Saturday, July 31, 2021

"It's Never Too Late To Repent"

“It's Never Too Late To Repent” Now let me tell you it's the last day of another busy week for me. I have done everything on my to do list. Just finished painting three hours on my Amsterdam oil painting. When I finish writing this blog I will be ready to give myself a touch of needed attention. Bubble bath, hair treatment, manicure, and off to bed for a good nights rest. I will start all over again in the morning by attending church, and preparing lunch for Chuck, and I. The first day of the week is always the best day for me. It is when I meet with my church family, and my special friend, Jesus, to be fed my spiritual food for another week. How blessed we are to be privileged to enter the House of God, and worship His Holy Name. None of us know how much longer we will be allowed to do that, but until such time it might happen, let us show God how thankful we are to still be praising His Name. If, and when our church home gets burned down we may be like the Israelite's of old, be carried away to a Babylonian type of capture. I get criticized for speaking negatively like this, but I still believe the Holy Word of God, and this is what I take from it .”God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. “ Believe it or not, I definitely believe it. I am praying like never before for those who still don't believe in the bible, and never open it up. Miracles are still happening, and I believe I will see several happen yet before I die. At my age I may not see the wrath of God at it's worse, but I am positive it will happen. God is a just God, and He will Judge His people accordingly. I can't remember ever standing before a judge except in minor cases, but even that can be scary. The bible tells us God has no favorites, and that He is just, but everyone will be judged. I truly believe if you have no fear of God, then you have no wisdom. Proverbs 9:10. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God.” I cannot apologize for making some people miserable, because I feel sure it takes the fear of God to fully understand His Word. His Love is greater than our sins, but we must confess them to Him. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, July 30, 2021

"Fear Not I Am With You"

“Fear Not I Am With You” The two runaways from our table at the Center were still not back today. They will have a lot of explaining to do. It doesn't take that long to drive to Waco, Texas where the Gene Watson concert was held last night, These gals are strutting their stuff, and may forget to come back. At least we who are left behind hope they are having fun because they truly do deserve it. We just miss them too much. We had a good catfish dinner with all the trimmings today. No one can cook catfish as good as our cook. We were proud to have some first time visitors today. Hope they will be coming back. Our main concern at the Center now is the quick spreading of a new delta variant virus which is predicted to be even worse than the Corona 19. We must lift up our voices to the Almighty God to protect us from all evil. Most of us at the Center believe He will keep us safe, and all together. We never want to be locked out of our friendship, and fellowship hall again. We must all stay positive, and be present at our gatherings as much as possible. This battle can be won no other way. Let us continue to be faithful to our Blessed Senior Center, As this week is coming to an end, I wonder if I have done enough to please my Lord. No one knows if they will have another week to labor or not. I do believe for sure things are not going to get better. When I speak of being positive, I'm mostly saying don't give in another inch to the wicked evil. Hold tight to what we have left, and of course pray for more strength to endure. If that sounds like weak faith, remember to read your bibles daily. It does not promise us a life of no pain nor struggle, but a healer to those who trust God, and make Him their lifeguard. I feel like we fail most when we look around and see that someone is missing from our presence who used to be a regular. Maybe some know why they are not present anymore, but do I? Do we act as if it doesn't matter? Guilty. But where do I get the wisdom to inquire without sounding nosey? Of course this is a seldom case, but it does happen sometimes. Maybe we need to seek God's wisdom more sometimes. Or maybe we just need to take that person before God, and ask Him to bring that person back to us. I've waited long enough. I will do one or the other soon. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, July 29, 2021

"Happiness Is A Gift From God"

“Happiness Is A Gift From God” It's another one of my happy days without knowing why. I tell myself I have so many things to be troubled about, but not so. Then I remember I asked God to give me peace over those troubling things. He did just that. I may not accomplish much physically, but I'm accomplishing a whole lot mentally. When I see those big smiles on faces who have a lot more to be sad about then me, I just have to leap for joy. I see those smiles every time I go to the Senior luncheons. What a joy to know we all are beating the odds. Wisdom has guided us through many long years, and it continues to guide us on. In a world filled with pit holes such as we have today, I am so thankful to say we have an invisible leader who will never let us fall if we fully trust Him. So I believe that's why most of the time I feel happy, and blessed. Those who love their own self ambitions more than the ones they gave life to, I'm sorry to say, but I truly believe they will never find happiness. It's all in vain, and I do hope they wale-up before it's too late. Help us all Lord, to yield our lives to You daily. As I conclude this little message today let me say again, I am happy, thankful, and plan to let it be seen in me every day. That does not mean I won't be praying for God to defeat our enemies, but it does mean I believe He already has. Join with me in singing praises to Him always. Let us not just tell Him about all the things He has done. He already knows that. Let us show Him how happy, and thankful we are for all those things He has done. Shame on those who do not gracefully greet, and welcome back those who are so hoping to find a place to feel a part of in God's House. Are we letting the beauty of Christ be seen in us? I feel this failure to myself more than I can relate. I'm working on improving that mistake. None of us is worthy, but all of us are responsible. Be kind, and loving even to those who throw stones at you. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

"Perryton Pride Is Still Booming"

“Perryton Pride Is Still Booming” Here is my Happy notes for today. Two of my dear friends didn't tell me they were not going to be at the Senior luncheon today, and I made sure I made it today because they had told me the next time I missed they were coming to my house to see why. This was not a last minute decision for them because they had to have made plans months ago to go see Gene Watson's show. I'm sure they had mentioned it to me some time ago, but they know my memory is not that good anymore. That's alright I had fun without them. I just can't believe they would put Gene Watson ahead of us funny, dummies. They would drive half way around the world to hear that guy sing, when they can hear our song by driving a few minutes. God bless them, and give them a safe trip back home. We had a good meal, and a good group of winners there today. I never saw one frownie face there. Our proud subject today was topped by a Perryton ex-student winning his State Representative seat in his district of residence now. He was born and raised in Perryton, Texas, and flew one of the eight bombers over Operation Desert Storm in Iraq on January 16, 1991. Later he was given permission to fly that bomber at a low distance from the ground over Perryton. Those whom had not heard of the event fixing to happen got the heck scared out of them. I ran out of my house to see all my neighbors standing in their yards. I won't mention his name because I may not have all the facts just right. Congratulations, Jake, and we know you will do Texas a great job. I just have to let you know how cheap groceries are anymore. I bought a small watermelon today, and paid $7.00 for it. That means I paid $4.00 for having it cut, and placed in a plastic bowl. I wouldn't do it any other way. At least I can see what I'm getting. It was delicious, and I'll probably do it again. Labor is what's going up. Too bad I can't work anymore. I look for other bargains to off-set the high cost of fool proof foods. Nothing like a thrifty shopper. Those poor managers in our government are pouring it onto us innocent customers, so we have to show them up. We don't have to vote them back in. After all the buck stops at the top of our elected officials. It's time to get rid of all RINO's. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

