Friday, March 5, 2021

Then Now And Soon To Be

There is nothing like a technician coming out to check your printer, and telling you get a new printer, then sending you a bill for $75.00. He did mess with it for about an hour, but didn't fix it. I couldn't believe I needed a new printer, so after he left I decided to mess with it a bit, and got it to working. But I still owe the company the $75.00. That's o k, all things happen for a reason. Maybe that technician just needed to touch it. There was a man named Job who never gave up his faith in God. I think about him a lot, and hope I'm never put to the test as much as Job was. I have endured many hard tests, but nothing like Job did. With God's help I managed to live still holding onto my faith in Hih. I will carry hurtful things to my grave, but I still live a peaceful life. Thank God for being the inventer of all peace, joy, and happiness. As I can plainly see the pits of hell opening up to pull some of God's faithful people down to the bottomless depth, I am made to realize that Job may not have been the only one who suffered beyond imagination. I am overwhilmed each day to see, and hear of more evil appearing with not much hope for stoping it. The big bad wolf has turned into the big bad dragon that people still cannot see. In the book of Revelations chapter 6, John describs his vision of the seven seals. For all who would dare to read it, I challenge you to go ahead and read it now. I painted an oil 16+20 scene of what John said he saw, on a canvas. Several whom have seen it is a bit distrubed by what they see. I tried to include every little detail of what John revealed in his vision. This painting is one of my favorites, although others may shy away from it because of fear. I call this painting "John's Vision," of the end times. I have another painting I did of the beginning times. it is called, "The First Sin." It's a more beautiful scene of Adam, and Eve, in the garden of Paradise. They are surrounded by all the beauty and peaceful animals, flowers, water, and skies. Even the serpent was beautiful as he offered Eve the forbidden fruit to eat, saying it would make her smarter then God. What a contrast betweeen the two paintings, only to say they both are of true origin. One has happened, but the other is yet to happen, but both came from the mind of God. This is the day to expand our faith in God. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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