Tuesday, March 30, 2021

"Time To Grow Up"

“Time To Grow Up” Today's work is finished leaving me tired, but tomorrow I plan to be going full force again doing yard work. I'm anxious to get it done although it don't excite me. I have to prove to myself that I am still up to hard labor. It's always been a passion to me. I do have to allow for chilly weather, and wind, which we have so much of in my part of the country. I am so apt to take bad colds if the weather is not perfect. I know my limits, and will not go beyond. I am one who likes to see seeds sprout, and grow to be productive in whatever way they were made for. Be it for beauty, or food for our tummies. I have had a pine cone setting in soil for three months because I read, and saw a picture of sprouts coming out of a pine cone that was amazing. It was said that one pine cone could make a forest. Nothing has happened to that cone yet, but I am still taking care, and believing it will sprout soon, I don't need any pine trees, but just the curiosity of it makes me contented to watch, and examine it daily. Today I planted four hybrid tomato seed that Chuck ordered, but because there was just four seeds he wouldn't. plant them. The seeds were so small I had to pick them up with tweezers, and push them into the soil. I am so eager to see if they come up, and if so make the special, large tomatoes they are advertised to make. I love anything that has to do with unusual sights, or progressive growths. It may be part of the creative talent I was born with. Anyway I have lots of fun just being funny. I have several ideas that I plan to make happen in the near future. I will be taking pictures, and posting them on face book when I feel satisfied with the results. It's so nice to feel well, and blessed to be able to do so many fun things. Now that I have decided I can't make the evil go away in our great country, I have taken on a different out look in life. Whatever comes I am prepared to face it. I'm through with calling out wrongs, and making projections of what is going to happen. My prayers will never stop, but my worries have already. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, March 29, 2021

"God Needs Our Signature"

“God Needs Our Signature” I am so humbled to be a citizen of God's Spiritual Kingdom. Psalms 24. Today I am thinking of some of the many times God has used me to bless others when I was not aware of it till some time later. How often we keep ourselves locked up in our own little hide-a-way, instead of being the helper God meant us to be. There are times God uses us when we have no idea He has led us to the place we have been invited to come. I can identify with that more than once or twice. Maybe I didn't really feel like taking the invite seriously, and almost didn't go, but pushed myself into going anyway. Maybe not always, but certainly there are times when God definitely used us to complete a task He had started. It could have been one or two words we spoke, or maybe just our presence, but it was the signature of us that someone needed to get the promotion. If we are a citizen in God's spiritual kingdom, do we dare not fill a duty expected of us? I have to fear for the many times I may not have accepted an invitation that God had made available to me. But I will always be grateful for the times I did accept, and I share glorious blessings daily because of it. Jesus was criticized for eating with sinners, and healing on the Sabbath, etc, but He was doing the job He was sent to earth to do. I am most guilty of not accepting a job offer in my church, or even in the community. I can come up with so many excuses, but I do also believe sometimes we are asked to do jobs that does not fit our spiritual obligations, or maybe our physical condition. I only pray that I will stay humble to God's calling, and be a vessel that He can use anyway He chooses. It is after we have filled our duties in the church that God will use us in other situations where He needs a signature from us. May I never fail that need, whatever it may be. It's the joy in our hearts, and not the joy of boasting that makes life so wonderful. When this is a fact, our countenance will always show it. What then? Might I say that God is right when He says beauty comes from the heart? Let us follow the will of God the rest of our lives. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, March 28, 2021

"Not Color Nor Style But Godly Respect"

“Not Color Nor Style But Godly Respect” I came home from church today, and after eating lunch was tempted to work in the yard. It is such a nice day, but it didn't take me long to remember it was Sunday, I thought that was a good excuse. I sure hope I get over this laziness soon. The yard has been calling me for some time now, but really we did have some rain almost every day for two weeks. I am about a month late of putting on weed, and feed. For some reason my yard work gets to be a bigger job for me each year. I just need to quit having birthdays, I used to love working in the yard, and getting the exercise, and sunshine. I can, and I will get started soon. Then I am going to take a week's vacation, and go visit my sisters in Oklahoma City. That's all I need to get me started to work. I'm also needing to get away from the T. V. for awhile. The future keeps looking darker, and darker for America. Those who are denying it are not bright enough to call stars. They are more like ashes that need to be blown away. I have great faith in a Great God, but the reality remains the same. God will not allow this evil to rule forever. God is losing patience with many of His own children, as we see it happening more, and more each day. Some of it is because the Christians failed to call out the wrong, when they admitted it was wrong, but was made to believe that things would get better. The common sense God gave them didn't kick in until it was too late. The news media reported yesterday that 48 Republican Senators voted with the Democrats to pass a bill that everyone of them was really against. This is even happening in our churches. Why, because people want peace so badly they are willing to compromise God's word. This kind of action is a stink in God's nostrils. Sooner than later God is going to start calling them out in pure open sight. Like the 48 Republican Senators were surprisingly forced to be called out yesterday, so shall the Christian claimers be called out. The Republican Senators who are wishy-washie are called RINOs, meaning republicans in name only. And the Christian wishy-washies should be called CINOs. I believe God does require some accountability. My song today. “Where He Leads I'll Follow.” God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, March 27, 2021

"What A Friend We Have In Jesus"

“What A Friend We Have In Jesus” I am positive that every child of God has had disagreements some time in their life with their own brothers, and sisters in Christ. Even our own Lord Jesus Christ had the same humanly problem while He lived on earth. .He was troubled on every side. He was falsely accused, but not distressed, persecuted, but not forsaken, cast down, but not destroyed. How can we being earthly vessels expect to be an exception to Jesus? Disagreements does not mean falsely accused, nor persecuted. It only means we have different opinions. God made us that way. I am thankful for every strip that has been placed on me, because Jesus saw it all, and He is the Judge of all. He understands, because He took strips long before I did. Yet sin never once entered His life. Can we be any less loving than that to those who whipped us? 2 Corinthians, 4: 15. For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God. Though every friend, or family member may forsake me, I will always have a Friend in Jesus. I will never doubt that. Who could ever want a better friend than He? I go through this life not expecting a robe, and a crown thereafter. My Savior simply told me to trust Him. I'm not asking for anything else, only for Jesus to keep telling me to trust Him. I do not know if I will be reunited with all my loved ones or not, I do not know if I will walk on streets of gold. I just know I will always trust God, and whatever happens is fine with me. Anything else is just a child's way of thinking, in my opinion. I'm happy with my life here on earth as long as Jesus is my closest friend. He is giving me health, and happiness every day, even when I am missing my loved ones. As long as I don't have to suffer physical pain why would I want to give up this life? Hopefully all fences can be mended before I leave it, but again that is up to the mender. I can see somewhat a living hell now on earth, but I am trusting God to take me through the fire. He is my victory every day. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, March 26, 2021

