Sunday, March 28, 2021

"Not Color Nor Style But Godly Respect"

“Not Color Nor Style But Godly Respect” I came home from church today, and after eating lunch was tempted to work in the yard. It is such a nice day, but it didn't take me long to remember it was Sunday, I thought that was a good excuse. I sure hope I get over this laziness soon. The yard has been calling me for some time now, but really we did have some rain almost every day for two weeks. I am about a month late of putting on weed, and feed. For some reason my yard work gets to be a bigger job for me each year. I just need to quit having birthdays, I used to love working in the yard, and getting the exercise, and sunshine. I can, and I will get started soon. Then I am going to take a week's vacation, and go visit my sisters in Oklahoma City. That's all I need to get me started to work. I'm also needing to get away from the T. V. for awhile. The future keeps looking darker, and darker for America. Those who are denying it are not bright enough to call stars. They are more like ashes that need to be blown away. I have great faith in a Great God, but the reality remains the same. God will not allow this evil to rule forever. God is losing patience with many of His own children, as we see it happening more, and more each day. Some of it is because the Christians failed to call out the wrong, when they admitted it was wrong, but was made to believe that things would get better. The common sense God gave them didn't kick in until it was too late. The news media reported yesterday that 48 Republican Senators voted with the Democrats to pass a bill that everyone of them was really against. This is even happening in our churches. Why, because people want peace so badly they are willing to compromise God's word. This kind of action is a stink in God's nostrils. Sooner than later God is going to start calling them out in pure open sight. Like the 48 Republican Senators were surprisingly forced to be called out yesterday, so shall the Christian claimers be called out. The Republican Senators who are wishy-washie are called RINOs, meaning republicans in name only. And the Christian wishy-washies should be called CINOs. I believe God does require some accountability. My song today. “Where He Leads I'll Follow.” God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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