Monday, March 8, 2021

Concerned Yes Indeed

Today I hesitate to write my feelimgs about my concern for our great, American, Christian nation. I have spent days, weeks, and months trying to make sense of what is happening to us today. It seems as though hell has escaped it's bottomless pit, and entered the Christian country of forbidden sin, Our forefathers were used by God to write us a constitution of laws, as by His instructions. For two hundred and forty some odd years our nation has prospered and grown from that first strong foundation built by our wise old men of God. I have watched leaders of the United States stoop to the lowest depth of sin, only to gain more power, and money. When it was proven they could no longer win by honesty, they took to the most evil things they could possible think of to beat our honest, elected officials. I watched large cities being burned to the ground, and men, and womem police officers being killed by the hundreds. I watched those in power who could have stopped it just turn their backs and praise the evil doers while destroying their cities. At this time I am watching America lose every ounce of godliness it has even known. The fight against evil goes on, but unless God takes things into his own hands, we are a nation headed for prison, just like the Babylonians took the Israelites prisioners thousands of years ago. Remember the Israelits were God's chosen people, but He did not spare then from their sin. I have watched America going down that same sinful path for several years. Little, by little some Americans have decided to forsake God's ways, and do their own thing. When we read the book of Amos it's plain to see that God will never keep forgiving people of their sins He has forbidden them to do. After so long God lets terrible bad things happen to even his loving own. Amos was a sheepherder, turned prophet. The important Israelite people, told him he was not anybody's prophet, and they were not going to listen to him. Everything Amos told them was going to happen did happen. it was bad, and even worse than bad. My question today, did God allow those evil rioters to do all that damage to our country, and is He going to continue to let it happen? Are we bound for the same torture the Israelits went through? Where are our prophets today? There may be some, but evidently they are not reaching very many people. I feel like we have far too many sweet-talking ministers who are very wealthy from sugar coating God's gospel and making people think they can do no sin. My advise, be aware, of such because the Word of God plainly states sin will be punished no matter who is guilty of it. The Ten Commandants are the best instructions for us to follow today. Sadly, they have been taken down from most of our places of government, including our schools. If I sound concerend, well I am. I cannot be one of those who say, well I can't do anything about it. I just don't listen to the news today. I will not be one of the surprised if something drastict happens, even tomorrow. I will keep informed as best I can. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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