"When Your Cup Runneth Over"

“When Your Cup Runneth Over” I am reading in the book of Job, Just finished chapter 8, and was ready to go on line and do some research. I found this sermon by Geoff Thomas titled “Bildad's Speech And Job's Answer.” It is a lengthy sermon, but will give much insight on the mysteries of Job's suffering. Geoff Thomas holds a Doctorate Degree, and is very interesting, and quite to the point. Because of his high education in bible theology he is easy to follow. But in a summary of my own, he is still a human interpreter, and a sympathizer to all who suffer seemingly without cause. Although he does say the innocent will suffer with the evil when evil is used to cause a death trap. He used 9-11 as an example. The evil pilots who flew the planes into the towers died with the innocent. I was not able to determine the fact from Doctor Geoff that God definitely spoke to Satan, and gave him control over Job, only to prove Job's faithfulness. The only thing God limited Satan to was he could not take Job's life. Am I missing something in Doctor Geoff's sermon? I am still as confused as ever as to why so terrible much sorrow, and suffering was put on a man who served God to the fullest. One point I did get from Doctor Geoff's sermon was that finally Job starting arguing his case before God. I am firmly against that however, if put to the test such as Job was, I might change that attitude. Also I am thinking along the lines of the New Testament where Jesus spoke these words, “whatsoever ye ask of God in My name that shall ye receive.” Of course those were meant for believers of God. And we do know when God sent His Son to earth to suffer, and die for our sins, Job's suffering was no comparison to Jesus' sufferings. The one who never sinned even once. A God Himself, yet He became flesh and cried out to God, “Father why hath thou forsaken me?” This cruel event was why we now have a New Covenant with God called “The New Testament.” But I still declare we have to read, and take seriously the Old Testament. I understand that the Jews never accepted the the New Covenant, and sill believe only in the Old Covenant. They are still looking for their Messiah. We can keep searching for answers, but until that day we will never know all the answers. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, March 25, 2021

:Just A Closer Walk With Thee"

“Just A Closer Walk With Thee” My best hours are in the morning. By mid afternoon I am tired, and nothing seems to interest me. The evenings are terrible long, and by bedtime I still am not ready for bed. I usually crawl in around 11 o'clock, but it is most usually 1 or 2 before I go to sleep. I am not ever worried, or anxious for anything I have coming up, but I just don't like going to bed. I have always refused to take any kind of sleeping aid, because I believe God is my only need for sleep. It is during these many wake, but idle hours that I am thinking of past, present, and future plans for my life. Actually I find then to be peaceful, and relaxing. I have so many good memories that I just want to live through them again, and again. Then I think of all the blessings God has given me this day. Now it's time to think about the future. When, and how will I leave this humanly life, and what will happen there after. Finally I go to sleep, but didn't intend to. So that's me in a nutshell. I love getting up in the mornings, and starting my day off with fresh coffee, and watching the latest news on television. The hardest part of my life is missing my many, precious loved ones who have left me. Sometimes I think I can't wait any longer to see them, then I remember I still have precious loved ones here with me, and I need to spend more time with them. Distance is a problem with that, but I can call them anytime. I often think about the old hymn we sang when I was a child, and even till just a few years ago. “We're Pilgrims, and we're strangers here we're seeking a city to come, The lifeboat soon is coming to carry us safely home.” Then cheer my brother cheer, It won't be very long, the lifeboat soon is coming to carry us safely home. I'm so thankful for the hundreds of hymns we sang all the years of my life until the past few years. I have a good memory of most of them. It's sad that our younger generation have nothing to take them through the trying times ahead in the way of inspirational songs. I am not sure we will ever have the good old revivals, and uplifting songs again in our churches, but I surly doubt it. Times have changed, but God never changes. It's up to us to claim that first love God gave us, and never sway from it. This makes Satan angry, but we must refuse to let him talk to us. If we will deny him any attention at all, he will flee from us. Keep on believing, God answers prayer. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Love Beyond imagination"

“ Love Beyond Imagination” Recently there has been a controversial, or debatable issue, appear on face book declaring that the apostle Paul's martyr's would welcome him into heaven. I will admit this comment sit me to thinking. For those who know the story about the apostle Paul, or those who don't, Paul was a hater of Jesus. He was an authoritarian in the Jewish faith. He ordered the death of many Jews who had chosen to follow Jesus. Paul, whose name was Saul, before his conversion, went to the high Priest to ask for letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any Jesus followers , whether they be men or women, he would bring them bound unto Jerusalem. As Saul was on his way to Damascus suddenly a bright light from heaven shined upon him. He fell to the earth and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? Then Saul said who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. (this part I do not get,) Saul trembling and astonished said, Lord what wilt thou have me to do? The Lord said to Saul, arise and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what to do. The men who journeyed with Saul were speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man. Saul arose, but when his eyes were opened he saw no man: but they led him by the hand and brought him to Damascus. Saul was three days without sight, neither did he eat nor drink. Now there was a certain disciple in Damascus named Ananias, and the Lord said to him in a vision, Ananias, And he said, Behold, I am here Lord. The Lord told Ananias where to go, and what to do. The Lord told Ananias a certain man named Saul of Tarsus was praying, and has seen in a vision a man named Ananias coming in and putting his hand on him that he might receive his sight. Ananias answered the Lord saying, I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he has done to thy saints at Jerusalem: And here he has authority from the chief priest to bind all that call on thy name. And the Lord said, go thy way for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel. I will show him how great things he must suffer for my name's sake. Ananias entered the house where Saul was, put his hands on him and said. Brother Saul, the Lord, even Jesus, that appeared unto thee, has sent me, that thou mightest receive thy sight, and be filled with the Holy Ghost. And immediately there fell from Saul's eyes as it had been scales: and he received his sight and went to be baptized. Saul's name was changed to Paul, and according to what the Lord told Ananias Paul suffered all through out the rest of his life for the sake of Jesus. Yes, I would agree that Paul's martyrs did welcome him into heaven. My bible reference was taken from Acts, chapter 9. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Jesus Calls Us His Friends

