notice several of my bare trees have white plastic bags hanging high up in the limbs. The wind used them for kites, then left them flopping like trying to scare the birds away. I can't believe some people just let their trash blow where ever it wants. I suppose the leaves will start covering the limbs before long, and hide those ugly plastic bags. I was thinking when driving home from work today about coming home, and continue to be bored the rest of the day. Nothing exciting had happened all day other than getting the covid shot. Then I passed the home of a dear friend who was sitting on her porch in much too cool weather to be out. She has demenita, and I can no longer communitate with her. Her condition is hard to understand. One minute I think she knows me, and the next minute I think she is totally insane. This person has a very nice home, and plenty of financial means to live in luxury the rest of her life, but she is not going to spend a penny more than she absolutely has to. The fact is she doesn't know how much money she has, but she knows she is going to keep what she has. The doctor has told her son she cannot live alone any longer, and must either go to a nursing home or have someone to stay with her all the time. She refuses either of these. And she is smart enough so far to make it stick. The son is trying to let a caregiver stay with her some, but I've noticed when the caregiver is there she has to stay outside or on the opposite side on the house when the lady is sitting on her porch. I'm sure she has no idea that the caregiver is being paid. God only knows the trouble the son, and the caregiver is having with this troubled soul. She always talked about God before she lost her mind. She thought God was always tellibg her what to do. She doesn't even want her son to be around except just in, and out. This hurts me so much till I can hardly keep it off my mind. I'm like why, why, God is this happening? Instead of being bored, I'm going to be seeking God for why things like this have to happen, But not to the extent that I really want to know the answer. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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