"One Of Those Mysterious Days"

“One Of Those Mysterious Days” After working from 8am to 4pm I'm not sure one should immediately start writing a blog. However, the day for posting stops at 7pm, so I have to rush to make it publishable before cut-off time. At this time I am just a few post short of 30,000 in the last period of my postings. I had two other blog accounts before this one that somehow got cut off causing me to have to start another one. I've been lucky with this one so far. The record shows I have 65,560 hits. I think something is off a little because some days I have 100 hits in one day. Whatever, I am dedicated to keep writing my voice as if I could be talking that much. It is therapy for me, and keeps me from talking to myself. When I'm tired it probably shows in my writings. When I'm happy it probably shows also. But when I'm disagreeable, please Lord don't let it show except in a kind, loving way. I don't want to be hypercritical with my opinions, but neither do I want to sound always right. I am positive that is wrong. I do feel, and hope I'm right, that my writings are seen by God, and I will have to answer to Him for all my mistakes. That is my main reason for writing my heart, and soul, and by faith maybe someone who has not known before, will be made wise to the power of our God. I believe for that reason is why God is leaving us here on this old sinful earth. The song comes to my mind now, “In a land where we will never grow old.” I am both tired, and happy, at this time, but I must rest before I reveal much of either. I'm expecting a great day tomorrow, until then “Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God believe also that He is able to give you peace, and happiness.” I'm at the end of this news briefing, ha, ha, so keep on believing, God answers prayer. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, July 26, 2021

"Just Let Me Be Me"

“Just Let Me Be Me” My day has been great so far. It started off with a call to my sister who is spending the summer at her house at Conchas lake State Park New Mexico. She was enjoying her time there with children, and grandchildren. Then I went to the Senior Luncheon where an overflowing table of humorous ladies were packed full of funnies today. Of course the more serious happenings made up part of the conversations. One of our 94 year old members was laid to rest this morning. He will be missed far sure. There are still a few who have not made it back since the Corona virus shut down a little over a year ago. I have committed myself to calling some of these, and letting them know I have made it back, and feel safe for them to come back. We did pick up a few new members after the scare was over. Over all things are looking even better than before. Can't thank the workers, and the staff enough. The past several days have been blessing me more than I can imagine. I even got a real dollar bill in the mail this morning with a promise if I fill out a news survey, and send it back I will get 5 more dollars. This wasn't on my prayer request, but it does sound good. It's just that I don't work that cheap. At least I'm a dollar ahead. But I can say God has answered several prayers for me lately. He is my joy, my peace, my all. So my second day of my new week was a good one, but I still have to work on making tomorrow a good one, so it's not over yet. If I didn't have these responsibilities I would be sleeping the rest of my life away. No thank you, I will do my job whatever it requires. I will even take the heat from those who want to turn it on me. I probably would never be done without it, and I sure want to keep doing. The secret is between God, and I. He will control the temperature until I'm really done. “I know from which my strength cometh.” Sorry, but you cannot take it from me. Try as you may, but I will love you anyway. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, July 25, 2021

"Me Myself And God"

“Me Myself And God” Today is a beautiful Sunday. After church I had a good lunch then couldn't resist the invitation from my bed to lie down awhile. It was a short rest and now I am good to go again. My yard man will be coming any minute to mow. Since he works all week he has to mow on week-ends. I have to stay home to pay him when he finishes since I didn't make other plans to be gone. This is the first day of my new week, and I am well on my schedule. Last week was a great success. Just had one day of any interference. It makes me anxious to start the new week off. Sunday is suppose to be rest day, so I'm not fretting about nothing to do. I have been thinking that I need to mention a scripture I read in my bible last night just before I went to bed. It struck me then as it strikes me now that I should share it for some reason. This is a scripture from the Psalmist David. Psalms 146: 1-5. Praise ye the Lord. Praise the Lord, O my soul. While I live will I praise the Lord: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being. PUT NOT YOUR TRUST IN PRINCES, NOR IN THE SON OF MAN, IN WHOM THERE IS NO HELP. HIS BREATH GOETH FORTH, HE RETURNETH TO HIS EARTH ; IN THAT VERY DAY HIS THOUGHTS PERISH, HAPPY IS HE THAT HATH THE GOD OF JACOB FOR HIS HELP, WHOSE HOPE IS IN THE LORD HIS GOD. Why is King David warning people not to put their trust in Princes, nor the son of man? It was King David's own father-in-law who tried for years to find him so he could kill him. This is after King David's father-in-law had highly praised him for killing the giant, and killing thousands of Palestinian enemies who would continue to try and kill his people. Samuel, David's father-in-law, was a prophet and anointed the first two kings of Israel. He was considered by many as the greatest judge. Acts 13-20. Samuel became jealous of David, his son-in-law, and wanted him killed. David fled for his life, leaving his wife, daughter of Samuel, behind. This should give us a little insight on why the Psalmist David spoke those words in the 146th chapter of Psalms. Samuel died before David became king of Israel. When Samuel died David asked for his wife back. She had married again, and I cried when I read that her husband followed the mule that was taking her back to David. He was crying every step of the why. There is much more to this story, but I think I've said enough, God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, July 24, 2021

"Walking By Faith Not By Sight"

