Monday, January 8, 2018

"How Old Is The Sun"

                 The sun didn't stay hid for long. It lights up my world. 1-8-2018 Perryton, TX

Today is a most beautiful day. The sun is so bright, and not a trace of wind. At 10 o’clock the temperature is already in the fifties. We know the weather is going to be wishy-washy until spring, but at least it refreshes our hopes when we see this bright, friendly, sun with rays reaching out every direction. I am so glad to be living in this part of the world. The winters here are mild compared to other places. I have a nice, long, black coat hanging in my closet that I’ve had for about twelve years. I have worn it less than a half a dozen times. I really don’t like to bundle up, but if I felt the need to I would. I have the things to do that just in case.

Today also seems to be one of those days when nothing wants to make an impression on my mind. I think it is one of those times when I need to get away by myself again for awhile. Really my mind is going in many directions, but does not want to settle on any spot. Nothing but the Spirit of God can bring this to a stop. I have two special people in my life whom I’m concerned about, and can’t reach neither of them this morning. This is such an unusual situation, till I can’t relax, yet I know there is nothing else to do. I do believe God sometimes takes us out of situations like this for a reason. It somehow gives us time to think, and realize that He is the one handling the problems. I also have some family members, and friends who are sick with the flu, and that concerns me. What if their immune system is too low to get them through this illness? What if I don’t get notified if things get worse? What would I do if I lose some of these dear ones? The list of what if’s goes on and on. I realize that I cannot ask God for a miracle in just easing my worries. I do trust Him, and the rest is up to Him. I will wait for the wheel of good fortune to stop, and hopefully it will land on a bonus.

I will also hide my guilt while I have my lunch of sour kraut with polish sausage, baked potato with melted cheese and sour cream, brown beans with a big piece of cornbread, and a dish of banana pudding. I need this appetite  wheel to stop spinning also. The holidays are still trying to hang on. If I ever get my good eating habit restored I think everything else will balance out. I keep teetering with five pounds of weight gain, and I want it to go away forever. I’ve always heard one must first get the plank out of their own eye before they try to get the splinter out of someone else’s eye. This is a bible quote, and it could cover a lot of territory. I may have to go to my optometrist and have that procedure done.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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