Tuesday, March 2, 2021

So This Is The Way It Happened

I have been hearing a lot lately about Psalms 91. Nothing more than everyone needed to read it, and stand by it. Today I remembered to take my bible and turn to Psalms 91. My! what a blessing it gave me. Nothing I wasn't already standing on, but I don't think I ever read the whole chapter at once, except when I was just reading the entire bible page by page. There is a big difference in reading God's Word out of duty, than reading it because it is the peaches, and cream for our dessert today. I have been made to believe that Psalms 91 is just that, after meal bestes yet. I did get a new shout out of reading that chapter. The enemy has put so much fear upon God's people today til they are simply dying from it. I know this to be a fact as it happened to a good friend of mine whom the doctor was positive they died only from fear. Fear of getting the covid 19 virus. They never tested positive for it, nor did they have any symptons. I'm sure it has happened to many more. I realize no one wants to die, but when we live in constant fear of death, then I firmly believe the bible says those are the ones who will lose their life. How can we be of service to God if we are living daily in fear of dying? Let me explain. For example the great Rush Limbaugh knew at least a year before he died that he had stage 4 cancer of the lungs. Certainly he did everything possible to stay alive, because he knew he was doing a tremendous job fighting evil for his coutry. He kept fighting that evil til shortly before he died. He did not die from fear, but he died from enemy fire from the foe. He set a great example for others to follow. The human we all are is sure to deal us a lot of fear when we are not willing to give up our life. I have been through such times twice. The first time I was willing to give my life because I thought God asked me to. I surrendered, and when He didn't take me, yes I asked why. Through His Word He spoke to me and said I have work for you to do. You will have many more test, and trials to go through, but when I am ready for you I will take you. Many years later I was faced with open heart surgery. I wasn't as ready to die then as much as I was the first time. The good Lord spoke again and said to me, "Trust Me, trust Me." I took it to mean "if I am ready for you I will take you, but trust Me." I went in to surgery with a lot of my family members with me, but I had no fear. My family did. I was hearing a voice saying, wake up Mrs. Sharp it's all over with. I said it can't be nothing has happened yet. I was up and about the next day and went to a family reunion two weeks later. Every time I fear something that's about to happen to me, I hear that voice, "Trust Me. Trust Me." I reccommend you to read Psalms 91 today. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp .

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