“Walking By Faith Not By Sight” So far my day has been very satisfactory. I painted almost two hours on the Amsterdam beauty, and it is beginning to look natural. I made myself biscuits with sausage gravy for breakfast this morning. I took the left-over roast added carrots, potatoes, celery, onions, and gravy covered it with a thick crust then baked it for an hour. I had that for lunch with a dish of banana pudding I made yesterday. After I finish this blog I have to start my own beauty shop treatments. Such as naturalizing my hair, manicuring my nails, deciding on something to wear to church tomorrow, and washing dishes since I've left them till last. I think I'm well on my way to a successful day. That partly means I will be fighting with faith haters tomorrow. It never fails that they don't try and destroy what I've accomplished. I stay prepared for it because it has been happening to me since the day, many years ago, when I was told by the Holy Spirit that it would be sure to happen. I thank God for every battle He has helped me win. I have never lost one yet because I still have joy at 88 years old. However, that is after I have cried enough tears to float a battleship, but joy always comes in the night. Our loving Savior, Jesus, wept the bible tells us, so I am thankful that I can have the same compassion as He, and weep. He finished His fight, now He is helping me finish mine. You may not hear me, nor see me praising Jesus, but it never ceases. If you don't see me at church it does not mean I've given up. It probably means I'm spending time with Jesus alone. “There are days I'd like to be all alone with Christ my Lord, I can tell Him all my troubles all alone,” What has happened to the precious old church hymns? I'm glad I have a million of them stored in my heart. While you may be singing the modern type of praises, I am silently singing the old fashion praises. Can we agree we have that right? I can agree. I worship the way I feel, and I expect you to do the same. That is called being led by the Spirit. I would love to see more emotional type worship, but not the already planned type, or what is ordinarily done. My plea is Lord show us where we are failing, because I do believe we are failing as a church in this day and time. The church is God's Temple, we should be more attentive of it. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, July 23, 2021

"Weeding Out Sometimes Causes Pain"

“Weeding Out Sometimes Causes Pain” All my weed pulling, and cutting yesterday caused a back-ache that was still hanging on this morning. I took some Tylenol, and laid down across the bed then went to sleep. I did not wake up in time to get ready for the Senior luncheon today. One failure mark on my schedule for today. In fact it would be two or three because I didn't feel like doing anything the rest of the day. Where do I draw the line? Either too much or too little. I have finally got myself woke up, but not enough to want to do anything productive. Tomorrow being Saturday is the last day of the week for me. I have one or two things I must do then, or I will not be in shape to do anything productive all next week. I will be a winner in spite of the extra push I will have to make. I was given this bible verse today when I desperately needed it. I will share it with you. Proverbs 3, 5-6. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not to thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” I accept this advise from my Lord, so I cannot fail. I certainly cannot understand some of the things I'm doing, but because I feel positive about doing them, I will keep on with the struggle. When it's time for me to let go of something I will definitely know. In the mean time I will wait upon the Lord As long as God is directing my path, what does it matter which way it leads? It's when Satan directs the path is when people need to fear. “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverbs 14:12. We need to be sure of who is directing our path. This can be determined by how much faith you have if God. If ever we think we are smarter than God, just like Satan we will be cast out forever to suffer. The bible tells us at one time Satan was an angel in heaven. But he decided he was smarter than God so God cast him out to deceive others if he could get them to believe him. If he made Eve to believe him, then he must be a powerful deceiver. Beware of his scheming techniques. Remember who many times rescued you from them. I will never forget my life savior when I was attacked by that evil one. I have been set free for many years, and I have the wisdom to stay free, although I still get tempted from time to time. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, July 22, 2021

"Save The Best For Last"

“Save The Best For Last” I have my work days for the week over with now. I can start my fun time tomorrow. My body says I must rest the rest of the day. I fully agree with it. I did a lot of pulling up, and cutting weeds out of Chuck's garden today. We've had our first ripe tomatoes, and will be having some fresh green beans next week. Also a big nice cantaloupe. Due to all the rain we've had we have had to fight weeds every day. But this good fresh garden stuff is worth it. Chuck sprays weed killer, and I pull in places where he can't spray. I left Chuck's house with an aching back,.but I can recline without feeling guilty the rest of the evening. However, tomorrow I must hasten to make a big attraction on my Amsterdam painting. I've been letting the paint dry for three days, but it's time to wet it up again. I can't start on it until after the Senior luncheon. Then it's hard to change the fun attitude to a serious image of a place I've never seen before except by picture. It requires a lot of imagination to say the least. Some images are hard for me to identify, because of the distant view in the photograph. Parked cars looks like small dots forming a long row. Then in a closer view large bicycles parked on a bridge looks like normal size wheels. A lot of the rest will have to be my guess as to what they are. Trees,.shrubbery, flowers, buildings, or possible a lot of other different things. But it's fun trying to make it all come alive. I was told today by a dear loved one that there were not any invisible demons. I would like to direct them to a scripture in the bible that differs with their belief. St, Luke chapter 22, verse 1-3. Describing how Jesus could be betrayed, and the chief priests and scribes of the Jews could find Jesus and kill him. Verse3 Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve. (Jesus' own disciples.) Judas then went to the priest, and captains, and told them how he could let them know who Jesus was. They were pleased, and offered Judas money. My friend it wasn't Judas speaking to betray Jesus, it was Satan who had entered into Judas. Yes, one of Jesus own disciples betrayed Him because Satan had entered into him. I pray that this scripture will somehow cause my loved one to wake up to the power of Satan. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

"Moving Forward With Faith"

