Thursday, March 11, 2021

Come Let Us Reason Together

There is one thing that has always bothered me, and still does. In The Old Testament God punished people when they did not obey His command, as in the case of Jonah. Jonah, chapter 1. All through The Old Testament God punished people for everything they did wrong, including some whom I thought sinned unintientionally. Yet it was sin according to God's law. The Old Testament was the law God had given Moses. Later God sent His Son, Jesus, to earth to live, and die for all sin to those who would beleive, and accept Him. God made a New Covenant which changed the more grievious Old Testament Law. We still live by the New Covenant, but I read Jesus' own Words that say, "I came not into the world to do away with The Old Testament Law, but that the old law might be fulfilled. I also read in the New Testament where some were struck blind for not accepting Jesus as The New Covenant. Paul was struck blind, and he immediately knew Jesus was talking to Him. Others were punished for basically the same faults that Paul had. Many Bible Scholars teach that Jeasus' death, and resurrection did not give people a right to sin without punishment, but not losing their salvation. Somehow I am made to believe that even though God is a merciful God, we are still his children,and He expects us to obey His Word. Our earthly parents taught us right from wrong, and when we didn't obey them we got punished. What is God's right and wrong, you may ask? Here is where we need to read our bibles, and follow it's teachings. The Ten Commandants are a good place to start. If we follow those correctly, we will probably not be angering our Heavenly Father too much. Never doubt that our Heavenly Father doesn't know every time we committ sin. We may not get the same punishment that Jonah got, but we will not escape God's wraph in some detail. I pray I will always respect the feelings of others, and not forget that they are God's children also. Vengance is His, and not ours. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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