Saturday, March 20, 2021

“Satan On The Prowl” I was going to take the day off today (Saturday), and just rest, and relax. Planned to skip my blog, and cancel my trip to the grocery store. I told my dishes they could wait till tomorrow to be washed. Then I called my sister in Oklahoma City, and talked to her an hour. By now it was time for lunch, so I quickly heated up some chicken, and rice, spooned a big helping of cold slaw, and headed to my recliner. I had taken a bowl of blueberries with a cup of plain yogurt on them to eat as my desert. When I finished eating I headed to the bedroom to lie for awhile on my comfortable bed. I could not get comfortable. My back began to ache, and I finally realized I was filled with anxiety. I tried hard to relax, and take a nap, but I kept thinking about Job. Last night was my second chapter to read after reaching the book of Job while going through the bible for the umpteenth time, I was very much aware of Satan speaking to God personally, and God making deals with him to test Job's faith. I already know the rest of the book of Job, and I am still in wonder why God would let Satan do to His faithful Servant what terrible things he did to Job. But what is more puzzling is why it bothered me so much. I've heard many reasons from Ministers why God let this happen to Job, and the scripture plainly says why, but is this same test coming to us before we leave this old sinful world? It seems like with each day we see more, and more evil exploding like a bomb right before our eyes. For many years outside of a few rough, and tough, days of survival, before we discovered so many modern conveniences we have had a great country to call ours. In God we did trust, and in Spirit, and in truth we worshiped Him. He gave us many blessings, and I suppose we thought it would always be that way. Now it seems as if Satan has approached God again and dared to let him put hurt upon His people to prove that they cannot, or will not, keep trusting Him when the going gets tough , and tougher. I believe Reverend Franklin Graham, whom I feel is a prophet, has declared this to be true in a recent sermon he gave that went full speed world wide. I shared that sermon on my face book .a few days ago. Many people have been spiritually awaken by it, and I hope it will be the cause of many rededicating their lives to God. Rev. Graham told it exactly like I've been telling it for some time now.. We hesitate to say these awful things about our Great Country, and we would rather talk faith, and hope, but the facts are right before our eyes, and we cannot deny them. We can only ask for mercy to endure the coming disaster. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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