“Jesus Calls Us His Friends” Have you ever wondered why you take so much time to talk about Jesus when people seem to not be interested? I was told by John today while reading the 15 th chapter of his book why we as friends, not servants, of Jesus are to work for Him. John 15, verse 15-19. Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his Lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made know unto you. Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain; that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. These things I command you, that ye love one another. If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own; but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world , therefore the world hateth you. Jesus spoke these words to John. But before Jesus spoke these words to John He had said earlier in c.1, v. 1-2. I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman, Every branch in Me that beareth not fruit He taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, He purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. By faith I must believe I am bearing fruit, least I be purged, which I think is hurting me because I am not bearing fruit. Then I reread that verse, and it says He purgeth so we may bring forth more fruit. At any way you look at it friends of Jesus must bring forth fruit or they are not His friends. If we are not good branches He taketh them away. I never want to be cut from the True Vine, therefore I must keep talking about Jesus. I may not always know if I am bearing fruit, but by faith I will keep trying. Someday we will know just how much we accomplished for Jesus. Until then I will wait, and live by faith, and not by sight. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, March 22, 2021

The Virgin of Israel

“The Virgin Of Israel” Today we are having pre April showers. Maybe God is going to give the wheat farmers a special crop this year. We do expect lots of rainfall during the month of April. This area I live in is largely made up of wheat, and other feed commodities. It is also a rich oil, and gas land. Cattle is a good source of income for farmers also. We feel blessed to have few needy people here compared with many other places. I might add that our county is a heavily Trump supporter community. With no offense to anyone. I am proud to say to my knowledge we have many more Christians living here than other religions, or no religion at all. I say all of this to say I am aware of the millions of disgraceful people around our United States of America. So many till I feel like God is about to call an end to all this evil. I am taking my thought from the Prophet, Jeremiah, chapter 18. This scripture is the one God chose for me to commit on this morning. I urge everyone to read it, because it warns God's children about false prophets. I believe our worse danger today is not the high powered missile, or any other destructive weapon made by man; but false prophets who have led people to believe that God is only a God of love, and will not allow any harm to come upon them no matter what they do. Jeremiah is a Prophet of God, and he was chosen by God to write a book of prophecy that would remain as a warning signal through out the time of earth's being. I would that more people would read their bible, and quit listening to false prophets with all their lies, even though they may not think they are lying. There is not enough psychologist in the world who can bring relief, and peace of mind to those who have been wasted by false prophets, even though they may not claim to be prophets. They are more commonly called demons, which some do not want to hear mentioned. If you believe in the bible, you have to believe in demons. I know I am out-of-step here with the general population, but if you think we are going to be excused for our lack of concern for Jesus' teachings, you need to wake up. This concludes my thought for today, so get serious, and open your bible daily. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, March 21, 2021

“Today Has Been Made Complete” I t was so nice to see friends in church this morning that you've known, and used to go to church with for many years. I am so thankful that God is still seeing our needs at Harvest Assembly of God Church, and is taking care of those needs. If we will but follow His leading, and not be determined to do our own thing, blessing will flow over us daily. He is the way, the truth, and the light. In Him there is no darkness. My victory has forever been won, and I will forever shout for joy. I made enchiladas for Chuck, and I before I left for church this morning. I made chocolate chip, pecan cookies yesterday, so our lunch was waiting for us when we got out of church. This is “hold the diet day,” and be sorry tomorrow. I have to be kind to my body weight because my heart says I must. My doctor told me after open heart surgery 21 years ago, I must keep my weight down. I took it seriously, and haven't had any trouble at all since. Our church often has a scrumptious food buffet, and I always forget my diet, but I leave that eating temptation at church, and remember to stay on my low carb diet. The Lord has given me a portion of scripture to post today. I cannot relay the message in it, because I do not understand for sure what that meaning is. The prophet, Isaiah, wrote these words, and I will post them exactly as spoken by Isaiah, chapter 1 Come down, and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon, sit on the ground:there is no throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called tender and delicate. Take the millstones, and grind meal: uncover thy locks, make bare the leg, uncover the thigh, pass over the rivers. Thy nakedness shall be uncovered, yea, thy shame shall be seen: I will take vengeance, and I will not meet thee as a man. As far our redeemer, the Lord of hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel. Sit there silent, and get thee into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shall no more be called , The Lady of kingdoms. This is the first five verses of Isaiah, chapter 1. If anyone has the interpretation of these verses, please let me know. I have somewhat a revelation of part of it, but it would not be advisable to write here. But I feel sure God gave these verses to me today to pass on. We may be past the peace of God, and into His wroth. However, I am firmly believing God has His faithful ones fully shielded, and will “Pass Over Their Door.” God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, March 20, 2021

“Satan On The Prowl” I was going to take the day off today (Saturday), and just rest, and relax. Planned to skip my blog, and cancel my trip to the grocery store. I told my dishes they could wait till tomorrow to be washed. Then I called my sister in Oklahoma City, and talked to her an hour. By now it was time for lunch, so I quickly heated up some chicken, and rice, spooned a big helping of cold slaw, and headed to my recliner. I had taken a bowl of blueberries with a cup of plain yogurt on them to eat as my desert. When I finished eating I headed to the bedroom to lie for awhile on my comfortable bed. I could not get comfortable. My back began to ache, and I finally realized I was filled with anxiety. I tried hard to relax, and take a nap, but I kept thinking about Job. Last night was my second chapter to read after reaching the book of Job while going through the bible for the umpteenth time, I was very much aware of Satan speaking to God personally, and God making deals with him to test Job's faith. I already know the rest of the book of Job, and I am still in wonder why God would let Satan do to His faithful Servant what terrible things he did to Job. But what is more puzzling is why it bothered me so much. I've heard many reasons from Ministers why God let this happen to Job, and the scripture plainly says why, but is this same test coming to us before we leave this old sinful world? It seems like with each day we see more, and more evil exploding like a bomb right before our eyes. For many years outside of a few rough, and tough, days of survival, before we discovered so many modern conveniences we have had a great country to call ours. In God we did trust, and in Spirit, and in truth we worshiped Him. He gave us many blessings, and I suppose we thought it would always be that way. Now it seems as if Satan has approached God again and dared to let him put hurt upon His people to prove that they cannot, or will not, keep trusting Him when the going gets tough , and tougher. I believe Reverend Franklin Graham, whom I feel is a prophet, has declared this to be true in a recent sermon he gave that went full speed world wide. I shared that sermon on my face book .a few days ago. Many people have been spiritually awaken by it, and I hope it will be the cause of many rededicating their lives to God. Rev. Graham told it exactly like I've been telling it for some time now.. We hesitate to say these awful things about our Great Country, and we would rather talk faith, and hope, but the facts are right before our eyes, and we cannot deny them. We can only ask for mercy to endure the coming disaster. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp
“Satan On The Prowl” I was going to take the day off today (Saturday), and just rest, and relax. Planned to skip my blog, and cancel my trip to the grocery store. I told my dishes they could wait till tomorrow to be washed. Then I called my sister in Oklahoma City, and talked to her an hour. By now it was time for lunch, so I quickly heated up some chicken, and rice, spooned a big helping of cold slaw, and headed to my recliner. I had taken a bowl of blueberries with a cup of plain yogurt on them to eat as my desert. When I finished eating I headed to the bedroom to lie for awhile on my comfortable bed. I could not get comfortable. My back began to ache, and I finally realized I was filled with anxiety. I tried hard to relax, and take a nap, but I kept thinking about Job. Last night was my second chapter to read after reaching the book of Job while going through the bible for the umpteenth time, I was very much aware of Satan speaking to God personally, and God making deals with him to test Job's faith. I already know the rest of the book of Job, and I am still in wonder why God would let Satan do to His faithful Servant what terrible things he did to Job. But what is more puzzling is why it bothered me so much. I've heard many reasons from Ministers why God let this happen to Job, and the scripture plainly says why, but is this same test coming to us before we leave this old sinful world? It seems like with each day we see more, and more evil exploding like a bomb right before our eyes. For many years outside of a few rough, and tough, days of survival, before we discovered so many modern conveniences we have had a great country to call ours. In God we did trust, and in Spirit, and in truth we worshiped Him. He gave us many blessings, and I suppose we thought it would always be that way. Now it seems as if Satan has approached God again and dared to let him put hurt upon His people to prove that they cannot, or will not, keep trusting Him when the going gets tough , and tougher. I believe Reverend Franklin Graham, whom I feel is a prophet, has declared this to be true in a recent sermon he gave that went full speed world wide. I shared that sermon on my face book .a few days ago. Many people have been spiritually awaken by it, and I hope it will be the cause of many rededicating their lives to God. Rev. Graham told it exactly like I've been telling it for some time now.. We hesitate to say these awful things about our Great Country, and we would rather talk faith, and hope, but the facts are right before our eyes, and we cannot deny them. We can only ask for mercy to endure the coming disaster. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, March 19, 2021

