Thursday, March 18, 2021

“Angels Unaware” The snow is melting leaving a sloppy, muddy place to walk. That's o k we needed the moister. I had to go to work today or I wouldn't have gotten out. It's really nice to see the sun shinning. I woke up at 5 o'clock this morning, and couldn't go back to sleep. Sure enough I have felt drowsy all day. This seems to be a pattern with me. At least it doesn't happen too often. Since I am not feeling too energetic I have more quite time to pray for special needs to some in my family, and friends. I think too often we forget the urgent needs of those who are suffering. We just get busy, and wait till our regular prayer time to lift these special needs up before God. Most of this day I have been thinking about a precious little boy who is far from being normal with his eating. He has been this way since birth, and the doctors haven't been able to find out the problem. This little guy is a beautiful little 18 month old sweetie, and just looking at him one would not expect anything was wrong with him. When he is not in pain he shows a lovely little smile that will make anyone think he is an angel on earth. All of his life he has been forced to swallow food that has been pureed, and having his mouth prized open while a spoonful is forced down him. He sometimes has to go to the hospital and be given fluids by an IV. I can only imagine what his loving parents have had to go through for all of the past eighteen months. I know God answers prayer, but somehow I felt like asking others to pray for this urgent need also. The bible says the prayer of faith shall heal the sick. Who is the one with the faith for this baby? It could be anyone, anywhere. Will others join me in prayer for this need? I am truly expecting a miracle to take place very soon. God has already began a process. He will continue until this baby is set free from pain, and starts eating regular food. Thank you all. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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