“Moving Forward With Faith” Day three finished on my new re-invented week. Right on schedule with all the things I had planned to do. My recliner looks lonesome these days. And my news briefings have all but vanished. I actually had to have Chuck fill me in today on the latest. He told me about the 11 minute space trip that Jeff Bezos made, and returned disappointing many liberal politicians. Of course it was a joke that was made about hoping he didn't come back. Jeff is said to be the richest man in the world, and liberal politicians were mad because they said he made that billion dollar trip with tax money that should have been theirs. That made me laugh for the first time today. Even my physical strength is improving since I've left the recliner empty so much more. Tomorrow will be Senior Citizen's luncheon day again. I am actually looking forward to that now that I'm back in the habit again. There is one large bunch of smiling seniors attending that place regularly. And those smiles are contagious. No place in Perryton can you find a more happier group. Unity is so important in these times of bitterness, and hate throughout the world. I truly believe our Senior group is the most fitting of any other group in Perryton in keeping with the demand of Bible verse, Galatians chapter 6, verse 2. Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Nothing less than a miracle is the reason for this prosperous little city. I pray I will stay satisfied with what I have here. The rest of the world looks scary. The rest of the evening will be spent resting only. It takes rest to keep a sound mind. Those evenings can be long, and dreary when you live alone, but the clock does keep ticking because I watch the hands slowly move. Sleep is never in a hurry to overtake me, but when I forget to quit rushing it, it slips up on me. By morning time I am so relaxed till I have to make myself get up. I've heart some people say, I take a pill to go to sleep, and a pill to wake me up. I have never done that, but I'll admit it is tempting sometimes. I have a lot to be thankful for, and I never fail to tell God so. I immediately go into my daily routine after I get up. A cup of coffee before a breakfast of bacon, egg, toast and orange juice. Sometimes I have biscuit, and sausage gravy, then a second cup of coffee. I am a firm believer that a good, balanced breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After breakfast I am ready to start a new day. I make sure I have all my business taken care of before I start the fun things. That is my daily routine. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, July 19, 2021

"Another Comment From Me"

“Another Comment From Me” At this time I'm very tired, but I have a good reason to be. I cleaned my kitchen this morning before I got ready and went to the Senior Luncheon. Then I came home and have been painting on the large canvas I bought just for the beautiful Amsterdam. I painted for almost three hours without stopping. It is extremely tiring for me because I have to reach so far to paint the top. 36 by 36 is much taller than my head after I place it on the easel. This will be the largest painting I have ever done. I'm sure I will have many hours, maybe months in it before it's finished. But the therapy it gives me is worth every hour. I put a roast on before I started painting so I won't have to cook for a couple of days. It will last Chuck, and I till the next luncheon, Wednesday. I'm sure I will be putting some in the freezer also. It is a huge roast. I do have a call or two to make when I finish this blog. I am so thankful for the help God has given me in getting my life back to normal. The past couple of years have been hard, but now I am enjoying every minute of my life. I'm not saying I won't have more struggles to deal with, but it's sure nice to have some happy days again. Perfect peace is my constant companion these days. I ASKED FOR IT, AND I GOT IT. I will forever more praise my Lord. For those who get their teaching from some humankind, let me tell you the bible tells us man will fail. It also tells us that THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL TEACH US ALL THINGS, AND HE WILL NEVER FAIL.I have been taking advise from the Holy Spirit since my first invitation from Him, shortly after my conversion. When someone quotes something to me that a well known religious leader has spoken, I will not pay any attention to it. Man was made to fail, and it's a proven fact, so tell it to someone else. We are taught to be respectful to authority, and I will be, but there is a difference between respectful, and giving up our God given rights. When one does this they are ignoring the Holy Spirit's teaching. I truly believe we are close to the time when all will bow down to Satan or loose their life. Who will be able to stand the test? I stand on the Word of God that promises us God will not allow His True Believer's to suffer corruption. Are you still trusting in man, or The Holy Spirit? God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, July 18, 2021

“The Unseen Report Card” So July 18, 2021 is almost over never to come again. “Only one life, twill soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last.” We may not always know how much we're doing for Christ, but according to the bible He is keeping it all down in a record book, and some day we will be read our earthy deeds. Yes, that means everything, the good, and the bad. I hear some saying now, that's impossible. Think about it, genus one. Is it possible that you were made a living creature, and put on this earth? Are you the one who created the world, and all that's in it? If so, how come you are going to die like everyone else? I'll agree that a living soul did live on this earth at one time, and died like everyone else who was the God, Himself, but even the genus knows that it will never happen again. We heard a good sermon in church this morning. “Those who do not forgive their brother for wrong doing will not be forgiven by God. What if you are holding a grudge against someone that you heard about, but was not a true accusation? And even if it was, you are being held accountable for not forgiving. Jesus told Paul to forgive his brother seventy times seventy. That is 490 times a day, the pastor reminded us. Are you still telling me God cannot keep a record of every human being's life? I humbly admit that I am as a filthy rag in God's sight, but He forgave me of my sins.. I am still a filthy rag, and so is everyone else, even the martyrs who died for Christ's sake. God forgave us for our sins, but just as He told the little woman at the well, “ Go and sin no more.” When we refuse to forgive others, we are sinning already. I am using my own opinion now, but I believe that every day we refused to forgive someone is going down in the life's record book. Why are the spiritual churches almost empty today? I believe it's partly because people would not forgive, and are holding grudges. For this reason I believe many have lost their ability to participate in a church they used to be active in. This failure by ex-spiritual members has caused the other 90 and 9 to suffer the loss of their Sheppard who is out looking for them. They can only mourn for their lost brother's and sisters. The Sheppard comes back to His flock empty handed, but He never stops looking. I see the suffering flock struggling to stay in the fold. I would rather see my name in the record book as struggling, rather than missing. God give me the strength to keep struggling, because I love my freedom to move about. I never want to become disabled. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp .

Saturday, July 17, 2021

"Blessed Are Those Who Endure To The End"

“Blessed Are Those Who Endure To The End” What an accomplishment I made today. I started a painting of the beautiful Amsterdam on a 36+36 “ canvas, and painted for three hours without a break. I painted two hours yesterday on another painting that I've been working on for over a year, mostly not working on. As for now this artist is in full swing again. My imagination along with my snap shots are doing great things for me. If I've never seen a place with my own eyes before, then I make it fit my great desire to go see it. It's nice to have these far-away, beautiful places beckoning you from your own walls. However, this painting is so large it would almost blind you when you first see it because the distance is too close to feel the volume of it's entirety. Just the same I am having fun enticing people to get up out of their recliners, and pack up to go on a far-away journey. This painting is not for me, because the next long journey I go on will be a one-way ticket to Heaven. However, I can dream. We are still in a stormy time of survival, but I am sure now whatever the weather, I will be in safe hands. Like the Apostle Paul said, “I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me.” I am seeing some of my dearest family and friends losing their battle to good health, but I am also seeing some of the strongest fighters ever to live on this earth. How they make my heart rejoice. Tomorrow I will start a new week. I trust it will be as prosperous as this past week. It starts off with church, then three days of dining, and pining with friends. We all share the same desire to join our loved ones who have left us for a better place. But there is strength in joining with those who are grieving, because we understand the sadness that others bear in getting through the long days. I spend two days each week with my disabled son trying to cheer him on. He mostly cheers me on, but at least we have each other to recall past, precious memories with. He is the only family member I live within 275 mile from. To me he is still that little boy, my first born, who was an impossible child to understand. He has had a hard time in life trying to understand himself. But he is a very knowledgeable person on most everything going on in the world. All it takes to satisfy him is a few seeds to plant and watch them grow to maturity. He is a lover of flowers, and works constantly trying to make them more beautiful than ordinary. He does an amazing job of it. The rest of my week is spent writing a blog, cooking, taking care of business for both my son, and I, now will be painting as much as possible. My day dreaming has ceased a lot. Thank God. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, July 16, 2021

"I Won Again Today"

“I Won Again Today” Today was my fifth time in a row to attend the Senior luncheon. I have now made it a habit. I have a few more things I need to make a habit of before I will be back to norm. Some I'm still waiting for the first time to start again. I have everything ready to start painting art again, but so far it hasn't happened. I love to paint. So why can't I get back to doing it again? The hang up I encountered on one of the last portraits has still got me hung up. Until I find a way to fix it, I probably will never start another piece. I just can't forget it, and put it back in storage. Any day now I will be back to working on that beautiful ex-First Lady, Melania Trump in her lovely formal, blue dress. At one time I had it almost satisfactory but decided to touch it up, then it turned into a total disaster. I refuse to be a loser on this one. Watch for a finished image of what I call beautiful. Due to my set-back in so many things in my life I am now happy to report that I am feeling like I have won the battle over laziness. I kept hearing these words, “If you don't use it you lose it.” I did not want to lose my happy life style, so I took to the rescue. I had decided to just sit back and let the evil enemy destroy our freedom. It looked like to me there was nothing else to do. The man-created virus was the final weapon the enemy needed to destroy America, in my opinion. I still am having trouble fighting with the lasting effects of it, as the threat keeps going on. But I have been made a stronger fighter, and I will not give into those terrifying threats again. Every day I feel more strength to fight than the day before. Yes I know that a great number of the worlds population has been destroyed in almost the blink of an eye, but as long as we keep our faith in God, we will not die prematurely. I may have a whole new display of art before that time comes. I may even be eating lunch at the Center years from now. If these things don't happen it won't be because I wasn't fighting. God can still divide the sea, and take us through on dry ground. Choose this day whom you will serve. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, July 15, 2021

"I'm Thinking Heaven Today"

“I'm Thinking Heaven Today” A very strange thing happened to me today. While I was resting between jobs at Chuck's house today a memory flashed through my mind that almost made me think I was getting called by a long ago friend whom I played with as a little eight year old girl. At that age I spent a lot of time at my grandparent's house in the country. Down the road from them about a quarter of a mile lived a family who had only one child. She was about a year or two younger than I. Her mother forced her to take piano lessons which she hated. She was very lonely most of the time. She wanted me to come to her house every day and play. Her mother was very strict with her, and made her practice the piano an awful lot. Finally her mother told her if she would practice for an hour each day she could ask me down to play. That became a habit so we spent a lot of time together. I am 88 years old now so that had to be 80 years ago. My grandparents moved into town so I never saw Joyce as I recall ever after that. Very few times have I ever though of her since. Today was a day that I couldn't get her off my mind. I couldn't even think of her last name. So I began desperately to try and think of it. I had a though of searching for her on the internet, but no name, not even her mom or dad's first name came to mind. Somehow I thought the last name might have started with a W. Every name I could think of starting with a W didn't fit in my memory at all. Then I thought maybe her dad's first name was Aaron. That did it. Joyce's last name was Aaron, I think now her Dad's first name was Walter. What a mystery this is to me. I did not intend to spend any time trying to think of their names, because I had not thought of them in many years. I said to myself it's crazy to try to remember such a trivial thing as that. That is when it hit me like a rock. For this reason I will be going on the search engine for finding lost family or friends, and see what I can come up with. If anything unusual comes from it I will post it on my blog. But seriously I am terrified as to why such an incident as this happened to me today. Sometimes I have trouble thinking of my best friends name when I am telling something that happened to us. I feel a little like “what is happening to me.” Thank God for letting us think of just what He wants us to think. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

"Hurrah for The Joy Of Hugging"

“Hurrah For The Joy Of Hugging” What a nice lunch I had today at the Center. Brisket, potato salad, baked beans cold slaw, hot rolls, and cold bread pudding. I have attended the last four lunches, so I just like one more then I will be in the habit again. I already am beginning to feel like a bird let out of a cage. I have a ways to go yet before I will be back to normal, but I'm working on it every day. The harm that the covid has caused people can never be completely erased, however I'm amazed at the progress so many have made in making a come back. Only those of us who keep letting this virus have the credit for all of our problems are the ones who will lag in their normalcy. There has never been such a thing as a perfect world. Adam and Eve destroyed what would have been perfect when they let the serpent deceive them. We are all victims of sinful lust. The bottom line is we came into this world to live, and to die. Those of us who are still living should make the best of the rest of our lives. If I understand the book of Psalms it means to have a praise on our lips at all times, for the things God has already done for us all. Never ever let us blame others for our own mistakes. Also let us never fail to tell people when they have been a blessing to us. I need to make a great improvement on the last bit of advise I spoke of. It's easy to give thanks to a crowd if we have the floor, so to speak, but sometimes it needs be to thank the individual, with a big hug. That's another gesture I am giving a lot of credit to the virus for “not happening much anymore.” “Keep six feet apart.” But before the virus what kept us from hugging? I can never tell you how much I enjoy a tight hug from people I know. But the old saying goes,”to have a friend one must show themselves friendly.” Then there's the old saying that goes like this, “actions speaks louder than words.” Both quotes are an absolute fact. So if we ever had the hug habit lets start it up again. If we never had it, lets start making a habit to do it. I'm putting the “hug request” at the top of my daily prayer request. I believe this is our greatest weapon to use against Satan. He hates the word LOVE, and will do anything to keep it out of his hearing. When he hears the word Jesus, he has to leave immediately. Let's keep him on the run from now on. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

"Signed Sealed And Delivered"