“My Choice Your Choice” Feeling fine this morning. At 11 0'clock the sun is shinning bright, and it is 40 degree. Almost all of the snow has melted, and the ground is drying quickly. That bright sunshine does a lot for me. I should start calling it faith shine. I see God directing it's power switch. “How beautiful to walk in the light of the Savior.” An old hymn I love. I feel like God is answering every one of my prayers. You just can't contain more joy than that. The darkness of this blizzardous, storm we just had has made me to see only good things that I saw as bad yesterday. This even includes faults I saw in people. I'm so glad God didn't appoint me as a judge. That is probably one of the greatest blessings He ever gave me. God does allow me to choose, and pick my path as I walk this daily journey, and I do not have to answer to anyone but Him. Wow! How Great God is. I believe there is somewhat a mystery about each and everyone of us, but that mystery belongs to God. Not even we can explain it. I will be pleased with the way God made me, and hope everyone else can do the same. I believe an unruly child knows when they are doing wrong. So does the child of God know the same. I believe that child knows very well they will get punished if found out about their wrong. How can a child of God not know the same? They have a choice to obey, or disobey. It is not my choice to tell on them. I must take care of my own behavior. I have just written the message God gave me today. I do not know why, or if it will have any effect on anyone but me. I only trusted God to direct me when I sat down at my computer. I had no idea this is what it would be, but I must have needed it. Thank You Lord for loving even me. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, March 18, 2021

“Angels Unaware” The snow is melting leaving a sloppy, muddy place to walk. That's o k we needed the moister. I had to go to work today or I wouldn't have gotten out. It's really nice to see the sun shinning. I woke up at 5 o'clock this morning, and couldn't go back to sleep. Sure enough I have felt drowsy all day. This seems to be a pattern with me. At least it doesn't happen too often. Since I am not feeling too energetic I have more quite time to pray for special needs to some in my family, and friends. I think too often we forget the urgent needs of those who are suffering. We just get busy, and wait till our regular prayer time to lift these special needs up before God. Most of this day I have been thinking about a precious little boy who is far from being normal with his eating. He has been this way since birth, and the doctors haven't been able to find out the problem. This little guy is a beautiful little 18 month old sweetie, and just looking at him one would not expect anything was wrong with him. When he is not in pain he shows a lovely little smile that will make anyone think he is an angel on earth. All of his life he has been forced to swallow food that has been pureed, and having his mouth prized open while a spoonful is forced down him. He sometimes has to go to the hospital and be given fluids by an IV. I can only imagine what his loving parents have had to go through for all of the past eighteen months. I know God answers prayer, but somehow I felt like asking others to pray for this urgent need also. The bible says the prayer of faith shall heal the sick. Who is the one with the faith for this baby? It could be anyone, anywhere. Will others join me in prayer for this need? I am truly expecting a miracle to take place very soon. God has already began a process. He will continue until this baby is set free from pain, and starts eating regular food. Thank you all. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Making The Best Of A Trying Time

We are having a terrible blizzard in Perryton, Texas today. It is 32 degrees, and we've had a lot of blowing snow. This all happened after I went to bed last night. Yesterday was a nice day, and I thought snow was impossible when I saw the weather forcast being announced. But they did get it right except they didn't say it would be blizzard conditions. I am enjoying staying inside today. I painted on a portriot. for two hours this morning then ate lunch. Everything in Perryton has been canceled today. I'm not sure about tomorrow, but I think it will still be too bad to open up. Chuck and I are stocked with food, and other supplies. As long as our Dish reception stays good we are perfectly satisfied. Of course the storm that hit parts of Texas two weeks ago put people out of heat, water, and electricy for two weeks. We were not in that affected area, and I hope it doesn't happen again to anybody. Sometimes I think God is testing people to see how much they put their faith in Him or man. "Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but My Word will never pass away," sayeth the Lord. Had to stop a minute and listen to a ninety-six year old mother play a piano special of" How Great Thou Art." It was sent to me by text, and I had to shout a little. I tried to share it with others, but couldn't figure out how. Sorry you missed a great blessing. Thanks Beatriz Ofelia Reyes Fleming for sending it. As some of you probably have noticed I have put politics aside for awhile, and am contributing more of my time, and energy to the Word of God. I believe we are going through a, "wait upon the Lord time" and I am following that feeling. How wonderful it is to know that I am in God's waiting room, and He will get to me as soon as possible. I can't tell you how great it is to be personally loved, and blessed by God. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

