Saturday, March 6, 2021

Keep On The Firing Line For Jesus

For a moment I was concernd this morning when I pulled up my blog post for yesterday, and saw so many hitts. To me that was an impossible situation unless I had done something bad that caused an unroar among the unbelievers of Jesus Christ. My first thought was to pray asking God for peace, and deliverence of fear. I understand the world we're living in today is very different than it has been for many years past. Yet I am not willing to give up my past teaching, and believing of Jesus, the Son of God, who came to earth and died for our sins. As has been the case many times before I asked God to give me scripture to help me understand why I got so much attention from my blog post yesterday. There was no unfavorable comments, because I am not progamed to receive comments, but that did not help my concern. I reread my post from yesterday but could not see anything that I thought could upset people. But I am very much aware of bible prophesy that tells us a time is coming when all Christians will be persecuted for Christ's sake. Was I ready? Now God directed me to open my bible at random and my eyes fell on the Book of Daniel, chapter 2. This is a long chapter with several interesting points, but the one that helped me was the part where King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that terrified him. He sent for all the wise men whom had been fed his special food for a certain length of time before becoming his own wise men. King Nebuchadnezzar had forgotten the dream so he demanded the wise men to interpret the dream without hearing what he had dreamed. All the wise men, including Daniel, told the King there wasn't a wise man on earth who could interpret a dream without hearing it. Then the King ordered all of the wise men to be cut up in parts. Daniel had refused to eat the Kings food while becoming acceptable for the Kings wise men. He ate only bread, and water. Now after the men all left the king to be killed, the Lord spoke to Daniel and gave him the dream, and the interpretation there of. Now Daniel sent word to the King that he had the dream and the interpretation. The King called him in, and after the dream, and the interpretation was given to the King, he made Daniel the ruler over the whole province of Babylon. But Daniel sat in the gate of the King. Is this not an answer to my concern? If we will always stand upon God's promises we will always be delivered of fear. Not saying we will never suffer some, but God will keep us in His protecting care. I thank My God for His loving, Almighty, Power. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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