Friday, March 19, 2021

“My Choice Your Choice” Feeling fine this morning. At 11 0'clock the sun is shinning bright, and it is 40 degree. Almost all of the snow has melted, and the ground is drying quickly. That bright sunshine does a lot for me. I should start calling it faith shine. I see God directing it's power switch. “How beautiful to walk in the light of the Savior.” An old hymn I love. I feel like God is answering every one of my prayers. You just can't contain more joy than that. The darkness of this blizzardous, storm we just had has made me to see only good things that I saw as bad yesterday. This even includes faults I saw in people. I'm so glad God didn't appoint me as a judge. That is probably one of the greatest blessings He ever gave me. God does allow me to choose, and pick my path as I walk this daily journey, and I do not have to answer to anyone but Him. Wow! How Great God is. I believe there is somewhat a mystery about each and everyone of us, but that mystery belongs to God. Not even we can explain it. I will be pleased with the way God made me, and hope everyone else can do the same. I believe an unruly child knows when they are doing wrong. So does the child of God know the same. I believe that child knows very well they will get punished if found out about their wrong. How can a child of God not know the same? They have a choice to obey, or disobey. It is not my choice to tell on them. I must take care of my own behavior. I have just written the message God gave me today. I do not know why, or if it will have any effect on anyone but me. I only trusted God to direct me when I sat down at my computer. I had no idea this is what it would be, but I must have needed it. Thank You Lord for loving even me. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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