At My Appointed Time Good-Bye World

My husband started reminding himself that he was getting old when he turned forty. Every day he would repeat that comment in some form or another. He was too old to take a chance on anything he was not sure of. He would never accept a promotion on a job, because he was too old to change his everyday routine. I was six years younger than he, so I begain to think I was getting old at 34. However, I never dwelled on my age. I have always felt like a woman was no older than the felt, and a man was not old till he quit feeling. So to this day I still have those same thoughts. I feel much younger than my 88 years, and my husband left me when he was 86. I was able to take care of him, and manage our business for 20 years before he passed away. He did not feel old as long as he was with me after he really became older. He and I had a great relationship up until a few weeks before he passed. He never lost his sense of humor, or any bit of his mind. When he was in the last stages of cancer the Doctor asked him," Charles are you ready to go?" He said, "yes I'm ready but I hate to leave my wife." He has been gone eight years now, and I am still doing quite well for myself, with God's help. I suppose I am writting this bit of nonsence to say life is what we make of it. Over the years both my husband, and I could have made some bad decisions, but he was too old, and I was not feeling old. Our marriage lasted 64 years, and I feel like a young widow. Sometimes I wonder why I get tired so quick today, without actually accomplishing much. Then I can't stop that inner voice saying, you are not older than you feel, but your body is. I thank God for every false remark thst's been made about me. I thank Him for every grief I have had to bear. I thank Him for every chance I have taken that would make me a better person even though it could have been giving up my life. It is only when we deny ourselves, and take up our cross and follow Jesus, that we have a happy, blessful life. No one can ever convience me of anything different. So to those who might think they know me better than I know myself, can you pass the test that I have passed? Can you live each day as though you have a hundred more to live? And I might add look forward to them? I am aware I could be called any minute, but I have been aware of that for over sixty years. Today is the day to rejoice, and be made glad. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, March 15, 2021

Shopped All Day Came Home Empty Handed

I just got home from Libersl, Kansas. It was a very tiring trip so my blog will be short, and not so sweet today. I tried out a new Buick 21 model Envision.I fell in love with it, but was sure that all the technology gaggets would have driven me totally insane. It even had a devise on it that if you got too close to the center, or outside strip it would ding dong you. It would have been harder than my computer to deal with. That is saying a lot. I was given an invoice with all the cost on it, and that made me think again before I made a deal. I am now driving a 2004 Buick Park Avenue, and it has been such a good car till I would not even think of anything else but a Buick. It still gives good service, but today the heater quit so I was thinking maybe I should think about trading it off. I dearly love my 2004 Buick, and probably will just repair the heater, and drive it till a much larger breakdown happens. It handles so nicely, and gets good gas milage. The power is still so great till I can hit the gas, and in seconds I am around a big truck, but it has 140 thousand miles on it. This decision seems like such a gamble to take. Anyway the rest of my shopping was put on hold except I did order a new oven. The one on the floor was black, and I needed white, since all my other appliances are white, and fairly new. It is suppose to be here in two weeks. Decisions, decisions, are killing me even though I pray every day for wisdom from God. As far now I just want to rest, and wait upon the Lord. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, March 14, 2021

All To Him I Surrender

What a sweet spirit in church this morning. The kind of service that makes you want next Sunday to hurry up and get here. I think God has found an open door, and He has made Himself welcome. That is what people have to do too much of the time. However, seldom does God expect His Children to go where they are not felt welcome. Or at least have the feeling of being out of place. God has the keys to His church, but would that men welcome Him in. It is the same with His children. I am a firm believer that when a church felllowship becomes sincere about opening their gates of WELCOME, that church will see people flog in to partake of the blessings in store for them. Too often attitudes in the church are too slow to change. Those same attitudes have shut out God's very elect. It has been a great pleasure for me since I have made my way back to my home church, to see the Spirit of God working through difficult, fleshly attitudes, and building back faith that used to be so unmovable there. I see more, and more every time I attend a service the bold servant of God daring to be deprived of God's miricalous promises. A few more days and all will be following that boldnesss. I believe that is what it is going to take to keep us safe. There will be battles, but none that God will not win for us. I long to hear that old song sang again, "I am bound for the promised land; oh who will come and go with me I am bound for the promised land." My honest opinion is the few members of this church that are left are the cream of the crop. They are dedicated to stay till the last ship comes in. No matter how raging the storm may get, [world wide) we have a Savior who is able to walk on water. It's possible we may have a few with us who are willing to step out of the ship, and go to meet that water-walking Savior. Faith is the victory that overcomes the world. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Keep It Going

Keep what going? The thousands of sermons I have heard by faithful, dedicated ministers over my 88 years of life. This new day we are living in now, ministers are leaving out the fact that though we are Christians we still can sin against God. If you will take notice you can see the wealthiest television evangelist are preaching nothing but love. They never preach about sin. As a result the community of "born again Christians" have fallen to a low mostly older, servants of God. The younger, mostly "New World," followers are failing to touch God with their new mindset. I am not one to believe that a minister should tear at peoples heart about their lifestyle, but I do believe God expects us to read his scriptures more in the pulpit about his teaching of a converted sinner to one that will live more like Jesus taught us to live. One can usually decide for themselves what is wrong, and what is right, if they hear the Word of God in plain words being read from the bible. It is from this thought that I choose to print an entire chapter from the New Testament. Please read every word, and let it penetrate. I am an older Christian having been raised in a devout Christiam home, who believe the old stlye of preaching is what it's going to take to deliver us from all evil. It's up to the, mostly older, Christians to continue on with the early teachings of God's Word. I want to include the 6 th chapter of Romans for you to decide just how much I'm wrong about my opinion. If you choose read it out of your bible instead of this post. chapter 6, v. 1. What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into His Death? Therefore we are buried with Him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection: Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin. Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him: Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion 0ver Him. For in that He died, He died unto sin once: but in that He liveth, He liveth unto God. Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God. For sin shall not have dominion over you: For ye are not under the law, but under grace. What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid. Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death. or 0f obedience unto righteouness? But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you. Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness. I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your flesh: for as ye have yielded your members servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity; even so now yield your members servants to righteousness unto holiness. For when ye were the servants of sin, ye were free from righteousness. What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things is death. But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life. For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Conclusion, let us keep it going. The new teaching does not match this scripture. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, March 12, 2021

