Wednesday, January 24, 2018

"Reclaim Your Beauty"

     Sad to see the results of neglect to something dear to our hearts. 1-24-2018 Perryton, TX

I noticed for the first time in a long time this morning, the neglect of one of my favorite flower arrangements. It has sat by the side of my china cabinet, adding grace and charm to my dear soul, for quite some time. I was suddenly shocked this morning when I noticed the unattractiveness of this arrangement. I suppose due to movement it gets from being in a place where we adjust the heater/air conditioner right above it, that some of the nice filler/flowers got disarranged. Other reasons include night light above it with a lot of heat falling down to it’s fragile silk objects. But most of all it suffered from simple neglect. As the owner of this arrangement I am responsible to keep it dusted, move the flowers, leaves, and other objects back in place if they become displaced, and most of all give it more attention .

I think the lesson I learned this morning was that we so often neglect the very things that God gave us to make us happy. Family, friends, security, health, self appearance, thoughts of others, and on, and on. How many of us pray each day for each one of these things I mentioned?  Do we call out the names, the things we want God to do for them, and the reasons we think they are worthy of it? Do we continue to do this on a regular basis till we see the answer? Not much is going to happen to make us happy if we don’t first put forth an effort. Our family members, and friends are not going to be convinced that we love them unless we show them in some way. We cannot just tell them we love them, we must pay more attention to their needs. They get disarranged every day by knocks, and heated advise, from someone who should not be giving it in the first place. They become limp, dull, and unattractive. They need attention, but with tender loving care.

Our security, and health, depends upon we, ourselves using the good mind God gave us, and not neglecting to act upon it. Otherwise we may lose that good mind, and be unfit to care for ourselves. Like the flower arraignment,  we will have to let someone else rearrange us. I have found it most unlikely to keep my appearance up since retirement. Why do I want to bath every day, and fix my hair when no one is going to see me? I don’t need to be pretty to watch television, or spend time on the computer. But after all, I need to be pleased with me, when I look into the mirror. If I neglect that need, I will not be pleasant for God to look at. Proverbs 17:22 KJV.  A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones. The one most important of all these demands is be thoughtful of others. Not just some, but all. We cannot pick, and choose, who we want to smile at. Anyone who we meet on the street, whether we know them or not, deserves a smile from us. God will decide if that smile was legitimate, so we must not judge by appearance. Of course there are some rules to this duty, but be careful how you judge. The same goes for a compliment. If it is not genuine, don’t say it. A smile is better than a compliment, if both are fake. We must look for ways to help the down, and out.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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