Thursday, March 25, 2021

:Just A Closer Walk With Thee"

“Just A Closer Walk With Thee” My best hours are in the morning. By mid afternoon I am tired, and nothing seems to interest me. The evenings are terrible long, and by bedtime I still am not ready for bed. I usually crawl in around 11 o'clock, but it is most usually 1 or 2 before I go to sleep. I am not ever worried, or anxious for anything I have coming up, but I just don't like going to bed. I have always refused to take any kind of sleeping aid, because I believe God is my only need for sleep. It is during these many wake, but idle hours that I am thinking of past, present, and future plans for my life. Actually I find then to be peaceful, and relaxing. I have so many good memories that I just want to live through them again, and again. Then I think of all the blessings God has given me this day. Now it's time to think about the future. When, and how will I leave this humanly life, and what will happen there after. Finally I go to sleep, but didn't intend to. So that's me in a nutshell. I love getting up in the mornings, and starting my day off with fresh coffee, and watching the latest news on television. The hardest part of my life is missing my many, precious loved ones who have left me. Sometimes I think I can't wait any longer to see them, then I remember I still have precious loved ones here with me, and I need to spend more time with them. Distance is a problem with that, but I can call them anytime. I often think about the old hymn we sang when I was a child, and even till just a few years ago. “We're Pilgrims, and we're strangers here we're seeking a city to come, The lifeboat soon is coming to carry us safely home.” Then cheer my brother cheer, It won't be very long, the lifeboat soon is coming to carry us safely home. I'm so thankful for the hundreds of hymns we sang all the years of my life until the past few years. I have a good memory of most of them. It's sad that our younger generation have nothing to take them through the trying times ahead in the way of inspirational songs. I am not sure we will ever have the good old revivals, and uplifting songs again in our churches, but I surly doubt it. Times have changed, but God never changes. It's up to us to claim that first love God gave us, and never sway from it. This makes Satan angry, but we must refuse to let him talk to us. If we will deny him any attention at all, he will flee from us. Keep on believing, God answers prayer. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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