Every Day Is A Challange

I'm waiting for the rainy weather to clear up before I make a trip to Liberal, Kansas today. I just don't like to drive in the rain, and there is a nasty fog also. I will be shopping for a new oven since I have waited three months for a part to my old one. Can't be promised that I will ever get it. The appliance store also told me they are having trouble getting new appliances in. But they usually do have a good selection of appliances on the floor. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. This place is good about servicing their merchandise also. The rate of their service is nominal, and can be quickly expected. It's true that hard times are upon us, and I believe here to stay. I'm trying hard to adjust, because there is nothing else I can do. So far I've made the change fairly well. I've even had to change from a life time of church worship to one that is still strange to me. I can't complain too much because the Bible has taugh us for years there would be perilous times, and great suffering before the end of times. I feel safe, and secure wrapped in God's loving Arms. One thing for sure these times may help some of us to welcome God's calling for us, more than ever before. That too would be a big blessing. I have watched so many people die as it has been part of my job related duties, and I can truly say it is not easy to watch. I believe I have peace over that awful, factual happening, and I thank my God every day. It's very easy for me to relax at home in my recliner, and watch T. V. I do that a lot, but I still have work to do in order to be privileged to relax at times. Again I'm thankful to my God, for all the comfort He affords me. The apostale, Paul said, "I've learned to be content no matter what state I am in." I don't think he meant Texas, but what state-of-mind he was in. I will add I am also content in my great state of Texas. My lunch of chicken, and rice is cooking, and i think they are ready for me to remove them from the heat. I already have broccoli, and cauliflour salad ready, so I will venture to the kitchen, and indulge. Afterward I will leave for Liberal. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Come Let Us Reason Together

There is one thing that has always bothered me, and still does. In The Old Testament God punished people when they did not obey His command, as in the case of Jonah. Jonah, chapter 1. All through The Old Testament God punished people for everything they did wrong, including some whom I thought sinned unintientionally. Yet it was sin according to God's law. The Old Testament was the law God had given Moses. Later God sent His Son, Jesus, to earth to live, and die for all sin to those who would beleive, and accept Him. God made a New Covenant which changed the more grievious Old Testament Law. We still live by the New Covenant, but I read Jesus' own Words that say, "I came not into the world to do away with The Old Testament Law, but that the old law might be fulfilled. I also read in the New Testament where some were struck blind for not accepting Jesus as The New Covenant. Paul was struck blind, and he immediately knew Jesus was talking to Him. Others were punished for basically the same faults that Paul had. Many Bible Scholars teach that Jeasus' death, and resurrection did not give people a right to sin without punishment, but not losing their salvation. Somehow I am made to believe that even though God is a merciful God, we are still his children,and He expects us to obey His Word. Our earthly parents taught us right from wrong, and when we didn't obey them we got punished. What is God's right and wrong, you may ask? Here is where we need to read our bibles, and follow it's teachings. The Ten Commandants are a good place to start. If we follow those correctly, we will probably not be angering our Heavenly Father too much. Never doubt that our Heavenly Father doesn't know every time we committ sin. We may not get the same punishment that Jonah got, but we will not escape God's wraph in some detail. I pray I will always respect the feelings of others, and not forget that they are God's children also. Vengance is His, and not ours. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

A Surprise Message To Me Today

I never thought my message would be such a one as this one. There has always been a hesitation in my life time about certain gifts of the Spirit being talked about. Paul speaking to the Corinthian church said to them, Love is the greates of all the gifts of God. 1 Corinthians chapter 13, Paul speaks these words. I may be able to speak the languages of men even of angels, but if I have no love, my speach is no more than a noisy gong or a clanging bell. I may have the gift of inspired preaching; I may have all knowledge and understanding all secrets; I may have all the faith needed to move mountains--but if I have no love, I am nothing. I may give away everything I have, and even give up my body to be burned--but if I have no love, this does me no good. Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud; Love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable; love does not keep a record of wrongs, love is not happy with evil, but is happy with the truth. Love never gives up; and it's faith, hope, and patience never fail. Love is eternal. There are inspired messages, but they are temporary; there are gifts of speaking in strange tongues, but they will cease; there is knowledge, but it will pass. For our gifts of knowledge and of inspired messages are only partial; but when what is perfect comes, then what is partial will disappear. When I was a child, my speech, feelings, and thinking were all those of a child; now that I am a man, I have no more use for childish ways. What we see now is like a dim image in a mirror; then we shall see face-to-face; What I know now is only partial; then it will be complete--as complete as God's knowledge of me. Meanwhile these three remain faith, hope, and love; and the greatest of these is love. I have been given the gift of speaking in tongues, but I never talk about it only in privacy. It is something I do daily in my prayer time. The Word tells us that when we speak in tongues we do not know what we are saying, but the Holy Spirit does. Paul does not say speaking in a stramge laungsuge is wrong in the church. But he does imply that the gift of love is much greater. I love when the Holy Spirit allows a message to be given in tongues, when there is an interpreter. Without one the speaker of a strange laungauge is speaking only to God, as I understand the Word. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, March 8, 2021

Concerned Yes Indeed

Today I hesitate to write my feelimgs about my concern for our great, American, Christian nation. I have spent days, weeks, and months trying to make sense of what is happening to us today. It seems as though hell has escaped it's bottomless pit, and entered the Christian country of forbidden sin, Our forefathers were used by God to write us a constitution of laws, as by His instructions. For two hundred and forty some odd years our nation has prospered and grown from that first strong foundation built by our wise old men of God. I have watched leaders of the United States stoop to the lowest depth of sin, only to gain more power, and money. When it was proven they could no longer win by honesty, they took to the most evil things they could possible think of to beat our honest, elected officials. I watched large cities being burned to the ground, and men, and womem police officers being killed by the hundreds. I watched those in power who could have stopped it just turn their backs and praise the evil doers while destroying their cities. At this time I am watching America lose every ounce of godliness it has even known. The fight against evil goes on, but unless God takes things into his own hands, we are a nation headed for prison, just like the Babylonians took the Israelites prisioners thousands of years ago. Remember the Israelits were God's chosen people, but He did not spare then from their sin. I have watched America going down that same sinful path for several years. Little, by little some Americans have decided to forsake God's ways, and do their own thing. When we read the book of Amos it's plain to see that God will never keep forgiving people of their sins He has forbidden them to do. After so long God lets terrible bad things happen to even his loving own. Amos was a sheepherder, turned prophet. The important Israelite people, told him he was not anybody's prophet, and they were not going to listen to him. Everything Amos told them was going to happen did happen. it was bad, and even worse than bad. My question today, did God allow those evil rioters to do all that damage to our country, and is He going to continue to let it happen? Are we bound for the same torture the Israelits went through? Where are our prophets today? There may be some, but evidently they are not reaching very many people. I feel like we have far too many sweet-talking ministers who are very wealthy from sugar coating God's gospel and making people think they can do no sin. My advise, be aware, of such because the Word of God plainly states sin will be punished no matter who is guilty of it. The Ten Commandants are the best instructions for us to follow today. Sadly, they have been taken down from most of our places of government, including our schools. If I sound concerend, well I am. I cannot be one of those who say, well I can't do anything about it. I just don't listen to the news today. I will not be one of the surprised if something drastict happens, even tomorrow. I will keep informed as best I can. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Wonder Of All Wonders

All things are possible with God. This verse tells me that no human being could ever explain this question to me. How, with millions upon millions of human beings could no two faces be exactly the same? Even identical twins have some differences in their faces, although we may not see them ourselves, but a mother, and father can always tell them apart. How big is God? Think about it a minute. The bible tells us that God even knows the number of hairs we each have on our head. Should we feel less important than the most genus person on earth, in God's mind? I don't think so. Of course we are not suppose to let people know how important we think we are, because the bible teaches humbleness all through it's pages. It also teaches us that when we go to an important gathering always take a back seat because someone more important than you may come in and need a front seat. Does this seem like a controdiction? My earthly parents taught me that I was as important as anyone else, but they always taught me to be respectable of others. In other words use common sense in making my choices. I personally choose to sit close to the front of our church because I have a hearing problem, and most of the front pews are always empty. I would perfer to sit near the back. But the point I'm trying to make is never feel less important than anyone else because I believe God made that clear to me when I first met Him. We are serving God, and not man. No matter how many times we read the bible, we will never know exactly who God is. Many people have lost their minds trying to figure that one out. We all know He is alive, He knows us personally, and He hears, and answers our prayers. Every Christian should be proud to be a child of God. We should likewise act like it. God won't allow His children to be rude to others. He does punish those who think they are better than others. The bible teaches that we are as good, but not better than anyone else. Until we learn this lesson we have not grown up yet. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Keep On The Firing Line For Jesus

For a moment I was concernd this morning when I pulled up my blog post for yesterday, and saw so many hitts. To me that was an impossible situation unless I had done something bad that caused an unroar among the unbelievers of Jesus Christ. My first thought was to pray asking God for peace, and deliverence of fear. I understand the world we're living in today is very different than it has been for many years past. Yet I am not willing to give up my past teaching, and believing of Jesus, the Son of God, who came to earth and died for our sins. As has been the case many times before I asked God to give me scripture to help me understand why I got so much attention from my blog post yesterday. There was no unfavorable comments, because I am not progamed to receive comments, but that did not help my concern. I reread my post from yesterday but could not see anything that I thought could upset people. But I am very much aware of bible prophesy that tells us a time is coming when all Christians will be persecuted for Christ's sake. Was I ready? Now God directed me to open my bible at random and my eyes fell on the Book of Daniel, chapter 2. This is a long chapter with several interesting points, but the one that helped me was the part where King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that terrified him. He sent for all the wise men whom had been fed his special food for a certain length of time before becoming his own wise men. King Nebuchadnezzar had forgotten the dream so he demanded the wise men to interpret the dream without hearing what he had dreamed. All the wise men, including Daniel, told the King there wasn't a wise man on earth who could interpret a dream without hearing it. Then the King ordered all of the wise men to be cut up in parts. Daniel had refused to eat the Kings food while becoming acceptable for the Kings wise men. He ate only bread, and water. Now after the men all left the king to be killed, the Lord spoke to Daniel and gave him the dream, and the interpretation there of. Now Daniel sent word to the King that he had the dream and the interpretation. The King called him in, and after the dream, and the interpretation was given to the King, he made Daniel the ruler over the whole province of Babylon. But Daniel sat in the gate of the King. Is this not an answer to my concern? If we will always stand upon God's promises we will always be delivered of fear. Not saying we will never suffer some, but God will keep us in His protecting care. I thank My God for His loving, Almighty, Power. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, March 5, 2021

Then Now And Soon To Be

There is nothing like a technician coming out to check your printer, and telling you get a new printer, then sending you a bill for $75.00. He did mess with it for about an hour, but didn't fix it. I couldn't believe I needed a new printer, so after he left I decided to mess with it a bit, and got it to working. But I still owe the company the $75.00. That's o k, all things happen for a reason. Maybe that technician just needed to touch it. There was a man named Job who never gave up his faith in God. I think about him a lot, and hope I'm never put to the test as much as Job was. I have endured many hard tests, but nothing like Job did. With God's help I managed to live still holding onto my faith in Hih. I will carry hurtful things to my grave, but I still live a peaceful life. Thank God for being the inventer of all peace, joy, and happiness. As I can plainly see the pits of hell opening up to pull some of God's faithful people down to the bottomless depth, I am made to realize that Job may not have been the only one who suffered beyond imagination. I am overwhilmed each day to see, and hear of more evil appearing with not much hope for stoping it. The big bad wolf has turned into the big bad dragon that people still cannot see. In the book of Revelations chapter 6, John describs his vision of the seven seals. For all who would dare to read it, I challenge you to go ahead and read it now. I painted an oil 16+20 scene of what John said he saw, on a canvas. Several whom have seen it is a bit distrubed by what they see. I tried to include every little detail of what John revealed in his vision. This painting is one of my favorites, although others may shy away from it because of fear. I call this painting "John's Vision," of the end times. I have another painting I did of the beginning times. it is called, "The First Sin." It's a more beautiful scene of Adam, and Eve, in the garden of Paradise. They are surrounded by all the beauty and peaceful animals, flowers, water, and skies. Even the serpent was beautiful as he offered Eve the forbidden fruit to eat, saying it would make her smarter then God. What a contrast betweeen the two paintings, only to say they both are of true origin. One has happened, but the other is yet to happen, but both came from the mind of God. This is the day to expand our faith in God. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Everything Happens For A Reason

Chuck and I got our first covid shot today. We can't tell anything ever happened. The second shot is scheduled for April 1/st. We had an appointment at 1 o'clock, and we got our shot at 1 o'clock. What a blessing it was. This small city is good for a lot of things besides little traffic. Most people here are nice, and courterous. Friendly above all else. It's been home to us for many years, and we expect it to be home until we leave this old world behind. We are still having mostly cool, windy days, and we are getting anxious for nice weather to come, and stay with us. Today is March 4 th, later than when I usually start putting weed, and feed on my yard. I'm hoping the weeds don't get too tall before I can kill them. I notice several of my bare trees have white plastic bags hanging high up in the limbs. The wind used them for kites, then left them flopping like trying to scare the birds away. I can't believe some people just let their trash blow where ever it wants. I suppose the leaves will start covering the limbs before long, and hide those ugly plastic bags. I was thinking when driving home from work today about coming home, and continue to be bored the rest of the day. Nothing exciting had happened all day other than getting the covid shot. Then I passed the home of a dear friend who was sitting on her porch in much too cool weather to be out. She has demenita, and I can no longer communitate with her. Her condition is hard to understand. One minute I think she knows me, and the next minute I think she is totally insane. This person has a very nice home, and plenty of financial means to live in luxury the rest of her life, but she is not going to spend a penny more than she absolutely has to. The fact is she doesn't know how much money she has, but she knows she is going to keep what she has. The doctor has told her son she cannot live alone any longer, and must either go to a nursing home or have someone to stay with her all the time. She refuses either of these. And she is smart enough so far to make it stick. The son is trying to let a caregiver stay with her some, but I've noticed when the caregiver is there she has to stay outside or on the opposite side on the house when the lady is sitting on her porch. I'm sure she has no idea that the caregiver is being paid. God only knows the trouble the son, and the caregiver is having with this troubled soul. She always talked about God before she lost her mind. She thought God was always tellibg her what to do. She doesn't even want her son to be around except just in, and out. This hurts me so much till I can hardly keep it off my mind. I'm like why, why, God is this happening? Instead of being bored, I'm going to be seeking God for why things like this have to happen, But not to the extent that I really want to know the answer. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Wuh Faith In God Through A Needle

