Monday, March 22, 2021

The Virgin of Israel

“The Virgin Of Israel” Today we are having pre April showers. Maybe God is going to give the wheat farmers a special crop this year. We do expect lots of rainfall during the month of April. This area I live in is largely made up of wheat, and other feed commodities. It is also a rich oil, and gas land. Cattle is a good source of income for farmers also. We feel blessed to have few needy people here compared with many other places. I might add that our county is a heavily Trump supporter community. With no offense to anyone. I am proud to say to my knowledge we have many more Christians living here than other religions, or no religion at all. I say all of this to say I am aware of the millions of disgraceful people around our United States of America. So many till I feel like God is about to call an end to all this evil. I am taking my thought from the Prophet, Jeremiah, chapter 18. This scripture is the one God chose for me to commit on this morning. I urge everyone to read it, because it warns God's children about false prophets. I believe our worse danger today is not the high powered missile, or any other destructive weapon made by man; but false prophets who have led people to believe that God is only a God of love, and will not allow any harm to come upon them no matter what they do. Jeremiah is a Prophet of God, and he was chosen by God to write a book of prophecy that would remain as a warning signal through out the time of earth's being. I would that more people would read their bible, and quit listening to false prophets with all their lies, even though they may not think they are lying. There is not enough psychologist in the world who can bring relief, and peace of mind to those who have been wasted by false prophets, even though they may not claim to be prophets. They are more commonly called demons, which some do not want to hear mentioned. If you believe in the bible, you have to believe in demons. I know I am out-of-step here with the general population, but if you think we are going to be excused for our lack of concern for Jesus' teachings, you need to wake up. This concludes my thought for today, so get serious, and open your bible daily. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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