“Signed Sealed And Delivered” As I sit down to write this blog today I'm very tired. I have had a big day at work, and it followed a night of some devastating news. Nothing that I hadn't been expecting, but even so it is hard to accept. I had promised myself that when the time came for me to accept I would not be troubled about important decisions, and fear of caving. That final time had not happened yet, but something connected with the last days of preparing did. I was strong, and with Gods help, made a quick decision, although it still could change. I though I could sleep in peace, and asked God to help me do so, but my frequent trips to the bathroom, and little sleep must have had an effect on me today. I have felt tired all day. 'Somehow I still feel peace, and wonder if I didn't prematurely think the last few hours of life for my loving middle son had come. It was his daughter who called me to tell me she could do no more for her dad. She was beyond making sense, and I could hardly understand her. To me this little grand daughter is an angel who has for years been bound by an ugly spirit who seemingly she can't free herself from. I could write for hours about the successful, hard fight she has lived for since a young child. Because I know the very depth of her determination to never give up, I will never give up on her. I call her my baby because I love her so much. She has overwhelmed me time, and time again with the strides she has taken to beat the odds with her endeavors. I have to believe that she is the younger generation of a Job. She is desperately trying to help her dad to heal, but that old evil spirit has just about gotten the best of her. I have to be the stronger of them both. I am now feeling like my son is not giving up, like my grand daughter made me to think. I believe he is far from it, although I know he is in a critical condition. This is the fifth year since my son was sent home from the hospital in hospice care to die. He was living with me at that time. I was calm, but started working with him to try and get some food down. He was easy, and eager to open his mouth for a spoonful of ensure. It only took a few hours for him to improve. The hospice nurse had not called yet, and two days later she did call to see when we wanted her to come. I told her she didn't need to come because my son was out working on his car. Now we have a liver problem, but was not told that at the first. We were never told exactly what his problem was although the doctors hinted at several different things. I never intended to put this personal story on the blog, but it just started coming out the minute I sat down to write. I will take the anger some might have for me about doing so, but I have obeyed my feelings to tell others about the Great, Loving Power, of an Almighty God. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, July 12, 2021

"It Takes A Hero To Produce A Zero"

“It Takes A Hero To Produce A Zero” I have kept my word so far this week. I attended the Senior Citizen's luncheon today, and enjoyed it thoroughly. I already feel back at home, after missing the luncheons for over a year. I think more people are starting to feel the same, because the crowds are about the same now as before the Corona virus. The membership in this place is beyond destroying. I am proud to be one of the many members. Today we had Mexican pile-on, and a large dinner plate is not big enough to hold all the good stuff so they just call it Mexican pile-on. Everything that the cooks could possibly think of is on the serving table. The best in the west I promise. That goes for the members also. The best that God ever created. Anyone 50 or over can become a member by only paying a small membership due. We had to shut down for about three months at the first of the virus, except for carry-outs, but finally people began to start coming back. What a great bunch of hero's we have. I'm not one of the hero's because it took me too long to make a come-back, but I am treated as one just the same. I think I got woke up to who might be first to enter the Pearly Gates of Heaven. I need to improve my Spiritual exercise. Tomorrow is another work day for me, and then Wednesday, the following day, I plan to be present at The Center again. The luncheons are served three times a week. I have attended three times since my come-back, and they say after the fifth time a habit is formed. I like two more times, then I will be in the habit of never missing, except for necessary reasons. I'm sorry to boast, but I am so proud of myself. I am now an over-comer of a very powerful, demonized, disease that destroyed millions of people around the world. I'm not saying it's all over, but I am saying I am stronger now than before. I believe my friends at the Center are well prepared for whatever is coming next. I know who they are now much more than before this epidemic. The American flag was never, or will never, be taken down for any demon power that visits us again. We are proud of it's constant presence in our midst. I may stand to be proved of what I'm saying, but I feeling very strong at this present time. A feeling I did not have a few weeks ago. I feel sure that every member in our Center is aware of the dark future, but they are also aware of the Saving Grace of our Lord. Their eyes are upon that Savior. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, July 11, 2021

"Choose Now To Read Or Not To Read"

“Choose Now To Read Or Not To Read” I am very supportive of our Minister at the Harvest Assembly of God Church in Perryton, Texas when he delivers a sermon on a subject that many do not want to hear. As late as this morning he was preaching his heart out on warning people to be prepared in the near future to making a choice that will determine their sincerity in The Lord, Jesus Christ. That is the message I believe he was implying. I have been reading many such thoughts coming from bible scholars of all different faiths. They declare that the Covid Virus is the 666 described in Revelations chapter 13, verse 17. I personally have believed from the early beginning of this Virus break out that it was the beginning of the fulfillment of the 666 prophesy. “No man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast,or the number of his name.” If this is not a freighting choice to make, then what is it? If one believes the bible they cannot deny this prophesy. The Minister was positive that everyone will be making that choice before long, At least that is what I got from his message. There is a whole new detail about if you do take the final mark that will make anyone want to tremble. Everyone knows that already many are refusing to take the Covid vaccine, which is causing mega lawsuits, and worse than that suicides. It is my believe that millions of what we call “good people” will not even give it a second thought before following through with every suggestion the evil left makes. I have heard since early childhood that even devout Christians will be too weak to refuse the mark, just as Peter told Christ that he, Peter, would never deny Jesus. Peter denied Jesus before the cock crowed thrice. Yes, my friends I believe that the time has come to separate the sheep from the goats. That is the reason so many of the churches today are almost empty. There are still many churches that will never reach that point, because they would not have any members left if they did. I am not one to believe that everyone who makes mistakes are going to hell. But I do believe that like Peter, they will not reap the full benefits of staying faithful to their promise. I am far from being perfect, but I know that so I pray every day for wisdom, and strength to live the best life I possible can. I truly believe that when God told me early in my Christian life that, He would never leave me nor forsake, I believed Him, and I still believe. I fear God with everything I do, because I know He will not fail to punish me when I do wrong. He is a just God, and will not allow anyone to escape their punishment including me. That's why I love Him so much. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, July 10, 2021

"Sleepless Dreaming Is Wonderful"

“Sleepless Dreaming Is Wonderful” I love these 10 minute naps, and mile long dreams. Sometimes I think my life has turned into a dream. Good dreams, bad dreams, but never anything I can remember. I guess that is the good part about them. I doubt if I ever sleep a minute without a dream. In fact my sleep is very sporadic anymore. I might sleep an hour, then stay awake an hour. Some nights are better than others, but I hear from others that I am just a typical older person. A life of retirement is not all that great. However, I'm not complaining. I look back now and wonder how I worked a full time job, raised four children, and never missed church. I never had any trouble sleeping like a log all night long. I don't remember having very many, if any dreams. I enjoyed my life then, but I don't want to live it over. I am thankful, and blessed to have a good life still today, except for the sleeping part. Today is Saturday, and tomorrow I will be going to church. I have had a full week of activities. I did my two short day job, went to the Senior Center Center for lunch two days, and pulled weeds out of the garden part of two days. I took care of business, and cooked for Chuck, and I every day. That is a big plus for me. I had become so lazy I had to make myself do everything I did. Now I look forward to those things that I used to dislike. I plan to do the same routine again next week. Life is what we make it to be. My greatest desire is to help people be happy. I can't do that entirely from my recliner. I will share my blessings always. I have so many wonderful friends whom I'm so thankful for. All of my extended family are special to me. I do not see how anyone can hold anger or jealousy in their hearts. I may not approve of everything some do, but I will never insult them purposely My hope is only to help someone overcome what I feel like is doing harm to them. If they choose to hate me that is their problem, but I will never hate them. I realize there is a thin line between condemning, and condoning, but we must remember God is still the judge. The bible tells us to love our enemies, and pray for them. How do I define my enemies? I won't even try. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, July 9, 2021

“Put On Your Happy Hat” I enjoyed another lunch at The Senior Citizens Center today. I am slowly winning this stay-at-home attitude I developed when everything had to shut down so long because of the covid. At least I can force myself to get out and fight like heck to become normal again. It takes a strong will powered person to deal with the consequences that terrible man-made disease made on everyone. Especially on those who stay read up on their bibles. I truly believe we are entering the phase of world-wide deaths when the bible speaks about one third of the people will be killed at once. However, we can be victorious over that thought if we truly trust God. I will not continue to live with a defeated attitude any longer. My friends at The Center are a great inspiration to be with. We lost a few from the disease, and we miss them greatly, but their memories are still very present. Our attendance is back to normal, and this member can say the same. We will fight as long as we have breath against the terrible, evil that has gained so much control over our country. Thank You Lord for giving us courage to press on. I am expecting a full recovery to many who are shuffling with their walk because of awful grief they are having to deal with brought on because of the virus. We are winners already. I cannot be more proud of some of our government leaders who have never given into defeat one ounce. Some of you may not know this, but I am sure God has chosen them to be little David's who was the one who slew the Giant. I truly believe we have enough to kill the worlds Giant. Let us be patient, and keep the faith. “All things work together for good to them that love The Lord.” I put on my happy hat today, took my picture and posted it on face book. Let us all wear our happy hats, and smile for God. I have several more to wear as time goes by. And let us not forget to ask God for forgiveness every day for our sins. We sin in spite of our effort not to. We are all humans, and the bible says “he who says he has no sin is sinning already.” I have had a great week for the first time in over a year. I am still not without trials, but I have the strength to bear them. This world is not my home, I'm just a passing through. My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the moon. Amen. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, July 8, 2021

"David's Own Words I Am The Chiefest Of All Sinners"

“David's Own Words I Am The Chiefest Of All Sinners” It is believed that King David wrote the 118 chapter of Psalms. Verse 17, I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord. Verse 18, The Lord has chastened me sore: but he hath not given me over to death. How many of you wonder why you are still living when seemingly your Godly work is over? You have grown to be old, and for the most part are useless to the Lord. Because of the time I wholly gave my life to be taken by God, the trade being made for my salvation, I cannot ever say my work is over for God. I may be old, and body ridden, but the fact that I'm still here makes me know God is not through with me yet. After I was told by the Holy Spirit I had been saved from all my sins, I simply asked, “then why am I still here Lord?” He said to me through his Word, “I am not through with you yet. You will have many more battles to go through before I am through with you.” From this personal experience with God, I believe I understand David's exhortation in Gods Word. “I shall not die, but live.” Yes, I am going through battles daily I call it, but David called it chastisement. I may not have committed the worse kind of sin like David did, but I was a no-good sinner. I do not feel like I'm being chastised like David felt when I'm going through a battle, but it is easier for me to endure because God told me in my early years I would have to endure hard times. I am truly ready to live as long as God can use me in some way. And I am happy most of the time. God just seems to put a praise in my heart even when things are tough. There is an old saying I like “if life gives you lemons, make a pit.” It has taken me two years to gain back my pleasureful life. The Corona virus had a Hugh impact on my life. I am sure it is a fulfillment of Bible Prophesy which is a very bad time for all to endure. I cannot change that belief because it is so positive of a warning from God's Word. And it gets worse as time goes by. But I have accepted the will of the Father, and will take things as they come, day, by day. I have become stronger in spite of the evil I see happening every day. I keep reminding myself of the wise old saying, “only one life will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last.” I hope I have a few more days to do more for Christ. When the roll is called up yonder, by the grace of God, I will be there. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

"Keep On The Sunny Side"

“Keep On The Sunny Side” I finally made it back today to my favorite place to dine out. It had been one year since I had attended due to the Corona-virus which caused other disadvantages, and still has an effect in many ways, I believe this epidemic has done more harm to peoples lives than will ever be known. Since I had been out for a year what I saw in some persons today would have seemed more like five years of change. I almost felt like a stranger to the place, although everyone so graciously welcomed me back. There is definitely a difference in the atmosphere in the place. The people are still the best that God ever made, but they obviously are fighting with the determination to keep it going. The crowd was good, and the food seemed even better, but something called peace was missing in my opinion. I believe most of those people are living by faith more than ever before. I love them for that. Why did this world wide disaster strike us? No one can answer that, but everyone is fighting daily to disarm the giant enemy it is. I for one have never fought so hard in all my life. I am positive that I will be fighting for a long time yet. I can't praise those dear Senior Citizens enough who have never let up one bit on their determination to keep this fantastic place moving full force. One would never guess how hard they have worked. Today I made a move to completely restore, and rebuild my physical and spiritual strength to help make The Senior Citizen's Center a Shinning Star. I pray we all will embrace for the next round of explosive damage that very possibly could happen again. We can do it with God's help. The more we get together the more we can win, I still am amazed at how well the Senior Citizens have done to keep our place safe, and active. I know now just how important they are to the community in which I live. Glory to God for such good Christian people. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, July 5, 2021

"Is It Old Age Or True Love"

“Is It Old Age Or True Love” It looks like this 4th of July has turned out to be a four day holiday. I called two places today that I needed to talk with, and both were closed due to the holiday. The mail was also closed down. The United States is becoming farther, and farther in debt partly because of allowing too much pleasure time to most employees. Many are refusing to work because they get paid more to stay at home. The tax payers, and shoppers are feeling the effects every time they pay to own a house, or buy food to eat. In my opinion it is helping China to gain more ownership of America. The old saying is true, “robbing Peter to pay Paul.” It doesn't exactly make for a happier life as we grow older. I can still say God has been good to me, and helped me with all my uncontrollable finances. I could say I'm in debt to Him, but I might be insulting Him if I did. The world, and all it's content is already His. The more we thank Him, and honor His Word the more He blesses us. He does not hold us accountable for those who make bad decisions in life, and make debts they cannot pay. He will always see the faithful, wise, and choose to back off when they see their mistakes, He will always help them to gain. I also believe this means more then finances, it means health, and joy, peace, and happiness. I stay at home alone most of the time, because I believe I am sheltered there, and can stay in touch with my Lord on a daily basis. Like a little child if I wonder too far I might become so contented that I forget my way back. For many years I have never done that yet. I need God more, and more every day. He is my comforter, my provider, my healer, and my soon-coming King. As long as I stay true to Him He will stay true to me. I heard John Denver sing his famous song today, “Take me home where I belong,” meaning he was tired of being famous living in the mountains, and was ready to cone home to his modest country life where he belonged. I believe everyone who is truly honest would prefer their simple, modest life instead of money, and fame. Far too many can never find their way back, and end up committing suicide. Depression is not like a common cold. It is a disease that requires more than medication. I believe it requires a new walk with God, without holding anything back from Him. I have experienced several depressed, and finally dementia friends who have not been able to return to normal minds, and it is a very sad thing to have to see. It is only my opinion, but I feel like the disease could have been prevented had the person recognized the symptoms and changed their way of thinking. Because I loved them I still suffer part of their misery. Let us be thankful for what we have, and never forget to tell it to God daily. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, July 4, 2021

"Who Cares About The Church"

“Who Cares About The Church” Our Pastor delivered a good 4th of July sermon this morning. He didn't fail to mention all the men, and women who have fought down through the years to keep our Christian Nation strong, and safe. Also even this day they are still defending our County. God, our Commander, and Chief, is still winning this bloody, sinful battle. Our Pastor preaches regularly that we will never give up. I stand firmly behind him on this statement. We as Christians, must put forth every effort possible to help fight this ragging war. It's always been a tradition every 4th of July to celebrate the freedom The United States won, and became Independent. It was a time for families to get together, and pop firecrackers, and feast on wonderful food. As far back as I can remember we as children, could hardly wait for that big day to arrive. Our parents made sure we always had firecrackers, and the girls had sparklers. Now two hundred, and some odd years later we are on the verge of losing that freedom we have enjoyed so much. Some places in America have already lost it, and cannot even fly their flags peacefully. I believe every place in America has lost much of their freedom. I wonder just how many luke-warm Christians are riding the fence. We must take a stand before it's too late. There is no excuse for saying, “I can't do anything. I'm staying home, and praying.” Do these people not know that the more match sticks in a pile is harder to break than a few? There are a few times in the bible when a small number of warriors won victory over a multitude of fighters, but only because God took things into his own hands. Can God do the same thing again today? Of course He can, but will He forgive those who would not even offer a hand to physically support the main fighters? I do not want to risk that possibility. As long as I can possibly be in church, I will be there. That is if the church has not lost their purpose in being there in the first place. There has to be a reason other than habit. If I cannot feel God's Spirit in a church, then it's time to move on. God did not give us a mind of confusion, but is the author of peace as in all churches of the Saints. 1 Corinthians 14:33. Just be at church to be counted as those who faithfully honored God, and no other reason. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, July 3, 2021

"Amazing Grace Indeed"

“Amazing Grace Indeed” I have enjoyed having company for the past three days, but after they left this morning I am now feeling lost. I always know I will be found, because it happens so often these days of living alone. In the mean time I won't pretend to be something I am not. If I'm lonely I will say so, if I'm sad I will say so. If I am happy I will say so. Only if I'm angry then it's up to you to decide, except in extreme cases. There is a difference in angry, and different opinions. At the end of the day I am always normal, whatever that means. I am more than thankful for this one Friend who is by my side daily, and ready to comfort, and lets me know He is never far away. Every day of my life now is proof that I have been watched over, and blessed since the day I was born. I have to give my parents most of the credit for that. I have to say I have weathered many hard storms, and at times was ready to give up, but have always found my way back to the One whom had never left me in the first place. I trust I will complete my journey here on earth without rushing it up. My God knows when He is ready for me. I pray for patience, and staying capable to do my job. I want people to know they are welcome to come visit me anytime even without calling to let me know. I have been told that some have tried to visit me, even rang the door bell, but I did not answer. I am very hard of hearing, and even with hearing aids it doesn't help. I have told them to open my door and yell at me. If my door opens then I am at home. I am either in a back room at the computer, or painting art. The television is always on, and it is hard for me to hear my door bell. I would advise would be robbers that I do have ways to call for quick help if I need to. I have nothing in particular that a robber would want, but now a days so many have lost their minds. By my saying this you may have already guessed I live in a small town with very little crime. How much longer I can say this is unknown. Crime is rising everywhere everyday, This world has become a very wicked, dangerous place to live in. I truly believe we all need each other to share our burdens with. Some of my husband's famous words were, “when I am down she is up when she is down I am up.” How much more do we need to hear these words after one of the couple have passed on. We still have that invisible One, but even still we need each other. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp