Wednesday, January 31, 2018

"Rock On My Friends"

                      A rock of ages resting at son, Chuck;s, house. 1-31-2018 Perryton, TX

Another piece of natural art I discovered at my son, Chuck’s, house is this huge rock resting against a tree trump. It is much bigger than appears in this picture. The dark mark across it is a shadow. Chuck had this rock hauled to his house because it has a history behind it, but I don’t have that history yet. He had planned to display it, but he would have to hire a tractor with a lift to move it around. Due to his bad health he probably won’t ever do anything with it. In fact there are two big rocks. The other is not as heavy, and it is lying flat on the ground by the side of the big one. I am guessing the big rock weighs at least 500 pounds. It is solid with some kind of metal running through it. My son has a great love for the facts of nature. I think he got that from me. The rock could be several thousand years old. I did learn it came here from some place in New Mexico. Rock on my dear love. You are here to stay. We will call you “The Rock Of Ages.” 

The lunch at the Center was very nice today. The menu was chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, and salad. The desert was cherry cheese cake. Everything was perfect, due to some very good cooks. I got to see my secret love, although he don’t know it either. I did see out of the corner of my eye, he was looking at me. I don’t have macula degeneration, but I can see well out of the corners of my eyes. If our health holds out we may look each other straight in the eyes someday. I think I would enjoy that more than looking at a bald head. Thank you Lord for helping me keep my secret. The six ladies that sit at our table are tops for fun and jollity. We do not allow gloom to sit at our table. Anyone who has a partner named Arthur leaves him at home. Those who have a partner named Payne, has to stay home also. Only those named Tom, Dick, or Harry get to come to the Center. When Jolly leaves, we leave too. Sometimes that’s a quite awhile after we finish our meal. I have some good advise for widows. Do not grow old sitting at home. Get out and find a secret love. There are plenty of widower’s who are looking for secret lovers also. The old song is so true to all of us oldies. “Ain’t she sweet walking down the street, well I ask you very confidently, ain’t she sweet?” We sing this old song a lot at Happy Timers. We no longer sing “A bicycle buit for two.” We sing an icicle made from two.” Not too bad if we wrap up good.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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