Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Awsome Art By The Great Invisible Artist"

Jean's Comment's: "Awsome Art By The Great Invisible Artist":                        The light is going out. Time to sleep and rest. 2-1-2018 Perryton, TX While I’m on the theme of nature, I couldn’...

"Awsome Art By The Great Invisible Artist"

                       The light is going out. Time to sleep and rest. 2-1-2018 Perryton, TX

While I’m on the theme of nature, I couldn’t pass this one up. This evening at 6:15 p.m. I was like OMG, what is this beautiful piece of art? I took several pictures, and it was hard for me to decide which one to post. The God of this universe is so real, and so great, till it floods my heart with joy. These scenes just last a few minutes, so one must have their camera’s ready if they want to capture the beauty. I will go to sleep tonight thinking about this gorgeous red, and yellow sky. If I dream, as I usually do, I hope they are red, and yellow dreams. Who made those beautiful colors? Who painted the skies with them? Who sent beautiful colors to earth for us to paint with? Who decides which scenes to display each evening? Who gave us an artistic idea to unfold on canvas? No one but the indescribable, “God,” as that’s all we know to call it. From there it’s all about imagination. Even the bible was written by faith, and inspiration from this unknown Creator of time, and the fullness of the earth.  We have proof that the Spirit is real, because it dwells within our hearts, but what else can we say about the unknown power thereof? I would hate to be in the shoes of those who disrespect this powerful Creator, or the ones who do respect it. God, as we know it, protects His own. They are sacred just like the Creator himself. No wonder the bible tells us that one-third of the world will be destroyed by fire at one time. Every humankind who deny the indescribable Creator will be destroyed in that great fire. Jesus, the Son of God is God. If you believe in one, you have to believe in the other. No one will enter heaven who don’t believe in Jesus. There is some unknown answers to a few questions some of us have about that, but that’s one reason we can say the Creator is indescribable. We were told to live by faith, and not by sight.

Every day of my life I am made to wonder what makes me think the way I do. Is there any other answer but the maker of my body, soul, and mind, makes me think the way I do? I would add those who do not trust God fully, are being made to wonder by the evil spirit. It is fake, and all it does is make the body, soul, and mind, miserable. My wonders are supported by  joy, peace, and happiness, even in times of struggles.

So now the red and yellow sky has turned to darkness, and I am waiting to lie my head down on my pillow, and wait for the sun to come back up in the morning. It is then that I will start a new day of work that helps me quit wondering about unnecessary things. I will consecrate on doing my job well. It is while I am working that I find happiness. I believe it was meant to be that way.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Jean's Comment's: "Rock On My Friends"

Jean's Comment's: "Rock On My Friends":                       A rock of ages resting at son, Chuck;s, house. 1-31-2018 Perryton, TX Another piece of natural art I discovered at...

"Rock On My Friends"

                      A rock of ages resting at son, Chuck;s, house. 1-31-2018 Perryton, TX

Another piece of natural art I discovered at my son, Chuck’s, house is this huge rock resting against a tree trump. It is much bigger than appears in this picture. The dark mark across it is a shadow. Chuck had this rock hauled to his house because it has a history behind it, but I don’t have that history yet. He had planned to display it, but he would have to hire a tractor with a lift to move it around. Due to his bad health he probably won’t ever do anything with it. In fact there are two big rocks. The other is not as heavy, and it is lying flat on the ground by the side of the big one. I am guessing the big rock weighs at least 500 pounds. It is solid with some kind of metal running through it. My son has a great love for the facts of nature. I think he got that from me. The rock could be several thousand years old. I did learn it came here from some place in New Mexico. Rock on my dear love. You are here to stay. We will call you “The Rock Of Ages.” 

The lunch at the Center was very nice today. The menu was chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, and salad. The desert was cherry cheese cake. Everything was perfect, due to some very good cooks. I got to see my secret love, although he don’t know it either. I did see out of the corner of my eye, he was looking at me. I don’t have macula degeneration, but I can see well out of the corners of my eyes. If our health holds out we may look each other straight in the eyes someday. I think I would enjoy that more than looking at a bald head. Thank you Lord for helping me keep my secret. The six ladies that sit at our table are tops for fun and jollity. We do not allow gloom to sit at our table. Anyone who has a partner named Arthur leaves him at home. Those who have a partner named Payne, has to stay home also. Only those named Tom, Dick, or Harry get to come to the Center. When Jolly leaves, we leave too. Sometimes that’s a quite awhile after we finish our meal. I have some good advise for widows. Do not grow old sitting at home. Get out and find a secret love. There are plenty of widower’s who are looking for secret lovers also. The old song is so true to all of us oldies. “Ain’t she sweet walking down the street, well I ask you very confidently, ain’t she sweet?” We sing this old song a lot at Happy Timers. We no longer sing “A bicycle buit for two.” We sing an icicle made from two.” Not too bad if we wrap up good.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Hidden Piece Of Interesting Art"

Jean's Comment's: "Hidden Piece Of Interesting Art": If this looks like a headless bear shot full of holes, It's not. Read the story. 1-30-2018 Perryton, TX I just came home from son, C...

"Hidden Piece Of Interesting Art"

If this looks like a headless bear shot full of holes, It's not. Read the story. 1-30-2018 Perryton, TX

I just came home from son, Chuck’s, house. I had to do a little work there. I was stunned at this large tree stump that had been sawed down, and drilled full of holes to pour stump killer in. Four roots from the stump were outside the ground pointing in different directions, making it look like a large animal lying there. I had to snap a picture cause it looked so real. There are so many different kinds of natural growth from trees, that gives off excitement, sometimes in places where one would least expect it. This tree stump is rooted within two feet of the wall of the house. Another large evergreen hides the view from the front of the house. A solid stone fence hides it from the side of the house. Just a narrow pathway separates the fence from Chuck’s house. It had been let grow till the top hung over Chuck’s roof top, and the next-door neighbors too. It finally got cut down never to grow again. All the little would-be trees growing from the roots, got killed with the same stump killer. All that’s left now is a show piece, and it is neat to look at. A piece of art that I would like to have in my yard. It’s not possible to move, because the roots go too deep, and reach too far out to ever get the whole thing all together. As many times as I have been to Chuck’s house, and worked around that stump, I had never noticed the image it showed off today. Funny things do happen. If it were in my yard, I would build a little fence around it, and add a monument with inscription that read, Mummified Headless Bear. Age unknown. I would plant a few flowers around the fence as in remembrance of something that once lived.

How many times do we miss seeing something of significance in persons, places, or things, that we have been familiar with for years?  Oh! Just to have eyes like Jesus, but that would be the part of creation, that would make us immortal. We must use what the creator gave us at birth. Brains that seek beauty in the most outrageous places. No way, we say, but why did God create outrageousness? Does it have a place in our world of dignity?  We’re reaching way farther out than any human being could ever discern. We must see what we see, whenever, or wherever,  we see it. Be it beautiful, ugly, artistic, unusual, hurting, disturbing, or of any other characteristic, we must take it to heart, and in some cases, frame, and hang. Display or portray. We are we, and we are one of a kind. Accept it, and move on with it. If we don’t fit in the picture, look for one that does. No one wants to be an odd-ball. We must never, never force ourselves in a group that is not part of our make-up. So as I saw the animal likeness in the tree stump today, let us always be looking for more freaking, instead of only perfection. I like my world of simplicity, and would not trade it for a million dollars.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, January 29, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Two Love Birds Dancing On Limbs"

Jean's Comment's: "Two Love Birds Dancing On Limbs":                 Dance on little birds. You got the world watching you. 1-29-2018 Perryton, TX Is there such a thing as love between a ma...