So far the best news I've gotten today is Chuck and I got an appointment to get our covid shot tomorrow. Truly hoping neither of us will have any backlash to it. I am getting mine more of a courtesy to others than for myself. I'm still not believing all that I hear about this virus is that bad. I think it is being used to connect to just about everyone who had other health issues, and was seriously ill already. But it is what it is, and I will take my shot tomorrow. All of us are human, and we must live a human life. I have very little hope that our country will ever be the same so I am trying hard to adjust to a different kind of life. However, I will never forget the love of God that was instilled in me even while I was in my mother's womb. That is a treasure I will be taking with me to heaven. I think I will feel right at home as soon as I get there. I have learned to be content in my comfortable home that my husband and I shared together for 44 years. I still shed a lot of tears, but I had a lot of tear-jerkers while my husband was still with me. God did not promise us a bed of roses in this life, as the old saying says. He promised to help us through all the dark days we had to live through. He has kept His promise to me, and I am thanking Him constantly. I still get invited out a lot, but I do not go as much as I used to. I'm working on that because I think we never should pull up in our shell, and let the world go by. I believe I can make a come-back to all the good times I used to have with family, and friends. I'm more concerned about losing my humor than losing my religion. I was so glad when God put a song in my heart that never got old. "Victory In Jesus." My savior forever. If we have victory then we will show it. If I stay home I can't show it. My little Booster Band song I sang when I was a little girl, says, "This little light of mine I'm gonna let it shine. Hide it under a brusle, no, I'm gonna let it shine, shine, shine. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

So This Is The Way It Happened

I have been hearing a lot lately about Psalms 91. Nothing more than everyone needed to read it, and stand by it. Today I remembered to take my bible and turn to Psalms 91. My! what a blessing it gave me. Nothing I wasn't already standing on, but I don't think I ever read the whole chapter at once, except when I was just reading the entire bible page by page. There is a big difference in reading God's Word out of duty, than reading it because it is the peaches, and cream for our dessert today. I have been made to believe that Psalms 91 is just that, after meal bestes yet. I did get a new shout out of reading that chapter. The enemy has put so much fear upon God's people today til they are simply dying from it. I know this to be a fact as it happened to a good friend of mine whom the doctor was positive they died only from fear. Fear of getting the covid 19 virus. They never tested positive for it, nor did they have any symptons. I'm sure it has happened to many more. I realize no one wants to die, but when we live in constant fear of death, then I firmly believe the bible says those are the ones who will lose their life. How can we be of service to God if we are living daily in fear of dying? Let me explain. For example the great Rush Limbaugh knew at least a year before he died that he had stage 4 cancer of the lungs. Certainly he did everything possible to stay alive, because he knew he was doing a tremendous job fighting evil for his coutry. He kept fighting that evil til shortly before he died. He did not die from fear, but he died from enemy fire from the foe. He set a great example for others to follow. The human we all are is sure to deal us a lot of fear when we are not willing to give up our life. I have been through such times twice. The first time I was willing to give my life because I thought God asked me to. I surrendered, and when He didn't take me, yes I asked why. Through His Word He spoke to me and said I have work for you to do. You will have many more test, and trials to go through, but when I am ready for you I will take you. Many years later I was faced with open heart surgery. I wasn't as ready to die then as much as I was the first time. The good Lord spoke again and said to me, "Trust Me, trust Me." I took it to mean "if I am ready for you I will take you, but trust Me." I went in to surgery with a lot of my family members with me, but I had no fear. My family did. I was hearing a voice saying, wake up Mrs. Sharp it's all over with. I said it can't be nothing has happened yet. I was up and about the next day and went to a family reunion two weeks later. Every time I fear something that's about to happen to me, I hear that voice, "Trust Me. Trust Me." I reccommend you to read Psalms 91 today. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp .

Monday, March 1, 2021

Lost Opportunities

Millions of Americans are saying we are losing our Christian values this nation was founded upon. I couldn't agree more. But I believe we are living in prophesy times, and the evil that has gripped our nation was revealed to us thousands of years ago. All the happenings since then, and now, had to happen as planned by God. The sad thing about it is God gave everyone a chance to identify evil and not follow it, but many chose to ignore God's teaching, and go with the flow. Of course we all enjoy the many modern conveniences, and can't imagine going back to the days of roughness. A few religionus groups still are holding onto their first beginnings to a degree, but have been forced to forfiet some in order to survive at all. Today a lot of people look upon these religionus groups as weird. I somewhat fit into that class of people, but never thought of those as being left behind in God's favorites. I was always one to be thankful for any, and all riches the Lord let me have. I stood on the scripture, "I would that you prosper even as your soul prospers." This scripture and many others declare God's blessings upon those who live according to his Word. But where do we draw the line? It seems as though after a time the line gets dimmer, and dimmer til finally there is no line. It's all by faith now, and not by sight. As we stand in our churches today listening to a recorded bang, bang of background music, while one person leads a praise time of telling God how great He is, I wonder if God ever gets tired of His people not showing Him how Great He is. I grew up in a church where everyone sang inspiring songs from a hymnal, and the Holy Spirit moved upon people in a mighty way. I have been in many church services where the entire harmoniously audience, with raised arms sang the beautiful song, "Speak my Lord, speak my Lord, speak and I'll be quick to answer thee." The Lord did speak, and very few doubters were among the crowd. I'm sure there are a few churches yet that practise this type of worship, but I haven't been in one for years. I am still a firm believer that God knows His people better than I so I won't critize their worship style. God's plan has to be carried out, and I will humbly take my place in these changing times. I will not stay home like some I know who decided it was best for them to do. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp