Friday, January 12, 2018

"Who Turned The Heeater Off"

Remember this little tree I posted 2 days ago with the buds starting to pop out? Sure enough that same night we got a lot of snow and 10 degree temperature weather. 1-12-2018 Perryton, TX
             Maybe there's hope since the buds were just barely showing. 1-12-2018 Perryton, TX

The roads had ice on them all day yesterday, and still so this morning. Driving is hazardous. Several days prior to this ice we had spring weather, and the trees had started budding out. We are hoping that the buds were not far enough along that the fruit will be killed. There is a slim chance we will have fruit this year in Perryton, Texas. What an unpredictable speck on the globe this place is. Over all it is a very nice area to live a happy, and secure life. I’m thankful that we came here 63 years ago. There are some other disadvantages such as zero competition in many areas of business. For a city of about 9,000 population, it’s hard to understand why we have only one new auto company, and there certainly is a lot of non satisfaction expressed in the service department of this Buick place. The closest other place for a new model car service is fifty miles away. Electricians, and plumbers, are two more much needed areas for competition. There is no want for nice motels here, but can’t say that about eating places. It would take a genus to figure out the cause for so many things lacking in Perryton, Texas. The school system is superior, and the oil drilling is nominal, but the churches are in need of more enthusiastic members. The crime rate is low, and of lesser charges, but the taxes have gone up the past few years to the extreme. I give reason for this tax increase to unqualified city leaders. After saying all of this I feel like we live in a great city for an average family to live a normal life. In most cases a person can drive from two to three miles and be at any location they need to be. Home, work, hospital, school, church or any other place of need to go. This is phenomenal compared to my granddaughter living in Houston, Texas may have to drive as far as fifty miles one way to work at a hospital. We can be happy living with a few disadvantages if we set our minds to it.

I can also lose the other three pounds of weight I gained over the holidays if I set my mind to it. I have done that and am enjoying my breakfast of bacon and eggs, and a delicious salad with chicken or turkey for lunch and dinner. A pound a day is what it produces as long as you drink lots of water. Believe me you want have any problem drinking water if you stick to this diet. You can even add boiled eggs to your salad. No limit to how many eggs you can eat per day. Pork rinds are a must if you like crackers with your salad which I do. I eat lots of rinds. Dr Adkins diet is a healthy one, and it has been prove to me by my own experience. Remember you have to stick to his diet instructions.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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