"Two Love Birds Dancing On Limbs"

                Dance on little birds. You got the world watching you. 1-29-2018 Perryton, TX

Is there such a thing as love between a male and a female without sex? I’m not talking about married couples who have grown old together. I’m asking about couples who just like the companionship of each other. Is that kind of love possible? I mean the kind of love these two birds seem to have that I have posted. This is definitely not mating season for birds, yet I watched these two birds rub their beaks together for several minutes. I was entertained by their closeness. They didn’t just sit still, and look at each other. They touched their heads, and danced a little like they were thoroughly enjoying being together. The bird’s eyes, as tiny as they are, can see the sparkly in each other’s. Some day I hope to learn how to operate my movie camera. After several minutes of watching these feathery beauties, I became too chilled to stay outside and see what happened. Nature has a way of raising one’s curiosity in many ways. I do believe God made male, and female, for each other to love, share, and help with the daily chores of life. Just when did this all change? The world is filled with stinking, rotten, rejecters of God’s plan for life without modification. Even the birds have stuck with the origin of that created plan for life. I’m not a bird watcher necessarily, but I do know they were created just like humankind to reproduce, and obey their natural instincts. What a wonderful place this world would be if more people were as true to their nature as the birds. God bless the man, and woman, who likes to be loved, and be respected like the birds. Nursing homes would not be so filled if this had been the case. Who wants to think that God enjoys seeing elderly people live lonely while dying in that lonely place? It just was not meant to be.

I love the song written by Sonny James, “He’s Everywhere.” Verse goes like this. I see Him in a baby’s smile, I see him in the bird’s that fly, (I added that last line.) I see Him in the winds that sigh, He’s everywhere. God is, :everything, everywhere.” Even the atheist know that, although they don’t want to admit it. I once talked to an atheist. I asked him if he believed there was a God. “Of course there’s a God,” he said. “You can just look around and see that.” I didn’t go any farther with the questioning. I knew he was an atheist, and I already had heard enough. This fellow was a homeless man with a mother, and step-father, who were ministers. He had come to Perryton from under his bridge-home in Colorado. He had come to make restitution with his mother. His mother had asked me to assist her when the son called after twenty five years of no-see. My husband and I took her to pick the son up. After five or six attempts of this son trying to make things right with his mother, it never happened. She put him out for the last time, in a cold, blizzard-like, condition. This was at the request of other family members. He was 62. He was hitch hiking back to his bridge-home in Colorado. Someone found him un-conscience lying on the road. He was taken to a nursing home, and died there without anyone to claim his body. However, it is not clear if the so-called atheist was buried in the cemetery where his step father was buried or not. I had become a, “no part” of the fix, by this time. There were conflicting stories floating around in Perryton. I cannot ever forget this sad, unbelievable incident. The mother came down with dementia soon after, and died also in a nursing home. I’m not sure how to connect these two stories, but I will say the two love birds were dancing with each other, and that made me forget some of my bad memories. There is happiness after sadness.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Just In Time To Save It"

Jean's Comment's: "Just In Time To Save It": OK sunset, you got me covered. My hands are up, and you're being shot. 1-28-2018 Perryton, TX Last evening while coming home from th...

"Just In Time To Save It"

OK sunset, you got me covered. My hands are up, and you're being shot. 1-28-2018 Perryton, TX

Last evening while coming home from the Widowed meeting, this gorgeous sunset captured my eye. I stopped the car, got out and took this picture. Within seconds the sun was gone. I was so glad I got there just in time. When I got home, I just sit down and awed to myself about that beautiful sight I had just seen. Was God telling me something, since I was immediately stopped at the first glimpse of this sunset? It was not much more than a glimpse. It disappeared quickly. I had had a good day yesterday. In fact I had had a good week. I started this week off by going to church this morning, something I hadn’t done in several weeks. Is my life fixing to become overwhelmingly exciting? “Oh God!” I believe you have great things in store for me and my family. Thank you in advance. I’m trying to send a message to everyone who is so inattentive about the beauty of God. It is so easy to pass Him up if you are not expecting Him to show. I look for Him in all things I am involved in. I need the proof, that He is guiding me every step of the way. The song goes like this. “I see Him in a baby’s smile, I see Him in the winds that blow, I see Him in the sun that shines,  He’s everywhere. Stop, and take notice when you see a definite sign of God. It may be His way of asking, “are you listening to Me?”

Can we always find something to complain about? Only if we’re looking for something. If that be the case then we are not in God’s will for our lives. We need to stop what is making us complain, and find a more satisfactory place to enjoy. I either stop attending these places, or mostly wait for directions to move me on. Do not complain  It is not worth it. If it’s something that you depend on for a living, then be content while you look for the signs of God. We need to start looking for that sign, in the sunset, in the moonshine, in a baby’s smile, in the wind that blows, and other God invented things to tell us where we need to go. Stop complaining, and start moving on. Don’t expect an anomalous gift of a million dollars, although that is possible. Just wish for peace, joy, and happiness. A million dollars cannot buy these things. No amount of money can compare to these gifts of God. Who would want to complain if they had these priceless gifts already. My complaints are against the evil dwellers of this earth who try to take all good things from us that God has made possible. We cannot move away from those people. They have to be defeated, and God expects our help to do that. Rebuke them in the name of Jesus, and they have to leave us and find another place of torment. Try it and see.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Looking And Feeling Better"

Jean's Comment's: "Looking And Feeling Better":                                I touched up my floral arrangement. 1-27-2018 Perryton, TX I have given some attention to my neglected fl...

"Looking And Feeling Better"

                               I touched up my floral arrangement. 1-27-2018 Perryton, TX

I have given some attention to my neglected floral arrangement that I posted a few days ago. It still doesn’t please me, but when you have stubborn children in the family, you have to deal with them the best you can. We accept what we have, and try to hide the flaws. They all are part of an arrangement that I proudly accepted at first sight. They will continue to light up my life. I own this floral arrangement, and I will continue to love, and touch it up till I leave this world. I can never enter this arrangement in a contest, but I’m not here to please others anyway. I am the one to judge my taste of beauty, and desire. I will never discard what I have cherished for so long. I will continue to give attention, and help with moving a few flowers around from time to time, but other than that they are here to stay.

I’m glad this is Saturday. I get to eat Pizza with the widowed group this evening. It’s been awhile since I’ve had Pizza, and I am looking forward to it. I always enjoy visiting with friends at the widowed club. In fact I’ve been walking on clouds of peace, and joy for several days now. I’m up in the air, and sailing smoothly. It is not a dream. It is a “real time,” of answered prayers. How great our God is. When He answers prayer for us, He sends them all at once. I almost forget sometimes some of the things I had asked God for. He reminds me, and I am overjoyed. I can’t stop thanking him. The future holds many blessings for me without a doubt. I just need to be patient, and enjoy the ones I have already been given.

As for my country, I have the same sincere feeling that it is going to shine like the famous Eastern Star. We are being directed by a leader/leaders who are the chosen ones of God. The lost respect for decency so many have decided to follow, is now being handled furiously by Godly leaders. It’s sad that they had to be handcuffed, and locked up to make understand that they are under the authority of a living God. I expect to see much more of this harsh treatment coming to some who denied the reality of God. That self- righteous belief, and power, is now being proven to them that it was fake. There is no need for them to keep fighting, their identity has already been handed to God, as if He didn’t already know, but waited on His angels to act. I don’t believe there will ever be peace on this earth, but God’s people will be given special care, and protection, from that everlasting evil spirit. We are seeing it happen this very minute. The Christians must be strong, and let our God do His job. If some of our dearest loved ones are among the condemned, we must trust that we can endure. We can, and we will.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp                                     

Friday, January 26, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Sky High And Feeling Blessed"

Jean's Comment's: "Sky High And Feeling Blessed": Shooting for a white streak all across the western sky. A little bird managed to get in the pic. 1-26-2018 Perryton, TX                 ...

"Sky High And Feeling Blessed"

Shooting for a white streak all across the western sky. A little bird managed to get in the pic. 1-26-2018 Perryton, TX
                          A daylight moon shines in the eastern sky. 1-26-2018 Perryton, TX

At 4:30 p.m. today 1-26-2018 in Perryton Texas, the weather is at it’s best. Warm, windless, and fit to sunbath. An absolute unusual day for mid winter in this part of the country. We are thankful. The sky was also unusual. A wide, white streak formed back in the east, and followed the globe all the way to the west. A little bird was restfully sitting on a line when I took the picture. As for the east in addition to the white streak, an almost full, white moon, shone down on the earth as if to say, all is well, take thy peace. I have been made completely relaxed, and blessed today. This all happened after I came home from the Senior Citizen’s lunch today. While there I fully enjoyed my meal, while visiting with friends. Everyone there seemed to be enjoying themselves. Plans were being made for several guest invitations, which will be great if it all goes through as expected. The Sweetheart banquet is coming up shortly, and that is always an exciting event. I just can’t say enough good things about our Senior Center, and all the nice people who make it possible. It seems like every year it gets better. Perryton would be dull without it’s Senior Citizens. I have to think about the famous quote, “ The best tunes are made on old instruments.” I have to agree fully with that. They seem to hold their tune better. They were made before artificial material was discovered. The masters of all good sounds.

This week is coming to an end with some progress made, but not as much as I plan to do next week. I am tired of procrastinating. Now is the time to change. No one likes change, but everyone knows it should happen. They just won’t allow because, to say it bluntly, they are lazy. I know that is my problem. I fear God is going to get tired of me staying in this state of mind, and when He does, I will be scared to death of losing his patience with me. I could not live without his great love, and mercy. I am not ready to die, so I must do more to please Him. It would be embarrassing if He should come to my house and see all the dead leaves piled around my yard. Yet he sees them every day, because He is my constant guest. How can I explain that? There is no way. I would have to admit I am lazy, even if I am 84. I am still able to walk straight, and not feel faint when I run the sweeper for an hour. I can do anything I need to if I would just not procrastinate. It‘s easy to do the things I enjoy, but the things I don‘t enjoy, somehow it‘s like I just don‘t feel like it. With God‘s help I can do better. My President, Donald Trump, makes me ashamed every day when I continue to see him keep going and fighting every step of the way, day and night, weekends, and holidays, all of the time to make America Great Again. He could not possible be sleeping but a few hours each night. He also is not a young man, so what can I say about that? I never miss a night asking God to protect, and strengthen, both he and our vice-president. I am seeing that prayer answered daily. Thank you Lord.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Not A Pretty Sight"

Jean's Comment's: "Not A Pretty Sight": The remains of a cabinet maker's shop after a tractor trailer missed a curve ans plowed into it. This happened 1/2 mile from my house ...

"Not A Pretty Sight"

The remains of a cabinet maker's shop after a tractor trailer missed a curve ans plowed into it. This happened 1/2 mile from my house last Sunday. 1-21-2018.  1-25-2018 Perryton. TX

The building I posted was a large one, and looked pretty sturdy built with cinder blocks. I can’t see how one tractor trailer truck could have leveled it to the ground. The driver only had minor injuries, but the building was nothing but rubble after the collision. The site of this accident is ½ mile from my house. A garage was damaged also belonging to a house where people lived, just a few yards away from the impact. I don’t know that family, but my guess is they are thanking God for protecting them. The driver was charged with driving while intoxicated.

I was surprised, and delighted today to learn that a friend whom I have great respect for is running for House District Representative for district 88. That is my district, and I would be proud to have a state rep from my city. This man is a wonderful Christian man, and I am fully supporting him. He has a nice family, and is a successful business man. I just can’t stay out of politics. I believe this man would be a good steam engines for President Trump. We need a lot of them to help our President make America great again. I believe this candidate has all the qualifications needed to make a good state rep. One thing for sure he has is a wife who it could be said of, is the better half of him. “Behind every successful man is a good woman.” He also has two lovely daughters with great education. Good luck to you, ex-church member. You’re in my prayers.

I have had a busy day, but I managed to make a large pan of chili. Chuck loves chili, so I made enough to freeze some for later. We had Frito pie for lunch. I didn’t even get indigestion. The brownies with fudge icing that I made yesterday went well with the chili. It’s been hard shaking off the holiday feasting I indulged in. I can’t seem to stabilize. It’s off and on, with mostly on with the good stuff. I just bought a few more new cloths this week, and they are still the same size as before Thanksgiving. I haven’t tried them on yet, but hope they will fit. Tomorrow will be the time I find out. I am going to the Center for lunch. I have my dress essentials already laid out. I cut my hair today, and I may not be recognizable tomorrow. At least I have three inches less to manage. I always feel better when I get my hair cut and colored. I also have a few things to talk about tomorrow since my friend is running for State rep. First I need a good night’s sleep. I am always tired at the end of the day. This blog is past due, but I am hurrying to post it before the day changes. It’s been a big day.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Reclaim Your Beauty"

Jean's Comment's: "Reclaim Your Beauty":      Sad to see the results of neglect to something dear to our hearts. 1-24-2018 Perryton, TX I noticed for the first time in a long ti...

"Reclaim Your Beauty"

     Sad to see the results of neglect to something dear to our hearts. 1-24-2018 Perryton, TX

I noticed for the first time in a long time this morning, the neglect of one of my favorite flower arrangements. It has sat by the side of my china cabinet, adding grace and charm to my dear soul, for quite some time. I was suddenly shocked this morning when I noticed the unattractiveness of this arrangement. I suppose due to movement it gets from being in a place where we adjust the heater/air conditioner right above it, that some of the nice filler/flowers got disarranged. Other reasons include night light above it with a lot of heat falling down to it’s fragile silk objects. But most of all it suffered from simple neglect. As the owner of this arrangement I am responsible to keep it dusted, move the flowers, leaves, and other objects back in place if they become displaced, and most of all give it more attention .

I think the lesson I learned this morning was that we so often neglect the very things that God gave us to make us happy. Family, friends, security, health, self appearance, thoughts of others, and on, and on. How many of us pray each day for each one of these things I mentioned?  Do we call out the names, the things we want God to do for them, and the reasons we think they are worthy of it? Do we continue to do this on a regular basis till we see the answer? Not much is going to happen to make us happy if we don’t first put forth an effort. Our family members, and friends are not going to be convinced that we love them unless we show them in some way. We cannot just tell them we love them, we must pay more attention to their needs. They get disarranged every day by knocks, and heated advise, from someone who should not be giving it in the first place. They become limp, dull, and unattractive. They need attention, but with tender loving care.

Our security, and health, depends upon we, ourselves using the good mind God gave us, and not neglecting to act upon it. Otherwise we may lose that good mind, and be unfit to care for ourselves. Like the flower arraignment,  we will have to let someone else rearrange us. I have found it most unlikely to keep my appearance up since retirement. Why do I want to bath every day, and fix my hair when no one is going to see me? I don’t need to be pretty to watch television, or spend time on the computer. But after all, I need to be pleased with me, when I look into the mirror. If I neglect that need, I will not be pleasant for God to look at. Proverbs 17:22 KJV.  A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones. The one most important of all these demands is be thoughtful of others. Not just some, but all. We cannot pick, and choose, who we want to smile at. Anyone who we meet on the street, whether we know them or not, deserves a smile from us. God will decide if that smile was legitimate, so we must not judge by appearance. Of course there are some rules to this duty, but be careful how you judge. The same goes for a compliment. If it is not genuine, don’t say it. A smile is better than a compliment, if both are fake. We must look for ways to help the down, and out.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "I Caught Them Eavesdropping"

Jean's Comment's: "I Caught Them Eavesdropping":                                    There they are, eavesdropping. 1-23-2018 Perryton, TX I recently wrote on my blog that a little bird ...

"I Caught Them Eavesdropping"

                                   There they are, eavesdropping. 1-23-2018 Perryton, TX

I recently wrote on my blog that a little bird had landed on a limb outside  my computer window. I asked if maybe he was bringing me a message. I am sure most people have heard all their lives the old saying, “be careful what you say in secret because a little bird might hear you and carry the message to the one you were talking about.” Little did they know that this warning is found in the holy bible. Ecclesiastes 10-20.  Cruse not the king, no not  in thy thought; and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber: for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter. Can anyone laugh at that bible statement?

I walked outside today and saw all these birds setting on my fence. It looked like they were waiting to carry a message from me to someone I didn’t want to hear it. The birds were lined up on the fence, and for what reason? It’s unusual for me to see birds side-by-side on my fence not far from my bedroom window. I do not share many secrets with anyone. I do put stuff on my blog that sometimes might be read, or sent to someone who might get upset with me. I can tell the birds to just read my blog if they are waiting for a message. I will admit I do speak pretty in appreciatively sometimes, which makes me feel a little uncomfortably, but I must speak my conscience. I do not believe in being two-faced. I do believe when saying things that I don’t agree with, say them respectively.  Everyone has a right to their own opinion. However, I cannot speak respectively about the female protesters who ware an image of a vagina around their heads. I have to call this what I think it is. Women who have no respect at all for their creator, children, other women, or anything that spells decency. I have no guilt at all calling this kind of disgrace out. The birds can take this message any time they want. That is not saying I am a Miss goody-goody. I know I am imperfect, but I certainly hope not to that extent. I believe women lost their true image when they left their kitchens, and children to go out and try to take the men’s job. It should have never happened. I did work out when my children got older, but I never put my job before my family. The best thing any of us can do now is take things one day at a time. Pray, and trust God with all the rest of world’s problems. If we do that we can live in peace, joy, and happiness. We can even have things that we don’t deserve. I call that a bonus. We are not free to go out of our bounds, but who wants to do that anyway? I am satisfied with my life as I know it.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, January 22, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Hit Betweeen The Eyes"

Jean's Comment's: "Hit Betweeen The Eyes": Senate votes today to break the Shumer filibuster, and re-open the government. 1-22-2018 Perrytob TX President Trump just now won again....

"Hit Betweeen The Eyes"

Senate votes today to break the Shumer filibuster, and re-open the government. 1-22-2018 Perrytob TX

President Trump just now won again. The Senate just voted to break the Schumer filibuster, and re-open the government. This is the beginning of getting the promises fulfilled that our President made to the American people when they voted him in. The Democrats are still demanding that all the thousands of Dreamers be legalized, and given citizenship so they,(Democrats,) can get their votes. The Democrats know that has, and will always be, the only chance of them getting elected to any government office. They are soon to learn that the President we now have, is beyond being fooled by their deceitful tactics. This also includes a hand full of Republicans. I dare any Democrat or Republican senator to put their IQ score up against President Trumps. They can brag, but they cannot produce. I believe that President, David Donald Trump, is about to slang that fatal stone to the so-called giants. He has the prayers of millions of Christians. How great is our God? Too great for any human mind to imagine. I am about to shout this morning about the greatness of our God. I stayed home from the Senior Center luncheon today so I could watch all of this unfold. I probably will miss going to the store, and paying a bill this evening, because more is still to come. Something very big is about to happen. What, or when, I will be waiting.

I was positive in my own mind that when the time came to elect a new president this last time, It had to be a “One Tough Guy.”  It could not be a nice, politically correct, carbon copy of the past. I knew the Democratic nominee was totally out, and out of the seventeen republican nominees I immediately chose Donald Trump when I heard him speak. Someone said to me, “he’s weird.” I said that’s what we need. A weird, mean, unafraid to say it like he felt, regardless of what people thought, that’s what we had to have. I started supporting him in any way I possible could, and even won a dinner from a friend when he was elected. My friends, you are not fighting against flesh and blood when you fight against our President Trump, but you are fighting against the Spirit of God. It should not take a rocket scientist to see that. I’m laughing up my sleeve at some of the frazzle-worn Democrats who try to demonstrate their power, and intelligence when they obviously can’t hardly speak. It’s even more fun to see some of the Republicans who didn’t even make it to fist base during the campaign process, trying to turn people against our president without admitting it. Good try fellow losers. What does it take to prove to you, you are not liked.? I have been a player, a contestant, and a fighter many times in something I believed in. I know the feeling of not being liked, but after so long I give up. Not easily, but why be a fool forever? The best is yet to come. Stay toned.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Ladies Of Disgrace"

Jean's Comment's: "Ladies Of Disgrace":           Myrtle Jean Sharp is resting today. Be back on tomorrow. 1-21-2018 Perryton, TX Since this is Sunday, and I have had a busy pa...

"Ladies Of Disgrace"

          Myrtle Jean Sharp is resting today. Be back on tomorrow. 1-21-2018 Perryton, TX

Since this is Sunday, and I have had a busy past week, I needed to rest today. Hopefully I will be back in style tomorrow. I spent too much time this morning visiting, and laughing with a friend to get a blog written today. Sometimes that’s what we need to do, laugh and be merry. I am blessed with lots of friends. There just seemed to be an extra lot of humor on face book this morning, and I could not get serious, even with our government being shut down. I think I might have exploded if the extra humor hadn’t taken me over. I did put out some pretty explosive remarks about the pink caped females, or whatever they may be, marching against our President. I sent those true, demeaning, remarks straight to their headquarters. Those words were not nice at all, but I doubt it made any impression on those vulgar, good-for-nothing, pink-caped females. They have lost their conscience many years ago. The bible calls it, “searing one’s conscience.” It happens after a long period of turning a deaf ear to God. We can now just look around and see some of what hell is going to be like. It’s closer to us than I like to believe. Surly God won’t let His people see the flames.

You ask how can I say these things after just saying I laughed all morning. Well the laugh is over. It’s now time to roll up the sleeves again. The worst part of this war hasn’t even started yet. There is no time to take a long recess. The flood gates have been opened, and we need to be working over time. I am ready to go tomorrow, and give it all I’ve got. God is expecting it of all of us.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Still Feeling The Shock"

Jean's Comment's: "Still Feeling The Shock": One day after the 5th year death date of my husband, Charles Sharp. 1-20-2018 Perryton, TX All I can say about this certificate I’m po...

"Still Feeling The Shock"

One day after the 5th year death date of my husband, Charles Sharp. 1-20-2018 Perryton, TX

All I can say about this certificate I’m posting is it is my husband, Charles Sharp‘s, 32 degree, and that he has been accepted by the SCOTTISH RITE. I cannot read most of the writing on this document, but when he received it, it was the most proud, and joyful time, I had ever see my husband experience. Only God knows what it meant to him. He received this certificate on the 21st day of June, 1980. I would like to take this means to honor all 32nd degree Masons. They have done outstanding work for betterment of our world for ever-so-many years. God Bless them all. I was proud when a brother Mason recited a lengthy prayer at the gave site of my husband. It touched many hearts. Now that he has been gone for five years, I hope he can somehow see me honoring he, and all his fellow Masons. The picture of Charles is the one used in his obituary. I could not be prouder of this man who took care of me for 64 years. He also left something about his life to support me the rest of my life. I never thanked him enough, regretfully. Wives, please remember that. It’s too late to thank them after they have been lowered in the ground.

I can report that my life has been different since he left, but I do have the power of God to give me direction every day. I cannot tell you what I will be doing tomorrow, because day by day, hour by hour, my mind is directed. I do tell you what I plan to do tomorrow, but my plans are often changed. I love this minute, by minute, type of living. It is so exciting, and like a little child, I’m always anxious for excitement. All I need is a bath tub to make me be ready in a few minutes to go out and enjoy. I can put my make-up on quicker than anyone. The hair just needs a few touches from the long-tooth fork lift, then  a bit of spray, and I’m good to go. If I give you an excuse that I can’t go because I’m not ready, beware. I probable just don’t want to. After all, looks are not everything. By the way, I have just two hours to wash dishes and get ready to go to the Widow, and Widower’s meeting this evening. I hadn’t planned to go tonight, but just decided now to go. Something special may be fixing to happen. Let’s hope.

Keep watching the news. Be prepared to shout out with your voice on the computer if things keep pointing toward an all-out Civil war. I have already spoken out two or three times this morning to my Congressman. A lot depends on you, and I. Use your voice, and don’t hesitate. Have a happy week-end.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, January 19, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Wearing My Art On My Back"

Jean's Comment's: "Wearing My Art On My Back":                     Wearing my art on my back. Artists Myrtle Jean Sharp. !-19-2018 Perryton TX I almost backed out of going to the Ce...

"Wearing My Art On My Back"

                    Wearing my art on my back. Artists Myrtle Jean Sharp. !-19-2018 Perryton TX

I almost backed out of going to the Center today and wearing my art outfit because the news was so exciting. I promised yesterday on my blog that I would wear this outfit to the Senior Citizens’ lunch, so I had to keep my word. A friend took my picture both front and back so I could post it on my blog. I did get several nice complements, and it’s evident the people had my back. It was worth waiting till later to catch up on the news. The food was very good, and as usual the fellowship was great. On top of all of that the weather today is beautiful. I am set for an interesting week-end with good news, everywhere except the television, coming to me right and left.

The concern about the bad news is that Our Government is about to shut down. If that happens we may be attacked by North Korea any minute, because that would leave our military defenseless since there would be no money available to pay for extra defense spending. Surly the Democrats are speaking volumes here to disclose themselves as  totally against America as we’ve always known it. Just how big has this rebellious nation grown to? Too big to recapture? That is quite possible unless the people turn their thoughts totally upon God. As for myself, I believe it’s going to happen. God has not forsaken us yet. Far too many Christians are holding up our President’s hands toward heaven. The ungodly people cannot understand the Power of our God. Neither can the Godly, but we do know that it’s enough to win this battle over good or evil. Therefore I can live in peace without fear or doubt. I will eat, drink, laugh, and be happy while being merry. I can hardly wait to meet with friends again, and share our joy. That will be tomorrow night at the Widow, and Widower’s dinner.

This game of “good against evil,” is the most challenging game of anything I’ve ever watched. I have to say the players are all in good shape, and the weaker ones are still plenty robust. That is saying that I believe this game will go without a winner for a very long time. The problem is that some of the Republican party can’t decide which team they really want to be on. They are jerks, and should be benched. Their brains are not working with their actions. There has to be a flaw in their nerve system that hinders their reflex. Some call it traitors, I call it physical sickness. Send them all to a doctor to be tested for cognitive like our President voluntarily did. His score was perfect, yet the less-aptness Democrats, with the help of a few Republicans, are refusing to accept. That’s why I say this war is going to last a long time. I believe God will finally come to play, and knock all the evil players out right on the field. I can’t miss that excitement.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Just A Glimps Of The Past"

Jean's Comment's: "Just A Glimps Of The Past":                Front and back of my own hand made Mexican jacket. 1-18-2017 Perryton, TX I thought this might be interesting so I’m se...

"Just A Glimps Of The Past"

               Front and back of my own hand made Mexican jacket. 1-18-2017 Perryton, TX

I thought this might be interesting so I’m seeing what you think. Many years ago I made this Mexican jacket. I made pants to match it, but they have been discarded long ago. I ran upon this jacket today in a closet that holds nothing but would-be discarded cloths. I remembered all the hundreds of hours I spent embroidering all those designs with needle and thread. I just couldn’t throw it away and, decided to wear it tomorrow to the Citizen’s Center. I needed something to wear with it so I began to rack my mind. I had grey boots, and tight jeans. Then it struck me I had a grey knit top I hadn’t worn in a long time, therefore it still laid in some laundry that I thought I probably wouldn’t wash. I just needed a purse. It had to be pink, and with about forty purses in my closet, I failed to have a pink one. I rushed to the bargain center, and found a 90 percent off sale on purses so everything was in good shape. It cost me with tax, $3.25 cents. Luckily I can still wear the jacket. I washed it and the knit top, and they look almost new. I wanted to take a picture of this outfit since I never dreamed I’d wear that jacket again. To say the least it is very colorful. This outfit is probably one of a thousand I’ve made down through the years. Some for most of the members of my family, and I haven’t given up yet.

This day has been a busy one for me, and I’m late getting this blog on. I do hate missing putting on a blog every day. I think that is my therapy. It just comes naturally, although I never have anything important to say. When I get struck with an idea, I must use it because I never know who might be needing just that one crazy thought. I do have readers all around the globe, and some of them are reading my blogs while others here in America are sleeping. I get many surprises when I turn on my computer in the mornings, and see so many hits that weren’t on when I went to bed. Every single one of you are in my prayers nightly. We are living in a bad, bad world, and I don’t believe it’s going to get better. We all need to pray for each other. My honest, sincerely, belief is that the best, and only thing we can do is pray without ceasing, like God told us to do. Trust without questioning. I can’t help but believe we are not far from the end of our time. That should be encouraging, instead of depressing. Jesus told us from the start that to die  was to gain. I will believe that, even though this old flesh doesn’t. I also believe He said occupy till I come. I’m occupying with fun.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Honoring Charles Sharp"

Jean's Comment's: "Honoring Charles Sharp": Charles Sharp, my husband's Shriner fez, a few pins of many, his 50 year certificate, and his Shriner club cap. 1-17-2018 Perryton TX....

"Honoring Charles Sharp"

Charles Sharp, my husband's Shriner fez, a few pins of many, his 50 year certificate, and his Shriner club cap. 1-17-2018 Perryton TX.

In two days my husband, Charles Sharp, will have been departed from this earth for five years. 1-19-2013. One of his greatest achievements here was to become a Master Mason, and A Kiva Shriner. His last request for his funeral service was to be given full Shriner honors at his grave. That was granted to him. I felt the need to honor him myself on his five year death date. He put many hard hours in helping cook with his Shriner club for community socials, with the money being donated to the Shriner’s Children Hospital in Houston, Texas. The green club cap is dirty from sweat, and years of service, but it means a lot to me. I didn’t post his apron that he used while cooking, but I still have it. It is clean, as I washed it a lot. Most people that are not a Shriner know very little about them, including myself.  It is a very private fraternity, and the members take their oath to the grave. I’m so happy to be the wife of a great Shriner member. I do think I am right when I say no mason will ever ask a non-mason to become a member. The interested future mason must ask to be considered. One does have to first be a mason before becoming a Shriner. Most masons are happy to help an interested person to take the proper steps to becoming a mason. All kind of false tales have been told about the requirements to become a mason, but I can say once the interested person is fully accepted, they will be proud the rest of their lives. Many great men in past history have been masons.

I just want to say I did go to the Senior Citizen’s Center today, and enjoyed a great time with my friends. I look forward to these meetings every week-day that a lunch is offered. I don’t make them all, but I do attend a lot. I feel surrounded by wonderful people who will do about anything to make me happy. I am one of those who will do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It’s a blessing that cannot be matched by anything else. It truly lights up my life every time I go. One cannot take jealously, hatred, anger, or anything else into that place that fails to make people feel loved, and welcome. The opposite feeling is so strong till the unlikable ones automatically leave, and won’t come back. Can God be any better than that? If you need a load of encouragement come on down to the Center. One never knows who they may meet there that they haven’t seen in a long time. It makes you want to go and put your arms around them, and say I’m so glad you came. Most of us could improve a little on how friendly we are to others, but I’m working on that project. It’s a thing called inferior, although some won’t admit it. Brush it off. God has no respecter of persons. Be yourself, but be nice to everyone.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Life Is Still Fun"

Jean's Comment's: "Life Is Still Fun":                              Myrtle Jean Sharp, Mother's Day 2010. 1-16-2018 Perrryton, TX As I mentioned on my blog yesterday I woul...

"Life Is Still Fun"

                             Myrtle Jean Sharp, Mother's Day 2010. 1-16-2018 Perrryton, TX

As I mentioned on my blog yesterday I would be putting a picture of me  taken on Mother’s Day several years ago, to be exact almost 8 years ago, wearing one of the lovely corsages my husband always bought me on Mother’s day. This picture was taken  in 2010. The past five years I have missed those corsages as my children always send me either a bouquet, or another kind of gift. I have put the past in the past, and am doing very well moving on. Of course I still have my days of crying, but they are getting farther and farther apart. How could I cry when I have so much to be thankful for? Good health, financially comfortable, and a great family of loving members. When the stars are out they sparkle at me every time I walk outside. When it rains I smell the clean, fresh air, and know God is showering me with His love. When I start to have a bad nightmare at night, it is God now who quickly wakes me up instead of my husband. Sometimes these nightmares are really bad, and I wake up shaking, but God always touches me quickly, and lets me know it was not real. The next morning I feel so brave, and secure. I live alone in a big house, but I have neighbors who God sees to it that keep me safe. I can’t imagine ever living somewhere else. I will be celebrating my 85th birthday on the 30th of this month, January. I feel as young as the picture I posted shows me.

The weather here is warming up some, and I plan to get out tomorrow for the first time in nearly two weeks. I need my friends to chat with for awhile. I’m so happy to have all of them. They are really a joy to be around. Fun, encouragement, faith builders, and much more, is what they are. Oh! How I love my friends. While at the grocery store today I ran onto one of those dear ladies. It lifted me up just to see her smiling face. She has been a widow many more years than I. I have never seen her in all those years without a smile. She has to live a skimpy life, since she and her husband didn’t accumulate much retirement while working, but she would never let anyone know that she is not rich. That’s why I love her.

I am in the process of making a large pot of beef stew while I write this blog. A lot of it will go in the freezer for lunches later on. Chuck, and I both like beef stew, and it’s so handy to take out a serving and microwave it quickly when we are cramped for time. It is also a good diet food since it is chucked full of several different vegetables, and the beef has no carbs. I have now shed all the extra pounds I had gained over the holidays. I must now keep them off, and  I can eat better now and do that.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, January 15, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Two Eigthteenth Hundreds Pistols passed On"

Jean's Comment's: "Two Eigthteenth Hundreds Pistols passed On": Two pistols from the 1800 hundreds. Belonged to my husband. His death anniversary is the 19 of this month. 1-19-2013. Not for sale. Gone t...

"Two Eigthteenth Hundreds Pistols passed On"

Two pistols from the 1800 hundreds. Belonged to my husband. His death anniversary is the 19 of this month. 1-19-2013. Not for sale. Gone to grandson. 1-15-2018 Perryton, TX.

I have now given the last gift of value that my husband left, to my grandson. It’s taking a long time for me to remove his memories from our home, but it is something that has to be done. This lucky grandson loved everything his grandfather loved. I am so happy about that. Charles V. Sharp has been departed from this earth five years. He passed away on my loving brother’s birthday. Six months later my brother passed away. I can’t explain how hard this past five years has been for me, but my Lord has been with me every step of the way. Charles, and I, were blessed with four children, six grandchildren, and three great-great grandchildren, although he didn’t ever get to meet the great-great. Charles passion was guns, and hunting. He was a gun expert, knowing almost everything there was to know about them, from the oldest to the newest. His greatest interest was in antique guns.  If he’s made it to heaven I’m sure he has asked God if He has any antique guns. Who knows just what heaven will be like. My husband started asking me right before he died what heaven was going to be like. I could only tell him that I don’t believe anyone knows that. Although, he and I went to church all of our married life, I still believe that. We can only trust that it is going to be without sin, and with that said it would have to be a wonderful place.

My husband never let many Mother’s Day’s pass without presenting me with a lovely corsage. In a few days I will be posting a picture of me taken on Mother’s Day seventeen years ago. I am wearing a beautiful corsage he bought me. What I miss the most about him is hearing him say, almost every day, “you are beautiful, and you will never know how much I love you.” Life is not easy anymore when I never hear those words. I still hear them mentally, but not the same. Looking back now I wonder how we ever made it together for sixty three years. We went through many tough battles, but we both knew God had said it would be that way. We clung onto faith, and most of all we remembered our wedding vows. “Till death do us part.” I can’t explain how life can be so painful, but I suppose Jesus couldn’t explain that either. When Jesus was preparing  to walk to His cross on the mount of Olives, He withdrew from his disciples a peace and kneeled down and prayed, saying, “Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me; nevertheless not my will, but thine be done.” And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven strengthening Him. And being in agony he prayed more earnestly; and His sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground, Luke 22 39. Kjv. At one point while Jesus was hanging on the cross He cried, “My Father why hath thou forsaken me?” Then he gave up the ghost and died. Can any of us say our life has been that bad? I cannot. I am thankful for every trial I went through.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Just Stop Spinning"

Jean's Comment's: "Just Stop Spinning": My mind is spinning like a wheel of fortune this morning. Stop on something, Please! 1-14-2018 Perryton, TX For several hours this morning...

"Just Stop Spinning"

My mind is spinning like a wheel of fortune this morning. Stop on something, Please! 1-14-2018 Perryton, TX
For several hours this morning I have been waiting for the wheel of fortune to stop on something. Whether it be art, lecturing, preaching, writing blogs, deep-cleaning house or yard, or what ever, just stop on something. I have never had so may ideas to hit me before in just three hours. They all are projects that I will follow up on. I think the wheel just stopped on, “get up and do something.” Here I am writing my mind-set. That’s an attitude I haven’t defined yet. I’m still in my pajamas, and it’s nearly time for lunch. Could that be defined as a dreaming attitude? I love it whatever it is. I have had breakfast, drank a pot of coffee, watched some old news, and obeyed the spot the wheel stopped on. I’m doing something. My schedule for this next week is written down, if I can just keep it spot-on.

The flu has been very bad all over the states. I have stayed in most of the time, because I don’t like being sick. Most of that time I have played the “Wheel-of-Fortune.” Mentally of course, but that can be fun also. I think it’s challenged my talents. You can’t play, wheel-of-fortune, if you’re out running around having fun, and doing nothing productive. Although I do plenty of that when the flu bug is not buzzing. My free long distance calls are a blessing also. Not to mention my computer, and social media. I believe we have everything we need to stay, healthy, happy, and productive. I do feel like it’s important to get involved in helping our President Trump to, “Make America Great Again.” In some way everyone could do that if they wanted to. If we can get part of the evil, corruption out of our land, we are not only helping our President, but we’re helping God. Most of all we’re helping ourselves. Let us not lose our country. Let us share it, but only with those who love it also, and obey our laws. We need no changes from the original constitution.

I am being faithful to my diet since the holidays have caused me to fill out. I don’t like looking blown up, and it is not healthy. It’s not fun dieting, but it sure does help the attitude after it’s over. Remember what I told you. God answers prayer, and even gives hefty bonuses. Your’s is coming, just be patient, and believe. I am a living example of that. I love my Heavenly Father so much, and I know He loves me. If you’re in doubt of your status with God, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” Psalms 34:8. He disciplines us, but He will never abuse us. He is strict, but loves us even more than our earthly fathers loved us, since they were human also. Don’t feel denied, God is no respecter of persons. Call upon Him today.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "This Picture Won't Be Forgotten"

Jean's Comment's: "This Picture Won't Be Forgotten": I am embarrassed to post this picture, but I have a word to say to the women who demonstrated in the, vulgar costume, 'women's mar...

"This Picture Won't Be Forgotten"

I am embarrassed to post this picture, but I have a word to say to the women who demonstrated in the, vulgar costume, 'women's march" because Hilary Clinton was not elected president. 1-13-2018 Perryton, TX

I wondered when I saw these women marching in the “women’s march” during the Presidential election if this might have been the case. Were they trying to show men they were a woman since it’s hard to tell the difference anymore which of the three, so-called, genders they are. I doubt that, but who really knows what they were trying to prove? Surly a real woman would not act in this vulgar, disgusting manner. I only posted this picture to show the reality of how ungodly many human beings have drifted from the sacred plan of their creator. I hate to show my ignorance, but when I first saw the women in that march with their heads stuck through this harness I thought they were trying to say we are good work horses. “We’re not feminist, we are hard workers that can plow the fields like a horse. Don’t forget us.“ After all I was raised on a farm when many farmers still used horses to work their ground. I watched my father harness up a team many times. He would put a collar, much like the one the women were wearing, around the horses neck. A blanket was first thrown around the horses neck so the collar would not rub it raw. Then the collar was fastened over the small blanket. The picture these women are shown in, could easily have been horse collars painted pink with a pink blanket around their neck. I have to believe that’s where they got the idea. Out of a book, and not by their own imagination. Then the other thought came to me. Were they letting it be known that there are still women around who have not changed their gender or chose to act like a man? Whatever their reason, I am convinced they are so far removed from God, that there’s possibly no hope for forgiveness for them. I have uncovered some of my reverence for God, and am now helping Him to warn the people of no respect for Him, what’s coming for them. Who can keep silent in times like this? I hope no one can.

There is no doubt in my mind but what God has placed President Trump in the Oval Office to clean up the swamp. He is taking mud slinging right and left, yes literally, from both the right, and the left. He is never to be outsmarted by those evil, thoughtless, demonstrators. Our country will be made powerful again, and a lot of the garbage will be hauled to the dump. Reverence, and respect will dominate our public places again. I, for one, am going to work hard to help our President achieve his promises. He is well on his way already to achieve them all. Before I die I want to see it 100 percent. I don’t claim to be a perfect person, nor does President Trump, but we do claim the power of God, and that’s what we are suppose to do.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, January 12, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Who Turned The Heeater Off"

Jean's Comment's: "Who Turned The Heeater Off": Remember this little tree I posted 2 days ago with the buds starting to pop out? Sure enough that same night we got a lot of snow and 10 d...

"Who Turned The Heeater Off"

Remember this little tree I posted 2 days ago with the buds starting to pop out? Sure enough that same night we got a lot of snow and 10 degree temperature weather. 1-12-2018 Perryton, TX
             Maybe there's hope since the buds were just barely showing. 1-12-2018 Perryton, TX

The roads had ice on them all day yesterday, and still so this morning. Driving is hazardous. Several days prior to this ice we had spring weather, and the trees had started budding out. We are hoping that the buds were not far enough along that the fruit will be killed. There is a slim chance we will have fruit this year in Perryton, Texas. What an unpredictable speck on the globe this place is. Over all it is a very nice area to live a happy, and secure life. I’m thankful that we came here 63 years ago. There are some other disadvantages such as zero competition in many areas of business. For a city of about 9,000 population, it’s hard to understand why we have only one new auto company, and there certainly is a lot of non satisfaction expressed in the service department of this Buick place. The closest other place for a new model car service is fifty miles away. Electricians, and plumbers, are two more much needed areas for competition. There is no want for nice motels here, but can’t say that about eating places. It would take a genus to figure out the cause for so many things lacking in Perryton, Texas. The school system is superior, and the oil drilling is nominal, but the churches are in need of more enthusiastic members. The crime rate is low, and of lesser charges, but the taxes have gone up the past few years to the extreme. I give reason for this tax increase to unqualified city leaders. After saying all of this I feel like we live in a great city for an average family to live a normal life. In most cases a person can drive from two to three miles and be at any location they need to be. Home, work, hospital, school, church or any other place of need to go. This is phenomenal compared to my granddaughter living in Houston, Texas may have to drive as far as fifty miles one way to work at a hospital. We can be happy living with a few disadvantages if we set our minds to it.

I can also lose the other three pounds of weight I gained over the holidays if I set my mind to it. I have done that and am enjoying my breakfast of bacon and eggs, and a delicious salad with chicken or turkey for lunch and dinner. A pound a day is what it produces as long as you drink lots of water. Believe me you want have any problem drinking water if you stick to this diet. You can even add boiled eggs to your salad. No limit to how many eggs you can eat per day. Pork rinds are a must if you like crackers with your salad which I do. I eat lots of rinds. Dr Adkins diet is a healthy one, and it has been prove to me by my own experience. Remember you have to stick to his diet instructions.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Spring Brings Happiness And Anxiety"

Jean's Comment's: "Spring Brings Happiness And Anxiety":                              Showing buds on neighbor's fruit tree. 1-10-2018 Perryton, TX I believe this is the third week of winter,...

"Spring Brings Happiness And Anxiety"

                             Showing buds on neighbor's fruit tree. 1-10-2018 Perryton, TX

I believe this is the third week of winter, and the trees are already starting to bud. I took a picture of my neighbor’s little tree so everyone can see themselves the buds on the limbs. This is so unusual. Chances are when the buds open up, and blossoms come on, a hard freeze will come and kill all the fruit again. If the weather stays like this it won’t be but a few days till blossoms will appear. I wish we could be lucky enough to have bad weather over with, and spring time come early. The birds act like spring is here. They were flying around like kites in a high wind. Singing their merry little songs.

While we wait for spring to fully develop, and leave us with no more fear of freezing weather, we cannot say that about our freedom. Nothing can assure us of safety, and freedom whatever the season. I truly believe that every day brings us new, disgraceful sights that we never thought possible. How could it be serious for women to decide to wear all black dresses to the Golden Gloves Event to make men more aware of sexual misconduct? I believe every woman I saw on television was showing more of their nakedness, in black garments, than I’ve seen on any sexy event. Don’t try to tell me that women are that stupid. They are that evil, and I can’t believe my eyes. If one of these women should ever get elected for our president, God help us. The hell fire will already be started. Just how close are we to that possibility? You will find this prophesy in the book of Revelations chapter 6, 15-17. The wrath of God is sure and certain. So help me God, let me never become as one of those women. I will argue with anyone that woman is the reason for sin on this earth. Even if I was Eve, I would still say that. Truth is truth, and one best not try to deny their guilt. What’s even worse is that they try to destroy every man with their deceitfulness. God made woman for man, from a man’s rib. Not man for woman, which is what women seem to think today. Since God made woman for man it is natural that men desire women. Many women of this day desire man for his power or money. They use their female body to get what they want. A chance to sue or pay up. Let me be clear. Some women are not trying to rob a man of his money, but are fooled (not by the man) but by themselves, into thinking a man will love them if they give their body to him. This is hardly ever the case. If I were a man I don’t think I would want a woman that other men had used. Where did the Godly teachings of our ancestors go? Has most everyone turned into an atheist?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Jean's Comment's: "Beauty Before The Beast"

Jean's Comment's: "Beauty Before The Beast":     The sun is directly in the center of pic between two buildings. 1-10-2018 Perryton, TX I beat the sun up by thirty minutes this morn...

"Beauty Before The Beast"

    The sun is directly in the center of pic between two buildings. 1-10-2018 Perryton, TX

I beat the sun up by thirty minutes this morning. It was throwing off light all across the eastern sky. A lovely sight to be seen. Another day of happiness and praise is in store for me. I decided not to skip breakfast and had ham, eggs, and a biscuit, with a juicy orange. I chose breakfast instead of going to the Center where I would have eaten a big lunch of high calorie food. Sometimes we have to give up a few things in order to stay fit. also to keep our own house work done.

It’s been awhile since I’ve given any opinions about the latest happenings on the news. Where do I start, there’s been so much? First of all I think there is too much time being wasted on charging several people with crimes that are evident breaches to our national security. How long, and how much more, has to happen before any charges will be made? Has America lost all control of her justice system? I say yes to this question, and I have doubts that it will ever be restored. The commander-in-chief of this nation is being ignored like a dead bird. Every morning he gets up fighting to hold the peace not only in other countries, but our own country of America. Nothing less than a civil war is happening right now in America. Our President is winning many important issues, but when he wins one two more rise up against him. How much longer will it be before the American citizens decide to take up arms in defense of our country? I understand we have a President who is backed by God, and a lot of other Godly members, but how long can human bodies take the fire from multiple enemies, both far and near,  without firing back. This is definitely a war against good, and evil. The evil far out numbers the good, but they do not have the Almighty God on their side. I’m one of those who can’t do much but pray, but I certainly do a lot of that. Our President, and Vise President are two of the most Godly, intelligent people on earth. If I ever had to take up arms to protect them I think I could. I’m 84, but my husband taught me how to use a firearm. That is saying a lot for a person who can’t even kill a bird. I hope everyone realizes we are not only fighting for America, we are fighting for God. He does expect us to prove ourselves if that time ever comes. For any who have read the bible very much, you will see what I’m talking about. The New Testament was written for peace on earth, but the Old Testament is still part of the bible for a reason. It is to be studied, and taken as a reality in past, and future times. Prophesy has to be filled. It’s time for deadbeat people to turn to God, and plead for mercy.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "The Tree That Wouldn't Stay Home"

Jean's Comment's: "The Tree That Wouldn't Stay Home": Chuck's tree would be a beautiful tree if it would stay off the neighbor's property. 1-9-2018 Perryton, TX My son’s evergreen tr...

"The Tree That Wouldn't Stay Home"

Chuck's tree would be a beautiful tree if it would stay off the neighbor's property. 1-9-2018 Perryton, TX

My son’s evergreen tree would be very pretty if it just wouldn’t keep reaching out to the neighbors. They don’t want it’s help, and they whack off the limbs every time they cross their property line. Chuck likes the tree without cutting any of it’s growth off. He would let the tree grow inside his front door if it ever reaches that point. Therefore the poor evergreen is lopsided, and slightly ugly. I’ve ask him to cut it down, but after fifty years of growth he won’t hear to it. He is a lover of nature in every respect. And it’s been said that he could make a hoe handle grow. I have to partly agree to that. Come spring he will have all kinds of specially ordered plants, and garden stuff growing everywhere. That’s all it takes to make him happy. I must say he has helped me a lot since my husband passed away. I was at his house this morning helping him with a chore.

Today has been the warmest day we’ve had in a long time. I worked some out side in my shirt sleeves. I have to be happy, and even excited about that, after a few very, below freezing, days around the new year. These past few nice days have lifted my spirit’s a lot. I had a trying day yesterday because so many of my friends, and family, had the flue, and I couldn’t reach some of them. Even when the weather is beautiful I still want my friends to be well. I finally heard from some of them, and I was feeling a lot better myself this morning. God never leaves us in a worry mode for long. How great God is.

I have had a busy day today, so I feel lucky to be putting even a few trivial words on for my blog. I came home and put dinner on to cook before I started my blog. I have meatloaf, mashed potatoes. Cole slaw, and green beans. Chuck had to go to the doctor in Amarillo today, so I felt like he needed a hot meal when he gets home. I have not seen any news today, so I’m planning on tuning into that for the rest of the evening. After that a hot bubble bath, and p j’s will put me to bed in comfort and rest.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, January 8, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "How Old Is The Sun"

Jean's Comment's: "How Old Is The Sun":                  The sun didn't stay hid for long. It lights up my world. 1-8-2018 Perryton, TX Today is a most beautiful day. The s...

"How Old Is The Sun"

                 The sun didn't stay hid for long. It lights up my world. 1-8-2018 Perryton, TX

Today is a most beautiful day. The sun is so bright, and not a trace of wind. At 10 o’clock the temperature is already in the fifties. We know the weather is going to be wishy-washy until spring, but at least it refreshes our hopes when we see this bright, friendly, sun with rays reaching out every direction. I am so glad to be living in this part of the world. The winters here are mild compared to other places. I have a nice, long, black coat hanging in my closet that I’ve had for about twelve years. I have worn it less than a half a dozen times. I really don’t like to bundle up, but if I felt the need to I would. I have the things to do that just in case.

Today also seems to be one of those days when nothing wants to make an impression on my mind. I think it is one of those times when I need to get away by myself again for awhile. Really my mind is going in many directions, but does not want to settle on any spot. Nothing but the Spirit of God can bring this to a stop. I have two special people in my life whom I’m concerned about, and can’t reach neither of them this morning. This is such an unusual situation, till I can’t relax, yet I know there is nothing else to do. I do believe God sometimes takes us out of situations like this for a reason. It somehow gives us time to think, and realize that He is the one handling the problems. I also have some family members, and friends who are sick with the flu, and that concerns me. What if their immune system is too low to get them through this illness? What if I don’t get notified if things get worse? What would I do if I lose some of these dear ones? The list of what if’s goes on and on. I realize that I cannot ask God for a miracle in just easing my worries. I do trust Him, and the rest is up to Him. I will wait for the wheel of good fortune to stop, and hopefully it will land on a bonus.

I will also hide my guilt while I have my lunch of sour kraut with polish sausage, baked potato with melted cheese and sour cream, brown beans with a big piece of cornbread, and a dish of banana pudding. I need this appetite  wheel to stop spinning also. The holidays are still trying to hang on. If I ever get my good eating habit restored I think everything else will balance out. I keep teetering with five pounds of weight gain, and I want it to go away forever. I’ve always heard one must first get the plank out of their own eye before they try to get the splinter out of someone else’s eye. This is a bible quote, and it could cover a lot of territory. I may have to go to my optometrist and have that procedure done.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp